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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Bosch and Edgar follow a lead in the arson fire case to thefamed Magic Castle. Lt. Billets ruffles feathers in the officerranks. After Chandler's new client Vincent Franzen spends anight in jail, he offers up a "muy grande pescado"as his get-out-of-jail-free card.
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    King's delusions of grandeur lead Luz, Lilith and Hooty to adangerous new island.
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    Ipsit, a cut-throat corporate shark prides himself on hisvivid memory and his accolades. A man on his way to the top ofthe corporate ladder, charm comes naturally to Ipsit leavinghis co-workers in awe. Until a chance encounter with a woman,Rhea Saran sends him down a vortex of self-doubt as he fails toremember her. A gripping tale that plays out as a quirkythriller interspersed with dark and twisted humour.
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    When Johnathan trusts his instincts more than his partners,the Time Bandit makes a surprise appearance in the NorthernGrounds just as Josh and Casey need him most. Sig puts his crewexactly where they need to be in a matter of life and death.
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    The auditions continue.
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    After saving the day - and his own skin - Jerry is facing abright future. Will he stay at GCHQ or go back to the US?
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    Jerry learns that a kidnapping group want him in an exchangefor a hostage. Not keen on the idea, he comes up with a planof his own...
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    Defeated Josh questions his place on AAU, and will Fletchunravel when Darwin faces a crisis?
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    James welcomes actor Will Arnett and a musical performance byLord Huron.
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    Jimmy welcomes actress Helen Mirren, writer Kenya Barris, anda musical performance by Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds.
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    James welcomes actress Margot Robbie, actress Rose Byrne, anda musical performance by Polo G.
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    Jimmy welcomes TV host Seth Meyers, actress Annie Murphy, anda musical performance by Coldplay.
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    James welcomes governor Gavin Newsom and rap group Migos.
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    Jimmy welcomes actress Salma Hayek, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and amusical performance by Jessie Ware.
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    A rival GCHQ team find important information about the cyberweapon Eternal Blue. But when they refuse to share it, Jerrymust think of a solution.
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    It's a harassment and discrimination training day at CySec butall is not what is seems with the course leader, Hilary Bowen.Has Jerry met his match?
  25. until
    Sparks fly between Kian and Fletch after Evie and Andreidisappear, Sacha and Dom compete for the top job, and Joshtries to win back Ange.
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