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Everything posted by Midnight
untilComing Soon...
Queen Sugar 6x5 - Moving So Easily Through That Common Depth
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilComing Soon... -
New Amsterdam (2018) 4x3 - Same As it Ever Was
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilMax advises a young student at a science fair but encounterslegal complications with her brilliant invention. Bloomencourages Dr. Shinwari to be more aggressive in the ED. Iggygets a lesson in humility. Brantley has a surprise for thestaff. -
American Crime Story 3x5 - Do You Hear What I Hear?
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilAs Monica prepares to leave D.C., she grows concerned thatsomeone is sharing news about her affair. Linda meets with theFBI. -
untilWhen a judge known for serving harsh sentences to juveniles ismurdered, the team looks into his lengthy list of cases in thehunt for his killer. Also, Kristin faces family hurdles whileresettling with her teenage daughter in New York City.
FBI: International 1x3 - Secrets as Weapons
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilThe team investigates when the hijacking of millions worth ofcryptocurrency en route to a safety vault in Switzerland leavesan American transporter dead and another on the run. -
untilWith Josh's life on the line, Eve traverses the dangerouswilderness back to the clearing to save him. Desperate tokickstart a rescue mission, Gavin and Izzy work to prove thereare survivors alive inside the sinkhole as government agentstrack their every move.
Our Kind of People 1x3 - Hot Links & Red Drinks
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilAngela wants to make Nikki the face of Eve's Crown and forcesLeah's hand about the incubator program. Meanwhile, Raymondconfronts Teddy about getting his company back, and Piggy isconfronted by her past. Then, secrets are revealed when Laurenbrings her grandmother Rose to the annual Juneteenth RoseBall, where she reveals a family secret. -
untilAfter the team finds a connection between bombings atgovernment agencies and a private veterans' club in New YorkCity, Isobel tells OA to recruit his former Army buddy,Chris, for intel since he spends time at the club. However,knowing the difficulty soldiers like Chris often face returningto civilian life, OA is reluctant to follow orders.
untilLena is uncertain about using her magical abilities to helpSupergirl retrieve the second totem from Nyxly. Williamstruggles to write a story on the Super Friends that makes boththe heroes and Andrea happy. Meanwhile, Kelly is thrilled Esmehas found a new home, but things go awry and the little girl'sfuture is put in danger.
The Voice (US) 21x6 - The Blind Auditions, Part 6
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilAriana Grande, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Blake Sheltonvie to discover and coach the next singing phenomenon on thefinal night of Blind Auditions. -
DC's Stargirl 2x9 - Summer School: Chapter Nine
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilAs Eclipso takes aim at the Whitmore/Dugan's, Pat is remindedof painful memories from his past involving the original JSAand their fight to take down Eclipso. Meanwhile, Mike isforced to confront the guilt he feels for his role in Icicle'sdeath, and Barbara comes face to face with someone from herpast. Finally, Courtney struggles to hold onto hope afterEclipso targets those around her. -
The Resident 5x3 - The Long and Winding Road
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilWhen an accident brings a familiar patient into the ChastainER, the doctors must face the reality of figuring out how toproceed with the best care, which leads the whole staffquestioning every decision. Meanwhile, The Raptor and Leeladeal with a patient returning with the long-term effects ofCOVID -
untilAs the citywide blackout continues to cause mayhem in LosAngeles, Athena races to save her family from a tragedy.Meanwhile, Eddie must make a difficult choice about hisfuture, and Maddie makes a life-changing decision.
The Neighborhood 4x3 - Welcome to the Sister From AnotherMister
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilWhen Gemma hires Alexis to teach at her school, Tina suspectsthe new teacher may not be quite who she claims to be. Also,Calvin tries to save the community baseball field where hefirst taught Malcolm how to play. -
untilGibbs and Parker go on a road trip to find one of the serialkiller's victims. Also, Agent Knight goes undercover at alarge manufacturing company with ties to the murders.
The Voice (US) 21x5 - The Blind Auditions, Part 5
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilAriana Grande, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Blake Sheltonvie to discover and coach the next singing phenomenon on thefifth night of Blind Auditions. -
untilThe team are losing morale: it's highly unlikely Minstead Manwill appear again after such a close call, and thesurveillance may be cut short before they can catch theirculprit.
untilThe Force Tasking Group must decide whether to fund Colin'shigh stakes gamble. Not only is it expensive, but there'sabsolutely no guarantee it will work.
untilColin presents his review findings to DCS Hamish Campbell andsuggests a strategy called 'Minstead Lite'. But Hamish wantsColin to stay on to see this new approach through.
Silent Witness 24x10 - Matters of Life and Death, Part 2
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilStranded in the flooded care home, Jack and Simone fight tokeep the residents alive - but Nikki discovers that they may betrapped inside with the killer. -
untilComing Soon...
untilYorick, Agent 355 and Dr. Mann hit a snag on their way to SanFrancisco. As the search for 355 heats up, Jennifer clasheswith former cabinet secretary Regina Oliver, who has her eyeson the presidency. Hero is seduced by a charismatic leader,Roxanne, as Sam and Nora grapple with their place in adangerous group of survivors.
untilComing Soon...
untilCleaning Regina's gorgeous house on Thanksgiving, Aleximagines what it would be like to live in such luxury beforetaking the fantasy a step further.