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A massive food win buoys Terra and their whole team. On theheels of a caiman kill, Malorie sets her sights on a biggerprize. Heather is shocked when Adam tells her he has not beensharing food. A scorching migration could end Heather'schallenge.
Maggie enlists Cal's help after Sully decides he must takedrastic measures to set things right with Lola. Sydney returnsfrom New York hoping to reconnect with a still heartbrokenRafe. Frank and Edna try to make amends. Sully makes ajudgement call that will cost him dearly.
Teresa invites Jackie over for a visit. An innocentconversation between Dolores and Paul takes a sour turn whenhis divorce becomes the focus. Margaret recruits her friendsfor a charity golf outing.
On this episode of Ridiculousness, Rob, Steelo, and NinaDrama trip down PAINCASES, do some heavy lifting in SECONDSTORY MOVIN' and brace themselves for RETURNED FIRE.
A game designer named Steve Jobs starts a personal computercompany in his parents' garage on his way to bringing computersmainstream. But when he commissions the help of a softwaredesign company run by Bill Gates, it's the beginning of one ofthe biggest rivalries in the history of American industry.
Andy will return to the Clubhouse with The Real Housewives ofNew Jersey's Teresa Giudice and actor Joel Kim Booster onSunday, June 9 at 9/8c on Bravo.
Allie makes a daring decision, and Nathan and Elizabeth rushto intervene. Uncovered memories shift Lucas's plans. Faithtakes a big step. Mei cooks for Hickam's family.
Maggie, Cal, Frank, and Edna work together to help Sullykeep the Crossing from falling into the wrong hands and in theprocess, Maggie starts to realize just how important theCrossing really is to her. Sully decides to take on a partner.Maggie works up the courage to confess her feelings to Cal,and a careless mistake may cost someone their life.
On this episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo, and LexiRivera get in the game with some LATE NIGHT ATHLETES, grab asloppy drink from a few MESSY MIXOLOGISTS, and celebrateannoying relationships with LOVE TO HATE EM.
Billy and the Regulators turn McSween's house into their HQ,and are supported by the Mexicans; a confrontation with the 7Rivers Gang leads to a fusillade of bullets.
On this episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo and guest hostLexi Rivera hit the moving stairs hard with ESCALATED PAIN,meet some killer kids that may be PARENT ASSASSINS and can'tcross the road without getting CROSSED WRECKED.
New MILFs arrive, threatening connections and casting doubt inrelationships; when the challenge winners can ask anyone on adouble date, their choices rock the manor; a love trianglegets complicated for one MILF, and sparks fly for another.
Jon Taffer sends his long-time expert, Phil Wills to lead therescue of a bar in San Marcos, California that is sufferingfrom an identity crisis.
This week's main story is about deep-sea mining, whether it'sworth doing, and what John has in common with Henry Kissinger(unrelated, but still important to note).
In the season three finale, Harry and Fergus head to the Gardastation to collect Charlie, Orla and Lola en route to Glennand Petra's wedding. While there, a despondent man takes thestation hostage and demands that they help solve the murder ofhis daughter. Concerned, because Harry has the ring, Glenncomes to check on them and realises he has a Die Hard situationon his hands.
Today, we catch up with some of our most memorable guests!BYRON PERKINS is back after making headlines as the firstopenly *** HBCU football player. He shares his future footballplans and what life has been like since the headlines. Then,WWE superstar couple LEAH VAN DALE and MATT POLINSKY introducethe Tam Fam to their baby boy! Plus, Tamron checks in with theLEHMAN FAMILY and the hero who saved them from a devastatinghouse fire. And, Atlanta designer JAYDA ELLIS on her immensesuccess since being featured in Tamron's Up-and-Coming Designerseries.
Kellyoke: "Big Time": Eddie Redmayne and Gayle Rankin:Retta; Ricky Martin; bargains and deals with Lawrence Zarianand MorningSave; Rad Dad Father's Day Edition: Morgan'sWonderland; ATEEZ performs.
Guests include Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Tuesday) and Theo James(The Gentlemen). Tico Torres sits-in with the 8G Band.
Sweet Week has arrived! Adriano Zumbo is here as a guest judgeand kicks things off with a wobbly jelly Mystery Box.Contestants compete to make a perfect shaky sweet to winprecious immunity.
The iconic star of "The Jeffersons" and "227" Marla Gibbs stopsby to chat about her new role in the series "Not DeadYet."Jennifer then welcomes engaged couple Samuel Evans andTateona Adams from Chicago, Illinois. Together, Samuel andTateona have a blended family of five sons: Devan, Tristan,Demari, Carter, and Josiah. Samuel grew up with two brothersin a rough neighborhood in Chicago. He decided to break thecycle with his own children, teaching them love and respecttoward one's family is above all else. Each morning, the boysdo a group hug before their youngest brother gets on the schoolbus. They also make videos to wish a great day to theirfollowers online to spread love and positivity.
A driver refuses to stop for PC Brian Camsell and ditches hiscar, attempting to make a run for it. PC Jamie Leslie huntsfor a car linked to an attempted house theft, a quick searchof a suspect vehicle reveals possible tools of the burglarytrade. Plus, PC Brian Camsell tracks an uninsured driver to afast-food joint.
Ellie Taylor and Liam Charles welcome a new batch ofprofessional pastry chefs from hotels, restaurants andpatisserie shops around the UK to compete for the title. To getthings rolling, judges Cherish Finden and Benoit Blin have aFrench classic up their sleeve in a secret challenge for theteams, and without proper recipes to hand, the chefs mustrely on their knowledge and teamwork to create 36 individualtarte aux fraise and one chocolate amenity in just three and ahalf hours.
In the USA, at the heart of a Miami suburb, lies a strangestructure that began as the dream of an American Renaissanceman, but soon turned into a nightmare. In the Lebanese capitalof Beirut, a high rise famed for its glitz and glamour, isdrawn into a brutal conflict that consumed the country. On aquiet English estuary, a marooned vessel once crewed by funloving pirates becomes the target of armed raiders. And, inJapan, an out-of-place curiosity, caught in a devastating webof corruption.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
The second week continues for the islanders and they discoverthat the path of true love can be a long one.
When a couples' trip doesn't go as planned, Spencer volunteersthe Vortex's help at South Crenshaw High's production of "Romeoand Juliet." Jordan and Layla receive news from their weddingvenue that leaves them each feeling conflicted.
The qualifying rounds continue in L.A. with ninjas from acrossthe country taking on the world's most challenging obstaclecourse. The competition is bigger than ever with two newqualifying courses and a chance at the Mega Warped Wall.
The carnival is in town! This week, the contestants take onthe main suite and compete in games to try winning prizes tohelp with their renovations. Mentors Taniya, Ty and Alison areback ...
The charter guests remain without provisions, but twodeckhands come to the rescue by acquiring a surprise from anearby boat; Aesha has difficulty maintaining the interior'ssmooth operation.
For decades, experts believed they knew what caused theHindenburg disaster: that leaking hydrogen ignited--causing theairship to burst into flames. But there may be more to thisstory. Whatever triggered the explosion, it didn't just spelldoom for the Hindenburg but for the entire rigid airshipindustry. What caused the Hindenburg Disaster?
A bird trainer, P.E. teacher, landlord and more play triviaand vote each other off one by one.
Kellyoke: "Beautiful Things": Amy Poehler: Gottmik, NinaWest and Vanessa Vanjie Mateo ("RuPaul's Drag Race: AllStars"); Rad Dad Father's Day Edition: dad buys house; SHAEDperforms.
Today, we're celebrating all dads and father figures withexciting surprises and giveaways featuring must-have Father'sDay gifts! First, Tamron meets some amazing dads who madeheadlines for their viral videos with their dynamic kids.Then, "Cake Boss" BUDDY VALASTRO, his wife Lisa and theirfour children join the Tam Fam. And, NAACP Image Award winnersMarcus and Jean Baylor of THE BAYLOR PROJECT are here toperform their GRAMMY®-nominated single "Laugh and Move On"!
Guests include Eddie Redmayne (Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club) andDan Licata (For The Boys). Tico Torres sits-in with the 8GBand.