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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Bumpy Johnson must fend off rivals to receive the largest dopeshipment in New York history, while Harlem explodes intoriot; Malcolm X reluctantly agrees to protection from anunusual source.
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    Coming Soon...
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    A child in town dies of a mystery illness and on her deathbed,credits Stephen Boone. Hysterical townsfolk demand that Charlesdig up his cousin's grave. Charles refuses, but in privateopens the grave and is shocked by what he finds.
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    The cast and crew discuss the Season 11 episode of &quot:TheWalking Dead", "Acheron: Part II"; hostedby Chris Hardwick.
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    O'Brien Construction's eccentric billionaire client, EvanKincaid, comes to town and throws Abby and Mick off theirgame.
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    Pope helps a new friend. Deran, J, and Craig deal with thefallout from past mistakes as they make new friends andenemies.
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    The group discovers a member did not make it to safety insidethe subway car. Surrounded by walkers, going back out into thetunnel to search is a guaranteed death wish. All eyes are onNegan as the rule of survival shifts. It is no longer No ManLeft Behind. The motto now is We Keep Going. With very littleammo and energy remaining, the group must ready themselves asthe walkers have found a way inside the subwaytrain.Meanwhile, Daryl is in his own intense hellish situationtrying to find Dog and finding more than he expected; andYumiko challenges the process at the Commonwealth outpost,which threatens her future and that of Eugene, Ezekiel, andPrincess.
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    In an attempt to drum up more heat, Jack enlists the help ofwrestling veteran, Ricky Rabies, setting Ace up with a fullhouse for his comeback match against Bobby Pin. While Jacktries to make amends with his brother, Ace struggles with thefact that his career as a Face might truly be over.
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    Lou's new artist showcase becomes the nexus of the rivalrybetween Raq and Unique. At the same time, Kanan cooks up adrug-selling scheme with Marvin.
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    With both patients and the whole Healthcare system on the brinkof tragic events, the St Mary's nursing team must put theirown struggles aside to help those with everything on the line.
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    When Astra and Spooner find themselves as stowaways, theylearn that Constantine is still chasing the Fountain ofImperium and find themselves in 1920s Texas. With the rest ofthe Legends stranded, they come up with a plan to get help byusing Rory as bait that will also help reunite him withsomething that is special to him. Meanwhile, Spooner learnssome information about her past that she wasn't expecting.
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    Cait is shocked by the revelation that a traitor is in theirmidst. Hemple, still with Amena at the Villa, plans anotherfeast to satisfy Lokka's hunger.
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    When news breaks of Lindy Chamberlain's imminent release fromprison, Helen, Dale and cameraman Tim fly to Darwin. Butthey'll face fierce competition as they fight to land the"interview of the century".
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    The cast and crew discuss the Season 11 episode of &quot:TheWalking Dead", "Acheron: Part I"; hosted byChris Hardwick.
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    Southern good ol' boy Justin and a California hippie named Danitest their survival skills.
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    Jacob reaches a turning point in his relationship with Tina.Ethan struggles to balance work, grief and being a singleparent, and Teddy uncovers Jan's secret.
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    Ancient Aliens is counting down the world's top ten aliencover-ups, from the famous Roswell Incident to a secretmilitary base rumored to be housing ET technology to recentlyreleased UFO videos captured by cameras on Navy fighter jets.Has there been a massive cover-up regarding the truth about anextraterrestrial presence on Earth?
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    Cait and her band of travellers strike a deal with Hella. Stillunder Hemple's hex, Ania returns and leads the gang on adangerous path.
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    Josh enters the toxic realm of dudes who struck out but don'twant to go home.
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    Ted is fired up that the new team dynamic seems to be working.But will they have a chance in the quarterfinal?
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    Elena finally gets the school to change its mascot, butstudents turn against her in the process.
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