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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
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    As Mick and Zeke finally collide with Jace in a grueling matchto survive, Ben races against the clock to save his family.When they all converge in an intense battle, the fallout willreveal a massive new clue regarding the fate of Passengers.
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    Sister Frances finds herself in a tricky situation when apregnant woman confides in her. Sister Julienne's new venturehits a stumbling block.
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    Jade's confidence is crushed when a night out turns todisaster, Fenisha discovers the painful truth about Ethan'sdiagnosis, and Tina pushes her luck with Jacob.
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    Sister Julienne and Dr. Turner clash over whether to provide aprivate care service, and a distressing birth raises fears ofanother Thalidomide case.
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    Jonathan is joined by world heavyweight champion Anthony Joshuafor an exclusive chat ahead of one of the biggest bouts inboxing history, plus star of Mary Poppins Returns and TheDevil Wears Prada, Emily Blunt, and the always hilariouslyfun Alan Carr. Plus, rising star of British rap AJ Traceychats and performs in the studio.
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    Faith finally cracks as her family unit falls apart, Martybattles with his conscience, and Iain puts himself on the lineto protect Jan.
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    The team returns to the office for their annual Everlightparty. Poppy and Ian rig a LARP tournament in an underdog'sfavor.
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    When Mac and Riley go missing and wake up 24 hours later in acorn field with no memory of how they got there, they mustunravel the mystery to find who took them, and how to get ridof the nanotrackers in their bodies, no matter the cost.
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    The task force hatches a plan to steal a Soviet-era ciphermachine needed to decrypt coded messages. Townsend puts Liz'sloyalty to the test. Red and Dembe are called to an unexpectedmeeting.
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    The gang travels to Newtopia to say their goodbyes and finallysend all three girls home. However, someone has other plans.
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    Nathan and Reagan struggle to navigate changes in theircommunities, livelihoods and friendship.
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    Marvyn sets his sights on moving the team up to Division Two ashis daughter, Emma, arrives in town.
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    In the depths of the Fold, Kirigan demonstrates the scope ofAlina's powers, while the Crows cross paths with a stowawayamid a do-or-die undertaking.
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    Jack faces off against the Dark One with a new ally whoseallegiances may not be trusted.
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