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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Bette makes big moves at her new job as she also navigates asurprising new relationship, Shane vies to get Tess on boardwith a fresh idea for the bar, and Alice is met with anunexpected roadblock on the way to releasing her book as shetries to figure out whether Nat's hiding something from her.Meanwhile, Sophie, Dani and Finley are all left to deal withthe fallout of a shocking event as Micah grapples with the truenature of his relationship with José.
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    High on love, Harry wants to bring his new man to his family'sDiwali celebrations... and ends up causing a meltdown.
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    Walker's world is shattered after receiving shocking news thatchanges everything.
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    Dire circumstances bring both Mills and Gail to the hospital.Little Grace learns of the damage she's caused. A devastatingshift of allegiance may derail Donella's campaign just as it'sgaining traction.
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    Approximately three months later, the U.S.S. Cerritos isdispatched on a mission which results in an encounter with"strange energy".
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    The crew hits the streets of Los Angeles to fight for racialjustice and equality. Nomi confronts her White Fragility,while Ana and Javi reach a boiling point in their relationship.
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    Amy returns from maternity leave. Jake and Rosa work adifficult case.
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    Julius fights to defend himself in Wackner's court in a surrealand harrowing effort to reclaim his car and his dignity - allbecause of an alleged parking violation. Meanwhile, afterfocus group feedback threatens to sink Del Cooper's realityshow about Wacker, both Marissa and Wackner embrace differenttactics to help revive the court.
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    Eager to prove her auto shop skills, Carly gets in over herhead when she tries to do an easy repair on Spencer's new car.Spencer and Harper battle over where Maeve will be living.
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    When Green Goblin blasts goblin gas all over the city, Spideyand Ms. Marvel work together to ensure that he doesn't have thelast laugh.
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    When Doc Ock's growth serum is used on a baby octopus, theSpidey team must stop it from rampaging into the city.
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    In desperate need of surgery he can't afford, Ben weighs uphis options... and decides to engage in some light insurancefraud.
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    When Obie's mother comes to town, Zoya begins to question hisnature - and nurture. Julien decides to take her brand to thenext level. Aki and Max come together to support Audrey.
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    A family goes on a camping trip unaware of what is lurking inthe woods.
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    Chase is worried his girlfriend is morphing into his mum,while Elliott tries to date Savannah.
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