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Gus and his cohorts set out for Alaska to reconnect withBirdie, who's working on a cure for the Sick. But first, theytest their luck at an old casino.

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The BAU wrestles with the death of Douglas Baily and EliasVoit's arrest. Rossi is haunted by visions of Voit. Lewis andGarcia vent to one another about their recent breakups.Prentiss uncovers a series of brutal killings linked by aspecific calling card: a bullet casing engraved with a goldstar. The Team learns that FBI Director Ray Madison has made adeal with Voit. In response, Rossi and Prentiss devise a planto gain leverage over Voit to ensure he remains imprisoned.

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Will Smith is a titan of music and film, a hip-hop pioneer,and one of the biggest box office draws in the history ofcinema. His latest summer blockbuster, Bad Boys: Ride or Die,hits theaters on June 7. But how is he with spicy food? Findout as the Fresh Prince takes on the wings of death anddiscusses the state of the Hollywood "hit," the magic ofMichael Mann, and his personal Mount Rushmore of Will Smithmovies.

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Following a shocking feat, the government searches desperatelyfor Gökhan and his followers. In Semavi's underground camp,cracks begin to form.

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It's wedding season in Bath, but a string of suspicious deathsis affecting the celebrations throughout the city. Is there aserial killer on the loose who goes after weddings? In a seriesof cryptic calls to the local radio station, an anonymousperson threatens that there is a plan for more murders. It's acase that pushes McDonald and Dodds to the limit. 

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Kellyoke: "Blaze of Glory": Jon Bon Jovi: Jennifer Esposito:Broadway in 6A: "The Outsiders"; heavy-metal horse.

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Potentially demonic pork products lead Kristen, David, andBen to a pig farm to investigate. David increases his remoteviewing skills and Leslie, the surrogate carrying Kristen'schild, comes to her for help.

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Summer has arrived, and here is what you should read, watchand listen to! GRAMMY® Award-winning artist and countrysuperstar DARIUS RUCKER gets personal and discusses theturbulent journey that led to his book, "Life's Too Short: AMemoir by Darius Rucker." Then, writer, comedian and host ofthe chart-topping podcast "Juicy Scoop," HEATHER MCDONALD, ishere to give her take on all things pop culture! And, the castof Tyler Perry's hit series "Sistas," DEVALE ELLIS, CHIDONWOKOCHA, BRIAN JORDAN JR. and BRANDEN WELLINGTON, talk aboutan all-new season!

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Guests include David Ortiz and John Early (John Early: Now MoreThan Ever). Roni Kaspi sits-in with the 8G Band.

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Merve learns a dangerous secret that puts everything injeopardy. Meanwhile, Gökhan clashes with his allies about howto use their newfound influence.

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After a doctor joins Gus and his crew, they seek a way to thecoast and stumble upon a plane owned by a family in desperateneed of medical attention.

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Following the slayings of the 5-man strike team, the BAUtravels to Salt Lake City to investigate a series of killingswith the same brutal M.O. As the Team attempts to link thelastest victims, Rossi and Prentiss spar over whether they aredealing with the same UnSub who took out the strke team.Meanwhile, Rebecca joins Lewis and Tyler Green on a stakeout.Tyler breaks into a shell company storefront and uncovers a newlead on Gold Star.

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Milkshake! 255x158 - Episode 158

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Gülcan escapes with an old flame. Merve investigates a mysteryof her own. Gökhan becomes increasingly isolated, even withinhis camp.

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As Gus learns more about a threat and their dangerous plans,the group races to catch a departing boat. Jepperd and Beckyface an impossible decision.

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A raid at the camp leads to great losses. Gökhan swearsrevenge as he continues his search for Gülcan.

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An unsettling discovery at sea forces Gus to take on a grimchore as tensions swell between his companions. On land, anenemy interrogates Becky.

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Pushed to the brink, Gökhan escalates his movement — withdangerous consequences — and a secret relationship isrevealed.

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As polar night looms, Gus and his crew arrive at the outpost— but they're not alone. To find Birdie and the cave, theymust brave several obstacles.

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With just a few faithfuls left, Berk must make one lastattempt to reach his goal. But before he will play along,Gökhan wants to see his sister.

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After a daring rescue, Gus meets an individual well-versed inhybrid history. Amid emotional reunions and eerie revelations,all roads lead to the cave.

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With just a few faithfuls left, Berk must make one lastattempt to reach his goal. But before he will play along,Gökhan wants to see his sister.

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With loved ones beside him, Gus goes on a treacherous journeyinto the cave to find a cure once and for all. Meanwhile,chaos breaks out at the outpost.

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With the streets in crisis and the authorities closing in,will Gökhan finish what he started — or end it once and forall?

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Today's challenge is to combine two nations' cuisines into atasty dish. There is a huge prize on the line: the winningsauce will be made available to buy in Coles stores around thecountry.

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After suffering an unimaginable loss, Gus must make a choicethat will determine the fate of humans and hybrids. Who will beleft to tell their story?

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It's Graham's first day at work – will he impress his newcolleagues? Suni helps a young woman deal with a familyrevelation.

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Ron Howard (director, "Jim Henson: Idea Man"): SteveToussaint (actor, "House of the Dragon").

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Shay Mitchell visits to discuss her MAX series "Thirst withShay Mitchell," where she explores drinks from around theworld."Divided by Design" stars Ray and Eilyn Jimenez also stopby.

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General Hospital 255x111 - Ep. #15483

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Things are hotting up as the series continues and the islanderssettle into villa life, learning to expect the unexpected inparadise, with nobody ready to say goodbye just yet.

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Ring of Honor Wrestling 255x23 - Episode 23

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The Doctor and Ruby land in 1813, where guests at a duchess'sparty are being murdered and a mysterious bounty hunter calledRogue is about to change the Doctor's life forever.

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Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Adrian Wojnarowski.

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iMPACT Wrestling 21x23 - Episode 23

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A deadly home invasion sets the authorities off on a manhuntfor a stranger sparking fear in an Oklahoma housing complex.

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Surf's up, but Bobby Flay's going down when Jet Tila and JessePalmer lead a summertime jam with chefs Demetrius Brown andPablo Lamon.

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The first three participants enter Utah County jail to begintheir 60 days undercover.

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Summer House 8x16 - Reunion Part 1

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From the edge of an active volcano in Hawaii and theAppalachian Mountains to the deserts of New Mexico and upstateNew York, builders battle harsh conditions to constructinnovative, self-sufficient homes in remote areas.

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It's a coastal competition for home cook Chelsea Gieselmannwhen Eddie Jackson stuns her with a seafood showdown againstthe one and only Chef Alex Guarnaschelli. Chelsea will have toget creative to win a vote from the panel of judges to takehome the ,000 prize!

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With a rise in yellow cards and continuing poor form away fromhome, Wrexham AFC risk being relegated to the playoffs whilethe women's side prepare to tackle new challenges.

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E! News 24x88 - 060624

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Julia Louis-Dreyfus.Performance by Hozier.

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1. Magic Johnson. 2. Jo Koy ("Jo Koy: Live fromBrooklyn"). 3. Musical Guests Doechii with JT.

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Singer Ariana Grande: filmmaker Ron Howard: Richard Gadd andJessica Gunning; Ariana Grande performs.

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Shoresy 3x4 - Brooks Barrelmen

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This week our All Stars' put their sales skills to the test,as they create raucous real estate commercials for somepreposterous properties. Superstar Realtor Tracy Tutor andComedian Alec Mapa stop by to assess what's on the market.

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Transformers: EarthSpark 2x1 - Episode 1

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The multitalented comedian JERROD CARMICHAEL discusses hisprovocative breakout hit reality series, "Jerrod CarmichaelReality Show." Plus, Tamron has the Daytime Exclusive with theHGTV stars and husband and wife duo TAREK and HEATHER RAE ELMOUSSA, who chat about finding love, their blended family andtheir successful new series. Plus, Tarek opens up about hisrevealing memoir, "Flip Your Life: How to Find Opportunity inDistress — in Real Estate, Business and Life." And authorELVIRA K. GONZALEZ on her powerful memoir, "Hurdles in theDark: My Story of Survival, Resilience, and Triumph."

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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