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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
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    The Starr Report brings the world to a standstill. ThePresident is impeached. Linda faces the aftermath of herdecisions, Paula makes desperate choices, and Monicaconsiders how to move on with her life.
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    Brianna faces some unexpected emotions and circumstances in herhome life, but she finds support amongst her Queens.Meanwhile, Jill continues to struggle with her romanticrelationships, and Naomi grapples with the truth behind theidentity of JoJo's father.
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    The team must track down a shooter targeting detectives fromthe same precinct and unit, while facing mounting tension fromthe NYPD. Also, Tiffany finds that her NYPD roots may beinfluencing her view of the situation.
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    When a chaotic superstorm hits the clearing, a structuralcollapse puts Marybeth and Lucas' lives in danger. Eve, stillat odds with everyone, tries to make amends by leading theeffort to dig them out. Gavin embarks on a journey into hispast.
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    The family gathers around Teddy after his latest healthcrisis, as Angela and Leah bond over their newfound commonenemy Alex, who makes a move to win back Raymond. Meanwhile,Tyrique looks to Aunt Piggy for answers about his father.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Supergirl is joined by familiar faces from the past to help herstop Lex and Nyxly for good. Meanwhile, Alex and Kelly prepareto walk down the aisle.
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    A new group of interns, which include Billie's son, Trevor,start their first day with Devon at Chastain. Kit and Bell tryto convince Conrad to come back to Chastain and The Raptor'smom ends up back in the ER. Meanwhile, Leela and Padma dealwith an unexpected visit from their parents.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Supergirl and the super friends take drastic action after aloved one is kidnapped by Nyxly and Lex. An unlikely ally stepsin to help the team.
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    Hoping to open hearts and minds in Evansville, IN, Bob,Eureka, and Shangela help Methodist Pastor Craig promote LGBTQequality to his congregants, inspire Tunisian refugee Kaïs tocelebrate all facets of his identity, and facilitate thelong-overdue wedding of civil rights activists Barbara andYvon.
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    WWE Monday Night RAW 28x45 - #1485 - KFC Yum! Center inLouisville, KY
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    The Top 20 artists perform in front of coaches Kelly Clarkson,John Legend, Ariana Grande and Blake Shelton for their chanceat a spot in the Top 13.
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    Everything seems like business as usual in West Covina, untila crazy-looking vintage Mercury Zephyr pulls up, revealing anold friend. Darrell and his buddy stumble over the ultimateSketch artist. Ivy and his son can't seem to pick a lane,while Kenny and company find the time to make it allworthwhile.
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    Wheeler Dealers (2003) 17x9 - Mitsubishi Evo 7
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    The Great British Bake Off 12x8 - Free-From Week
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    Scott is dealt polar opposites in a surprise storm: Big Johntakes on a tractor buried in big timber; Merv gets a mangledholiday surprise; James Luke takes the next generation on atow; an old friend brings a special gift for Jamie.
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    The Good Doctor 5x6 - One Heart
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    When a Navy petty officer is murdered, Jane and the teaminvestigate while protecting the victim's friend and colleague.
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    NCIS investigates the death of a man on a cruise ship whosebody is discovered in the ship's sauna by none other thanMcGee's mother-in-law, Judy.
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    Corner Gas Animated 4x14 - Episode 14
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    LaDonna signs up for fifteen more minutes of fame but quicklyrealizes she doesn't have the clout she once had, so she turnsto an unlikely source to help further her agenda, meanwhileJharrell picks an inopportune time to speak his truth, and itmay cost him dearly. Andre is eager to get back to medicinewhile everyone is eager to feel a bit of normalcy again.Shanice takes a step towards repairing her relationship withher daughter and Hayden and Mildred enjoy an impromptucelebration.
  25. until
    With the show down a few essential cast members, Wayne decidesto hold an old-fashioned lock down to bring everyone together.Justin, who is being forced to help his father in his time ofneed, faces much-needed reflection on their rockyrelationship, and Reggie tries his best to navigate his newsituation with a cocky rookie. Meanwhile, Paula figures outhow to move forward with her health and Nick and Monica work ontheir relationship.
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