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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    John seeks revenge with help from some unexpected allies. Kaycesolves a problem with an unconventional method. Beth givesCarter his options. Jimmy prepares for a change.
  2. until
    Kendall and the Waystar team find themselves working togetherat the annual shareholders' meeting, where Logan's healthtakes a turn.
  3. until
    The Simpsons 33x7 - A Serious Flanders (2)
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    Shark Tank 13x6 - Episode 6
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    Riley struggles with his disability rating as he prepares tomeet up with some military buddies for Veterans Day; withArt's help, Lizzie finally opens a box of her fiance'sbelongings.
  6. until
    Teen Mom: Young + Pregnant 3x10 - Come Correct
  7. until
    With host Suzy Kolber and analysts Booger McFarland, RandyMoss and Steve Young. The crew reviews Sunday's games and looksahead to the MNF matchup while updating fans on the latestleague news.
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    Curb Your Enthusiasm 11x4 - The Watermelon
  10. until
    After the authorities leave Beauty Lab, shocked, the ladiesmove forward with their girls' trip. Back in Salt Lake City,Jen faces charges brought against her and the women are leftquestioning if they really know her at all.
  11. until
    Issa treads awkward waters with her new man and plays defenseagainst online attacks, while Molly juggles multiple suitors.
  12. until
    Lois and her father attend the funeral of Lois' childhoodnanny. Meanwhile, Peter and the rest of the family turnPewterschmidt mansion into a hotel.
  13. until
    Dexter 9x2 - Storm of ****
  14. until
    American Monster 6x14 - By Design
  15. until
    Linda and the girls attempt to build a loft bed for Louise injust one day. Meanwhile, Bob and Gene host a group of gamersand their tabletop role-playing game.
  16. until
    American Monster 7x4 - By Design
  17. until
    Jackie and Ray both realize a distressing truth. Frankie feelsthreatened and Renee proves herself to be ruthless.
  18. until
    Joe is lured back into the danger zone when he suspects thatBob's killer and mole may be the same person.
  19. until
    Dwight and Sherry's code and future come into question whenthey are tasked with retrieving someone.
  20. until
    Ham is assigned an after-school job at a restaurant as part of"Careers Week," and gets an unexpected surprise. Meanwhile,Moon develops a crush on an older woman.
  21. until
    This episode's celebrity contestants include Vivica A. Fox(playing for Alexandria House & Best BuddiesInternational), Michelle Trachtenberg (playing forGood+Foundation) and Jason Mraz (playing for True ColorsUnited).
  22. until
    The Great Canadian Baking Show 5x5 - Episode 5
  23. until
    Heartland 15x5 - Blood and Water
  24. until
    General Hospital 255x212 - Ep. #15583
  25. until
    General Hospital 255x211 - Ep. #15582
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