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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Jimmy welcomes comic Jerry Seinfeld, actor Léa Seydoux, anda musical performance by Twice.
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    We're counting down the world's top ten alien encounters, fromthe first reported abduction event to mass UFO sightings overNew York's Hudson Valley to an incident in ancient Rome thatchanged the course of human history. Could these incredibleaccounts be actual encounters with visitors from the stars?
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    James welcomes actor Andy Serkis and actress Beth Behrs.
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    The nine duos create a dish with an accompanying viral video:in their first team challenge, they must collaborate with theother duos to create a menu featuring sustainable seafood forguest judges Michael Cimarusti and Claudette Zepeda.
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    A casual visit to a tarot card reader named Nora leads Rosa tobelieve her long-lost fraternal twin sister is alive - andnearby.
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    Jimmy welcomes actor Jeff Daniels, actress Chloe Fineman, anda musical performance by The Flaming Lips.
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    The fate of a struggling young widow causes difficulties forJames and Helen's burgeoning romance. Meanwhile, Siegfried hasanother scheme to whip Tristan into shape, and a visit fromTricki Woo causes chaos in Skeldale House.
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    James welcomes TV personality Tyra Banks and actor Leslie OdomJr.
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    Jimmy welcomes singer Maluma, actor Michael Gandolfini, and amusical performance by Giveon.
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    Danny wants to fix up and flip a 1978 Lincoln Continental TownCar. That is, if he can bring himself to let it go.Meanwhile, Danny's crew answers the call of duty andtransforms a 1954 Oldsmobile Rocket 88 into an old schoolpolice car.
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    Things get a little hot in the kitchen when Tom considersghostwriting a memoir for a celebrity chef. Connor startsdating a woke friend of Sarah and Denise's who makes asurprising impact on him.
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    With season 16 nearing full-time, the ALOTO gang pull out someof the best unseen moments of the series that never made it toair.
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    Doctor Finnix begins to taper Betsy off OxyContin, Bridgetsees the toll the drug is taking on communities, Rick andRandy investigate the world of "pain societies",and with sales climbing, Richard Sackler makes bigger plansfor his new drug.
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    OxyContin is on the market but faces a potential threat,Purdue's vast influence reaches the town of Finch Creek,Bridget steps outside her DEA authority, and the criminalinvestigation of OxyContin begins.
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    Gary's past starts to affect his future with Darcy, whileEddie uncovers more from the night of his accident. Romereceives promising interest for his documentary, and Maggiegets a taste of workplace politics.
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    Hattie juggles working on her script, settling into a newplace, and trying to make it work with Ida B. Meanwhile, Niastarts her first day on Cocoa's Butter, and Marie questionsher relationship with Chuck, played by Jevon McFerrin.
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    Richard Sackler begins to launch a powerful new painkiller, arural doctor is introduced to the drug, a coal miner plans herfuture, a DEA Agent learns of blackmarket pills, and federalprosecutors decide to open a case into OxyContin.
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    Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle come to the aid of a formercolleague who is implicated in tampering with evidence. Maxineand the rest of the CSI team work the murder of a couple slainon their wedding day, following the evidence to the salaciousunderbelly of the Las Vegas elite.
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