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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Brooke helps Colin realize how his hyper-focus on the opinionsof others has long curtailed the development of his authenticself. After testing Brooke's boundaries, Colin makes anunusual request for their final session.
  2. until
    In a race against time to stop Teddy's plan, motives arerevealed and convictions are tested as Morgan and his alliesinfiltrate and make their way through the beached submarinethat holds the tools for Teddy's destruction.
  3. until
    Seven incredible food truck teams assemble at Fisherman's Wharfin the food capital of the United States, San Francisco, todo battle as Great Food Truck Race All-Stars. Host TylerFlorence challenges the food trucks -- Aloha Plate, The MiddleFeast, Seoul Sausage, The Lime Truck, Waffle Love, NOLACreations and Mystikka Masala -- to complete a special breadbowl challenge to uncover the keys to their trucks. The teamshead out to shop and sell for the first day of the intensecompetition. When these best-of-the-best teams face off, asmall decision has huge consequences and sends one all-starteam home.
  4. until
    As Luke Fox's life hangs in the balance, repercussions fromthe devastating event are the catalyst for some life-changingdecisions for those around him.
  5. until
    Wicked Tuna 10x15 - Rogue One
  6. until
    Tiff discovers a possible solution to her ongoing relationshipwoes with her new husband Emmett. Mayor Douda, Tracy and Trigdecide it's time to take community protection into their ownhands. Meanwhile, Kevin and Jemma hit a rough patch in theirrelationship.
  7. until
    With the house to himself, an energized Eladio shares the truedepth of his unlikely connection to Jeremy. But when herpatient shuts down on the heels of a compliment, Brooke helpsEladio sort through deep-rooted issues from his childhood.
  8. until
    Sam is excited to perform surgery on a star basketball player.Joy makes a discovery and decides to revive the MiddletonExchange tradition.
  9. until
    To cross the gator-filled swamp, Rylie, Matt and Ryanengineer an epic 50-foot bridge in a desperate attempt forresources. Harassed by a black bear, Jeff and Steven mustabandon their camp. EJ stalks a gator who has been stealing hisfish.
  10. until
    DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow 6x6 - Bishop's Gambit
  11. until
    Cassie is back with a vengeance, taking her work to the nextlevel. Iris' secrecy around the project puts a dent in herrelationship with Hiram and their collaboration around Emcee.
  12. until
    On an all-new episode of ridiculousness rob, chanel, andsteelo learn they better buy boat shoes, take a drunken strollin whisky walking, and meet some animal besties in wild pals.
  13. until
    On an all-new episode of ridiculousness rob, chanel, andsteelo learn that reality imitates art in real life rom coms,turn up the difficulty level in the hard way, and cast out afew witch vibes.
  14. until
    Over in Brooklyn, Ryan attempts to woo the hard-to-getdeveloper of his dreams. Back in Manhattan, things heat up atTyler's hunky fireman open house. KJ's head may be in theclouds as she leaves her new West Village penthouse but shebreaks down when a bigger threat looms over the world.Meanwhile, all of the brokers contend with a bracing newreality.
  15. until
    Penny must decide between her loyalty to the hospital and herfeelings for Hugh. Meryl's corruption trial takes a surprisingtwist, and Ajax takes a stand to win back Hayley.
  16. until
    At the PTA charity FUNraiser, Julia resolves to leave Paul forher builder Garry, Kev's attempts to clear the air with Amandabackfire, and Anne finally loses her rag.
  17. until
    Webster, the famous barrister, is not well and not an easyman to look after. His carer Urban knows how to take the roughwith the smooth, dishing out the drugs or appealing to the oldman's vanity. But on this particular night, something iscoming that will test Webster's resolve and legal skills to thevery end.
  18. until
    Someone is dead set on making sure that Joust, the finalchallenge, ends with the right winner-and Heather realizesthat for at least one person, Panic isn't a game anymore. Anexplosive conclusion brings the game to a permanent end... orso, at least, it seems. This year's players may be finishedwith the game. But it may not be finished with them.
  19. until
    Coming Soon...
  20. until
    When Kevin and Dan's beloved jazz musician neighbor faceseviction, Kevin enlists Jasmine to organize a protest.Meanwhile, Dan anxiously dreads an after-school meeting withJess to discuss a Child Services case, where he expects to befired for his ties to Drew and Zayna.
  21. until
    Dawn puts on a show at her new &quot:job&quot: for her paroleofficer, while Blair puts on a show for the RNC. Mo makes abig personal announcement, and Keith tries to please Larry.Blair shoots for political points and his electroshocktherapist gets a shock of his own.
  22. until
    For his 200th rescue, Jon rescues a family who bought aMexican restaurant at the height of the pandemic and put theirdaughter's future on the line to chase the bright lights ofVegas.
  23. until
    When Blanca discovers an HIV clinical trial is denying accessto people of color she joins ACT UP in an effort to get PrayTell the medication.
  24. until
    Cassie is back with a vengeance, taking her work to the nextlevel. Iris' secrecy around the project puts a dent in herrelationship with Hiram and their collaboration around Emcee.
  25. until
    Brooke helps Colin realize how his hyper-focus on the opinionsof others has long curtailed the development of his authenticself. After testing Brooke's boundaries, Colin makes anunusual request for their final session.
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