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Everything posted by Midnight

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    A struggling writer, his pregnant wife, and their daughtermove to an isolated beach town for the winter. Once they'resettled in, the town's true residents begin to make themselvesknown.
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    In addition to fighting fires, firehouse cooks keep theirfellow heroes at their fire stations well-fed. Guy Fieri soundsthe alarm as four talented firehouse cooks compete inFlavortown Market. First, they must grab all the ingredientsthey need - with just their bare hands - to make a cheesycomfort dinner. Then, they must create an internationalfirehouse favorite using strange ingredients showcased in a5-alarm red-light special. Things heat up when the winningfirefighter must choose between a big money shopping spree or amystery jumbo check!
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    While helping Eric deal with his PTSD, Archie is forced toconfront his own past trauma in the Army. To find the LonelyHighway killer, Betty and Tabitha come up with a way to luretruckers to Pop's. Cheryl extends an invitation to Kevin andVeronica gives Reggie a shot to prove her wrong.
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    Dominique Crenn, the only female chef in America to attainthree Michelin Stars, visits the MasterChef kitchen with abrand-new team challenge - the cooks must pair up and make thesame exact dish... without being able to see one another.
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    Alexa's personal and professional lives collide when sheinvestigates the death of a drag queen whose career was on therise.
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    With only 3 left in the competition, the participants struggleto claim the 0,000 prize. While some continue to deal withthe mental game, a new predator threatens a survivalist'slongevity.
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    After 12 years, Kailan is finally ready to take her on-againoff-again relationship with Jordan to the next level. But thatall comes to a head when Nev & Kamie discover the manKailan's been in love with is not a man at all.
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    Alexa's investigation into the death of a surfing championtakes her back to an old childhood haunt.
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    While some participants continue to work on new ideas to gaincalories, others hunker down to try and last as long as theycan; with the struggle to procure food this late in thecompetition, the threat of being pulled out becomes all themore real.
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    Aulus struggles to remain in control now that Hemple is on thescene. The Druids are splintered by the betrayal of the ChosenOne.
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    Benny tries to become a hero to a Native American tribe.
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    An Arctic storm blasts the fleet as Sig ventures to deep watershe hasn't fished in 17 years. Johnathan steers the Time Banditinto 30-foot waves in a hail Mary run toward Russia. CaptainKeith attempts a risky maneuver to save the Wizard's pots.
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    Flamboyant, eccentric Eileen wants to spend time with herestranged daughter and her family, but they refuse to see her.Meanwhile, disillusioned physics professor Charles wants toknow if there is something more out there.
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    In the season finale, the Camarilla brings the fight to FortSalem. Raelle, Abigail, Tally and their allies are forced tomake impossible, world-changing choices.
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    As Supergirl and Zor-El make their return to National City,they are determined to keep the Phantom Zone behind them andenjoy being superheroes together. Unfortunately, theiroverzealous efforts backfire, creating a whole new threat toNational City.
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    After getting a taste of the superhero life, Mike pleads withPat to let him join the team. Elsewhere, after seeking helpfrom Thunderbolt, the JSA prepare for a confrontation with TheShade.
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