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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    What if T'Challa had been taken away from Earth by Yonduinstead of Peter Quill?
  2. until
    What if Peggy Carter took the super soldier serum instead ofSteve Rogers at the start of World War II?
  3. until
    Wheeler Dealers (2003) 17x2 - TR4 On The Floor
  4. until
    Wheeler Dealers (2003) 17x1 - Some Like It Fiat
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    A woman went for her nightly walk and vanished in 2018. Thelast time she was seen alive was by an ATM security camera,which could hold the key to solving her disappearance.
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    Kelly and Steve Spingola try to solve the mysterious murder inRosenberg, Texas of a doting father beaten and shot to deathin his home with his 6-year-old daughter asleep nearby. The keyto identifying his killer may lie in the secret audiorecordings found in his attic.
  7. until
    When a beloved insurance salesman is murdered in his office ina quiet Missouri town, evidence points to a secretrelationship, making his wife the prime suspect — until newDNA technology helps authorities find the real killer.
  8. until
    Kelly and Abbey Abbondandolo head to Stafford, Texas toinvestigate the cold-blooded killing of a tow truck businessowner, Jerry Don Humphrey. Their investigation uncovers atwisted world of alleged abuse, infidelity, and a possiblemurder-for-hire plot.
  9. until
    Four champions enter the kitchen ready to name their price andfight for every edge as they try to repeat a win by defeatingall others! In this high stakes finale, the chefs are given alarger sum of money to bid with, and the auction levels up asthe items are revealed one at a time, so the champions have noidea how bad or good each sequential ingredient might be. In anextremely fierce first round, all of the ingredients that thechefs win at auction seem challenging in their own way, andthe judges' expectations are sky-high for this group ofexceptional chefs. Before the entrée round, one chef's heartseems set on winning the alligator heart at auction. Then, inthe decisive dessert round, a clumpy reduction seems to reduceone chef's chances of victory. But after the judges discuss allthree courses, who will be the grand champion and walk awaywith an extraordinary sum of money, and who will be thefifteenth chef of the tournament to be chopped?
  10. until
    The chefs get only three items in each basket and must bid in alive auction for a fourth ingredient. In this preliminarycompetition, the chef who ends up with what seems like theleast desirable auction item decides to double down on thelevel of difficulty by using an unusual technique and flavor.Will they make something great or just make a mess? The entréeround auction includes an unusual protein that gets big bidsfrom more than one chef. Then, in the dessert round, whenboth competitors decide to bake something, they take on a highrisk in hopes of a high reward. The winner advances to thetournament's finale to compete for the title of Chopped GrandChampion and an enormous cash prize!
  11. until
    After Gary "Big Daddy" Farris mysteriously disappears, hisfamily discovers his remains on their sprawling 10-acre estate.An investigation reveals a family deeply divided by jealousyand greed, but did one of them kill Big Daddy?
  12. until
    Interview and performance by Blake Shelton.
  13. until
    Octavia Spencer ("Encounter"): Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle("PEN15"); magician Blake Vogt performs a trick.
  14. until
    Michael Keaton ("Dopesick").
  15. until
    Wanda Sykes: Ellen welcomes a 9-year-old who collects booksfor COVID patients and homeless people.
  16. until
    Mike finds a rust-free, British Racing Green, 1964 TriumphTR4 that's been sitting for 20 years.
  17. AMC has announced that Preacher will be returning for a fourth season. The good news comes three months after the comic book-adapted drama's third season finale. While its viewership levels aren't what they once were - Season 3 averaged roughly half of what it drew in Season 1 - the show continues to garner praise from critics and its core fan base for its focused storylines and mix of fun and chaotic violence. Based on DC Comics' Vertigo comic book series of the same name by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, Preacher follows a conflicted, small-town Texas preacher who is accidentally possessed by a supernatural entity that causes him to develop a highly unconventional power allowing him to command others to do as he says. Joined by his ex-girlfriend and an Irish vagabond, he sets out on a journey to literally find God. Production on Season 4 of Preacher is scheduled to begin in early 2019 in Australia, with a likely return around May or June. View full article
  18. until
    Peter Sarsgaard ("Dopesick" and "The Lost Daughter"): AvrilLavigne performs, featuring Travis Barker.
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    Ben Platt chats and performs.
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    Ellen welcomes a couple who were saved by their carbon monoxidealarm.
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    Kalen Allen.
  22. until
    Wheeler Dealers (2003) 16x9 - Some Like It Fiat
  23. Another hero has fallen at Netflix. The streaming service confirmed this evening that Luke Cage has been cancelled after two seasons. The news comes just one week after fellow superhero drama Iron Fist was given the ax - also after its second season. The reasons behind the recent moves are unclear, but seem to indicate that Netflix might be looking to taper back on their Marvel-related original content. Remaining active series include Jessica Jones, The Punisher, and Daredevil, which just released its third season today. It is not clear if the Luke Cage or Iron Fist characters will make any appearances in the other shows' upcoming seasons. Luke Cage followed the titular crime-fighting superhero who uses his superhuman strength to clean up the streets of Harlem. View full article
  24. until
    Set on success, four chefs are ready to wow the judges withtheir heart, talent and drive! In the first round, thecompetitors make appetizers that include a Central Asian breadand a fun sweet-and-sour treat. When the chefs find a packagedproduct in the entrée basket, they must think up ways to makeit sing with sole. Then, it's anybody's guess who will prevailafter a dessert round featuring an Indian snack and a plethoraof pastries.
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    Shell-shocked, the chefs must crush open crustaceans in everyround to make sensational seafood meals that will float thejudges' boat. In the appetizer basket, the chefs uncover aroyally special seafood surprise, but a more basic ingredientcould trip them up. Then, big ambitions in a tight time framemight mean trouble for one of the chefs, and the judges wonderif a risky plan in the dessert round will pan out.
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