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Will the Power of Veto save one of the nominees? Plus, Angelaonce again finds herself in the center of some drama.

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AEW Wrestling 6x31 - #252 - Bon Secours Wellness Arena inGreenville, SC

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Ridiculousness 42x20 - Sterling and Nina Agdal LXX

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Ridiculousness 42x21 - Sterling and Nina Agdal LXXI

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The brutal murder of generous oil heiress Jill Halliburton Suin her own bathtub left her family and her upscale community inshock. As crime scene detectives investigated her seeminglyperfect life, they uncovered dark secrets that challengedeverything they thought they knew about the prestigiousHalliburton family.

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Court Cam 7x34 - #734

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Alliances continue to form and crumble throughout the house:in the lie detector challenge, contestants are put in the hotseat as they strategically answer each other's burningquestions; a shocking betrayal is revealed.

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Jordan and Fatima engage in ugly battles with Gary on Andi'sbehalf; Zac and Aaron bond over baby furniture; Karen and Pammake peace; Danni has a therapy session hoping to figure outher love life.

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Tracy deals with heartbreak in her personal and professionallife; Altman bags a huge listing, but it comes with a side ofheadache;   Flagg agrees to list a property in Trousdale formore than it's worth, which he quickly comes to regret. 

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Josh teams up with Project Recovery again, but this timethey're searching for the heroines' lost Douglas C-47 Skytrainplane.

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Ridiculousness 42x22 - Sterling and Nina Agdal LXXII

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Josh Gates travels to Cote d'Ivoire in West Africa to find thewreckage of an American military plane that disappeared in theclosing days of World War II. Eighteen Women's Army Corpsmembers were on board and are listed as MIA to this day.

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Court Cam 7x35 - #735

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Ridiculousness 42x23 - Sterling and Nina Agdal LXXIII

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An unexpected visitor wreaks havoc on the ship's electricalsystem.

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Ridiculousness 42x24 - Sterling and Nina Agdal LXXIV

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For My Man 8x10 - Love's Lethal Lies

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Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction 1x6 - Vanished in a Portal

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Host Andy Cohen discusses pop-culture events with guests andviewers.

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Ridiculousness 42x25 - Sterling and Nina Agdal LXXV

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E! News 24x114 - 073124

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Ellis prepares to pay the price for his fiery behavior whileAnna pushes for fresh leadership at the company. Jackson makesa new friend — and a bold move.

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The team receives disappointing news. Kristen meets mysteriousstranger Ellie, who claims to be an old friend of Sheryl's. Agame between the two reveals disturbing information aboutKristen's future...and about Ellie herself.

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Bill starts to feel the consequences of his secretrelationship, Greg attempts to start over in his dating life,and John has a business proposal for his mom's new spiritualboyfriend.

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The Shop 7x8 - Wiz Khalifa, Steve-O, Brent Faiyaz, DanaWhite, Sloane Stephens, Sam Jay, Sean O'Malley

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As the identity of the last remaining Gold Star member isrevealed, the pieces of the puzzle click together and Prentissfinds herself in mortal danger. Rossi pays Voit one lastvisit, sending the BAU in hot pursuit of the final Gold Stars.A climactic conflict between Prentiss, Jade, and heraccomplice leads to the truth behind the "conspiracy," and theGold Star saga reaches its thrilling conclusion.

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Vince Vaughn is an actor who's graced the screen for more than30 years—from tentpole comedies like Wedding Crashers,Dodgeball, and Old School, to beloved indies like Swingersand Made. He also stars in the brand-new Apple Original darkcomedy, Bad Monkey, which is set to begin streaming on August14th. But how is he with spicy food? Find out as Vaughn takeson the wings of death and discusses the state of Hollywood,the keys to a Vegas trip, and his most quotable movie lines ofall time.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Tom seeks advice from a colleague about how to help Claudia,John looks for new investors, and Greg tries to get hisrelationship with Officer Grills back on track.

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Ellis experiences an odd side effect after undergoing areverse-aging treatment. Georgia stirs up drama in the lab byspreading rumors about the merger.

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As Ellis and Jackson bicker over their management styles,Dragon celebrates its growth with a company retreat thatincludes a couple of party crashers.

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Milkshake! 255x214 - Episode 214

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Ellis grows concerned after Jackson shares his uniquescientific vision. A secret meeting puts pressure on Peter.Ruby gives career advice to Luna.

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With BioTexpo approaching, Ellis tries to get Jackson into amotion capture suit. Georgia dabbles in manipulation, and Rubyreceives a tempting offer.

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Ellis and Peter sit down for a joint interview. Threateningmessages arrive at Dragon, leading to an in-houseinvestigation — and plenty of suspects.

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A real estate convention turns out to be the perfect escape forEllis and Jackson. Anna enlists Peter's help ahead of animportant meeting.

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Driven by the developments at Dragon, Ellis launches a newscheme that causes issues for the lab team as they rush to meetthe bio-battery deadline.

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The Political View with Gov. Chris Sununu (R-N.H.).

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General Hospital 255x150 - Ep. #15520

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Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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Love Island 11x54 - Episode 54

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Ring of Honor Wrestling 255x31 - Episode 31

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Angela, Lisa and Tucker go to battle in the AI Arena. Who willbe saved from the block and which Houseguest will be evictedimmediately after? Plus strap in, Angela's wild ride is farfrom over.

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Dance Moms 9x14 - Moms Reveal: Our Daughters' Best Moments

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The call of home grows stronger as the harsh realities ofremote Arctic living set in for some participants. Onesurvivalist finally gets their chance at big game, whileanother is caught off guard by a false sense of security.

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iMPACT Wrestling 21x31 - Episode 31

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When a young rapper is shot in a well-to-do suburbanneighborhood, detectives search for a suspect, and at trial,the defense accuses the prosecution's key witness of actuallybeing the one to pull the trigger and end the victim's life.

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Dance Moms 9x15 - Paige's Journey

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Dance Moms 9x16 - Family Forever

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Pastry chef Duff Goldman and journalist Gayle King interrogateBobby Flay, while chefs Brian Ingram and Dayana Joseph cook upa breakfast of champions.

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The marching orders given to Donna have Junior on edge. Vincentand Ruby find a safe haven in the Big Easy. Realizing Mariahneeds help, the family decides to prioritize her mentalhealth.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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