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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    While planning an over-the-top birthday surprise for her mom,Kim receives some bad news about her legal studies that makesher question whether she is cut out to be a lawyer. WhenKourtney finds out that Kendall has been secretly returning allof her gifts, she comes up with a plan to catch Kendall in alie.
  2. until
    Frances Cairnes begins her search for the person who killed hersix-year-old son in a hit and run. DI Strangeways arrives onthe Isle of Wight, hoping for a fresh start after the death ofhis colleague.
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    Racing against time, Rachel and Lily are forced to make adecision that could alter their lives in order to savehumanity.
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    M.O.D.O.K. struggles to &quot:normalize&quot: his weird sonLou's bar mitzvah planning. Lou flees to Asgard where he andM.O.D.O.K. find themselves on opposing sides of a mythologicalwar that threatens to split the realm in two.
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    A weekend getaway proves anything but relaxing for Ryan andTanner, as Karen takes a long-overdue trip herself. Kim andRavi examine their relationship.
  6. until
    After using a near-future fertility treatment, Nera is atfirst elated by the birth of her child. But she quicklydiscovers there is something unusual about her son.
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    Coming Soon...
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    As a poisoned camper fights to survive, it's up to Yaz - thefastest among them - to fetch the antidote before it's toolate.
  9. until
    The bombing of a Los Angeles police station puts the city onedge, leading the team to a final showdown with a group ofdomestic extremists. Also, Hondo faces the fallout from a bolddecision that threatens his future, and Tan takes a big stepin his personal life.
  10. until
    Eddie is determined to prove that he can still be a good fatherdespite his physical challenges. Sophie searches for answers tohelp cope with her trauma. Rome and Tyrell work together on apassion project.
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    Voight and the team muster all their expertise to bring down adeadly crime ring. Burgess finds herself in a dangeroussituation.
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    After Teresa puts her life on the line for Pote and KellyAnne, the war with Boaz intensifies.
  13. until
    Nancy finally has Everett exactly where she wants him.Meanwhile, Nick receives upsetting news from one of histenants, Jake Cazine, about the youth center he wants toopen. Lastly, Carson shares something disturbing with Bess.
  14. until
    The firehouse reacts to some exciting news, a mysteriousstranger arrives and a shocking call takes Severide's breathaway.
  15. until
    Bravo takes a devastating hit that will change the teamforever, and forces each of the members to make some bigpersonal decisions.
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    Jane races to finish a high-risk expose that could haverepercussions for Jacqueline. Sutton has a chance to shine at aScarlet retreat if she can regain her focus. And Kat wants tostay true to herself while making a big decision.
  17. until
    The final 3 singers perform and everyone is unmasked. Thewinner gets the Golden Mask Trophy.
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    Coming Soon...
  19. until
    Carol receives a second chance at life when a new heart becomesavailable. Ethan and Archer find themselves in hot water withan old patient. Will faces the consequences of the stolen trialmedication.
  20. until
    After their mishaps, the pair are split up as Maleek ispunished with pushbikeduty, while Wendy must work under Jo'sobservation.
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    Hugh is forced to choose sides when Meryl plots to destroySharna's career. Ken reveals a dark secret when his parentsvisit Whyhope. Hayley has a crisis of faith when she breaks allten commandments in one day.
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    Coming Soon...
  23. until
    Tensions simmer as Kim's family celebrates Diwali, whilethings get super awkward at the "Crips Prom"between Ryan's new friends and his date.
  24. until
    Jenny has been sitting in a waiting room for a maddening amountof time. After she realizes that fragments of her memory may bemissing, Jenny attempts to unravel the fateful events that ledher to this unique waiting room.
  25. until
    Rachel enlists Lily's help with an important task in order tofurther her mother's medical research into a cure. Zach learnssurprising information from his CDC colleague and former lover.
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