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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coming Soon...
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    Cop Joe navigates a tense Thanksgiving dinner with his entirefamily. Music Joe battles his feelings of betrayal in order tohelp Amy's campaign. Nurse Joe and Jenny decide to finally hireoutside help for Chris as they prepare to spend their firstThanksgiving apart from each other.
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    Keisha hears the truth about the day she lost her sister,moving her to take a chance. Shanice and Andre enjoy a day out.Hayden and Mariah grow closer.
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    Murdoch and company's Christmas at an idyllic country estateturns potentially deadly.
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    The Top 11 artists perform songs selected by the fans in frontof coaches Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, Ariana Grande andBlake Shelton for their chance at a spot in the Top 10.
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    Coming Soon...
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    When Spencer receives some unsettling news about his future,Billy helps devise a contingency plan for him. Layla makesPatience an offer she wasn't expecting, forcing Patience tohave a long overdue conversation with Coop. With theencouragement of Nurse Joy, Olivia contemplates taking on anew role in NA. Meanwhile, Asher's unwelcome football advicehelps JJ in an unexpected way.
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    Murdoch suspects the murder of a nasty, satirical cartoonisthas links to city politics.
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    I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (UK) 21x3 - Episode 3
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    The Great British Bake Off 12x10 - Episode 10
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    People Puzzler 2x42 - TBA
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    Al recruits reinforcements to get truckers moving: Dylan facesa heavy breakdown on a remote job; Merv pilots a warplanethrough a city while Brian and Greg grapple with a mysteriousload.
  13. until
    Music Joe struggles to support Amy through a devastating loss.After Cop Joe and Amy's decision to turn Bobby in, they bothface unexpected blowback. Nurse Joe helps someone from hispast. Jenny tries to impress her law professor.
  14. until
    After visiting a possible wedding venue, Shaun and Lea happenupon a terrible car accident and discover Alma, a youngpregnant mother who has been badly injured and needs immediatemedical attention. Back at St. Bonaventure, Alma's conditionworsens, and Shaun and Drs. Lim and Jordan are forced todeliver the baby prematurely. Meanwhile, Dr. Glassman isapprehensive when a figure from his past reaches out for help.
  15. until
    Keisha hears the truth about the day she lost her sister,moving her to take a chance. Shanice and Andre enjoy a dayout, meanwhile, Hayden and Mariah grow closer.
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    Eddie deals with his relationship fallout as Jake and Rayna tryto figure out their feelings after Jake's revelation. Afterlosing his walkie, Fraser starts to feel like he's failing inhis job while Jessica gets upsetting news from back home. Thedeckhands make yet another mistake that pushes Captain Lee andEddie to their breaking points.
  17. until
    Houston wide receiver Stefon Diggs will take on his youngerbrother, Dallas cornerback Trevon Diggs, for the first timein their NFL careers – both as active roster members.
  18. until
    In a nod to the day after Thanksgiving, host Jesse Palmer asksthe bakers to use Black Friday kitchen gadgets like aspiralizer or an espresso machine to make desserts. For themain heat, the competitors work in teams to create cornucopiabread baskets filled with flavored holiday breads and add tastydips and spreads on the side to impress judges Nancy Fuller,Duff Goldman and Carla Hall. In the end, one baker iseliminated.
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    This season's remaining four couples will dance and compete intheir final two rounds of dances in the live season finalewhere one will win the coveted Mirrorball Trophy.
  20. until
    Bobby and the 118 race to the rescue when an abandoned oil wellerupts and causes a massive sinkhole in downtown LA. Athenainvestigates a 30-year-old cold case involving a casinorobbery. Buck fears his relationship with Taylor might beending, and Hen meets a man from her mother, Toni's, past.
  21. until
    WWE Monday Night RAW 28x47 - #1487 - Barclays Center inBrooklyn, NY
  22. until
    From Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, Tennessee.
  23. until
    Laura Rutledge, Tim Tebow, Roman Harper, Jordan Rodgers andPaul Finebaum get viewers ready for the day's games live froman SEC campus.
  24. until
    Top college football games from the Big 12, Big Ten and Pac-12conferences, beginning each Saturday with the brand-new BigNoon Kickoff pregame show on Fox.
  25. until
    Rece Davis, Lee Corso, Kirk Herbstreit and Desmond Howardprovide game angles, previews and analysis.
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