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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Butch thinks he's being haunted by Dale's ghost!
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    When Lidia comes back from her Aunt's funeral, a surpriseinheritance starts a fight with her rival sister.
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    Annika and the team are tasked with solving the death of a man'everybody loved', who was thrown in the river from a partyboat.
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    With Jennifer and Yorick reunited, Agent 355 pitches a planfor what comes next. The dead President's daughter, Kimberly,circles Jennifer's secret. Meanwhile, Nora Brady and herdaughter Mack say goodbye to home.
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    After a mass casualty event wipes out every creature with a Ychromosome, President Jennifer Brown responds to the crisis.Yorick fears he may be the only survivor. Hero attempts toright a wrong.
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    On the eve of the worst crisis in human history, CongresswomanJennifer Brown clashes with the President. Her children Yorickand Hero reach an emotional crossroads. None of them know theirlives are about to change forever.
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    After a tense day of reflection and disclosure, Mira and herhusband Jonathan navigate the consequences of unexpected news.
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    Kirsten closes in on the killer, but their capture reveals thegrave threat that Vigil faces. On the submarine, Amy makes aterrifying discovery.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Following the brilliant forensic scientist Professor WolfeKinteh, as he pieces together the mysteries behind crimes inthe North East.
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    For prodigy Dr. Lahela 'Doogie' Kamealoha, juggling a buddingmedical career with the daily challenges of teenage life isnever easy. She's excited to celebrate her 16th birthday andexperience some of life's firsts, such as passing her driver'slicense test and attending a high school dance (with a cutesurfer named Walter!). However, her responsibilities at thehospital and her loving but overprotective parents, Benny andClara, are bound to disrupt her plans.
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    Eli and Lani take on a dangerous mission: Leo makes himself athome; Billie meets her match.
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    Will Butch finally win the top dog contest against Pluto? Notif Dale has anything to say about it!
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    Chip and Dale get involved with the wrong squirrel.
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    In an attempt to keep warm, Chip and Dale try to make friendswith some ducklings.
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    The team are called in when writer Cara Gibson is found deadunder a bridge. Her books ruined careers and left a lot oflives in tatters, but which of these people would be driven tomurder?
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    Makeovers take over when Ruby gives Otis a magnetic revamp andHope tones the school down. Way down. Elsewhere, Eric and Adamlook to level up.
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