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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    As Halloween draws near, Calvin tries to determine what'sbehind the sudden strange occurrences at the Butlers' house.Also, Gemma and Tina question if their days of sexy costumesshould be behind them.
  2. until
    They will rock you! It's Queen Night on "Dancing with theStars," and the nine remaining couples return for another weekin the ballroom to compete for the coveted Mirrorball Trophy.
  3. until
    Actress Emily Blunt: actor Jonathan Majors: actor MurrayBartlett
  4. until
    Murdoch Mysteries 15x7 - The Incorrigible Dr. Ogden
  5. until
    AEW Dark: Elevation 1x34 - AEW Dark: Elevation 34
  6. until
    With host Suzy Kolber and analysts Booger McFarland, RandyMoss and Steve Young. The crew reviews Sunday's games and looksahead to the MNF matchup while updating fans on the latestleague news.
  7. until
    Last Week Tonight With John Oliver 8x27 - Episode 236
  8. until
    Desus Nice and The Kid Mero sound off on pop culture,politics, sports and more. Illustrious guest: Baby Keem
  9. until
    AEW Dark: Elevation 1x35 - AEW Dark: Elevation 35
  10. until
    A discovery in Larry's backyard threatens to derail his latestcreative venture, while a clumsy mishap threatens the futureof his latest romance. Albert Brooks hosts an unprecedentedevent, and Leon makes arrangements for an upcoming trip.
  11. until
    Last Week Tonight With John Oliver 8x28 - Episode 237
  12. until
    Desus Nice and The Kid Mero sound off on pop culture,politics, sports and more. Illustrious guest: Yvonne Orji.
  13. until
    Larry is forced to attend an ill-fated work meeting andinvestigates the truth behind a faulty toilet. Determined tounravel a mystery of his own, Jeff employs Larry's detectiveskills.
  14. until
    American Rust 1x7 - Blue Mountains
  15. until
    Insecure 5x1 - Reunited, Okay?
  16. until
    American Rust 1x8 - St. Sebastian
  17. until
    When Peter and Quagmire accidentally switch underwear, theybegin to mimic the other's behavior. Meanwhile, Stewie andDoug agree to commit each other's murders.
  18. until
    Despite her now thriving business, Issa struggles to find herfooting and turns to an old friend for support. Meanwhile,Molly contemplates jumping back into the dating pool.
  19. until
    Sam and Kilbride clash when a case involving an arms dealerresponsible for the slaughter of ATF agents leads them to awell-connected colonel and friend of Kilbride, accused ofsupplying militia groups with guns. Also, Kensi and Fatima goundercover at a rehab facility to question the arms dealer'sgirlfriend.
  20. until
    The Raneys bring some homesteading mastery to a Vermont couplewho start but rarely finish big projects. Marty creates viableaccess through dense terrain, Misty builds an undergroundgarden and Matt bear-proofs the homestead with ingeniousbuilds.
  21. until
    The Raneys find an Idaho family struggling to survive in ageodesic dome home on the edge of a cliff. While Marty bringsthem water and Misty builds an innovative garden greenhouse,Matt and a local tracker corner a dangerous predator in a tree.
  22. until
    As Callen continues hunting Katya, Kilbride enlists NCIS tohelp find a truckload of stolen guns. The assignment becomesmore challenging when their suspect, the son of a mob bossthey believe was planning to sell them, is found dead.
  23. until
    American Monster 6x11 - He Was Her Everything
  24. until
    American Monster 6x12 - Unlucky in Love
  25. until
    Gene has a freak-out about growing up and desperately tries torelive his youth. Meanwhile, Linda is tempted to try the fancynew hair salon that opened up next to Bob's Burgers, but she'sscared of her hairdresser-slash-friend Gretchen's wrath.
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