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As Aemond becomes more volatile, Larys plots an escape, andAlicent grows more concerned about Helaena's safety. Flush withnew power, Rhaenyra looks to press her advantage.
Layton demands to use Big Alice to rescue Liana: Ruth, nowmayor of New Eden, refuses because it's the town's powersupply; Layton makes Javi jury-rig a solution, giving themthree weeks of electricity.
Who will take power as the new Head of Household, and who willbe the next three on the chopping block? Plus, with two secretpowers still in play anything can happen.
Matt Hendershot is devastated when his marriage ends and hisex-wife moves on; but following the death of her lover, heallows her back into his home, along with a collection of thedead man's guns; it is a mistake which will prove to be fatal.
Host Eric Adjepong brings in three lobster specialists fromMaine, New York, and Connecticut to face Chef AlexGuarnaschelli in two boiling hot rounds of culinarycompetition. As they prove their skill with the king ofcrustaceans, judges Antonia Lofaso and Esther Choi see ifanyone can sink their claws into Alex's reputation.
Jon Taffer needs to rescue a failing bar in Houston, TX whoseowner turned his life upside down to buy a bar near an ailinglifelong friend.
Tal enlists the help of his colleague to track Kimmer'swhereabouts. Furthering their investigation, Tal and Mariahlook to an old friend of The Judge for answers.
John Oliver discusses RFK Jr.'s potential to sway the 2024 U.S.presidential election, controversies at the Olympics, andDonald Trump's recent puzzling comments about Kamala Harris.
Bizarre aliens force the crew to reenact all the classicchildren's games Fry played at his 8th birthday party... exceptthis time, they are played TO THE DEATH!
Former friends sue each other for the K court limit, afteran altercation at a bar where one woman stabbed the other two.Claims of self-defense and counter-claims of harassment arefurther complicated by the fact that one defendant is nowmarried to the plaintiff's ex-boyfriend.
Sylvia goes undercover at a lakeside villa, solving a murderand confronting a figure from her past.
A mother seeks payback for wedding expenses from her daughter'sex-fiancé after he ended the engagement. He attributes thefailed nuptials to the mother's interference and a contentiousprenuptial agreement.
Former partners battle over competing assault allegations andthe custody of their two beloved corgis, one of whom makes anappearance and charms the entire courtroom. Concerns about thedogs' welfare arise when the Judge reviews a video of an onlinechallenge where a slice of cheese is thrown on a dog's face.
Her Honor presides over two cases in this episode. In the firstcase, a woman sues her ex-partner of 25 years after enduring aforced eviction and alleged abuse in their shared home, whichshe had lived in since childhood. In the second case, a yogainstructor returns from abroad to discover that the woman whorented her car for three years had a DUI and installed abreathalyzer in the vehicle.
In Gateshead a child has been knocked off his bike by a caroutside a school. Sergeant Dave Roberts picks up the call andraces to the scene. The boy is complaining of hip pain but thewait time for an ambulance is three hours. Police medics assessthe boy, and they are worried about the level of his injuries.Time is against Dave as he tries to look after the child andget to the bottom of how the accident occurred.PC Mary-AnnHutchison is patrolling near Sunderland when she receives acall from the police chopper – officers above have witnesseda man being assaulted and his assailants speeding away in acar. Guided by the helicopter, more units race to the sceneand stop the car. The two occupants aren't being veryco-operative, leaving Mary-Ann and the other officers with atough job trying to work out what's actually happened.It's lateat night and Martain spots a driver in a hurry in Sunderland.Martain pulls him over and alerts the man to his manner ofdriving. It turns out to be an emergency – a family memberhas been craving mozzarella dippers and so he gallantly nippedout and was determined to get the fast food back fast. Cheeselover Martain understands, but it's still no excuse forpotentially getting points on your licence.
After an unexpected visit from her past, Jenn has a bigdecision to make. As connections deepen, Jenn and her men taketo the countryside for a week exploring New Zealand's fruitsand fauna before more shocking news leaves her questioningeverything.
Simone struggles with a crisis as Thea returns to Bringston.Keisha goes to JR for advice and Cam questions why she didn'tgo to him. Lando learns more about the history of KEK.
A lifelong escape artist, Forrest Tucker, ends up in SanQuentin prison. But despite his advanced age, he manages toengineer one of the most audacious prison breaks of all time.
Nick Cannon, Tami Roman, Jazz Anderson &: SleazyWorld Gobattle it out in games: Got Props, Flow Job, Got Damned, andthe Wildstyle battle; SleazyWorld Go performs "What You Want2".
The stews face an ultimatum given by Capt. Sandy. Aeshaimplements a new laundry system. A deckhand's song about theirromantic dilemma is overheard. During a day off, a deckhandapologizes as romance escalates.
Bobby Flay, Sunny Anderson and Michael Voltaggio challenge theBrawlers to dig into their BBQ bag of tricks and create smokyfeasts without wood or charcoal. If that's not enough, they'rehit with a shake-up when the bottom Brawler from each team mustcook for their lives in an elimination challenge.
Teenagers fight over an unauthorized 3-minute joy ride thatresults in a blown engine and sizeable repair bill. Blameshifts to the sports car owner when video evidence of areckless, high-speed freeway ride is introduced.
The restaurant heats up as fire performer Hayley goes on a datewith business owner Glen who claims if he were a moviecharacter it would be Christian Grey. Heavily tattooed Sarah,36-years-old from Wales, is looking for a man to take her binsout on a Tuesday and hopes to find that quality in the equallyinked Dan. Twenty-four year-old William is matched with with23-year-old Zara, both parties are on their first date ever.The final couple into the restaurant are 34-year-old Ashaunaand 38-year-old Kurt who lends a sympathetic ear when Ashaunadiscusses her self-esteem taking a hit after facing datingdiscrimination over her albinism.
Fat Joe goes head-to-head with Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias: andlater, David Foster and Katharine McPhee battle it out withClay Aiken to see who will win the grand prize for theirselected charities.
Sig deploys tactics from the old country to zero in on theBairdi crab motherlode. Jack earns a windfall of new quota,but it comes at the cost of drug testing his crew. Jake getsburned by his own generosity when the Aleutian Lady overstaysits welcome.
Behind President Joe Biden's fateful decision are decades ofchallenges and controversies, triumphs and tragedies.FRONTLINE tells the inside story of Biden's rise to thepresidency, and the personal and political forces that shapedhim and led to his dramatic decision to step aside.
Cases feature an unsatisfied wife, an uncredited cosplayer anda scam investment.
Art imitates life when SLOAN asks the house to reenact some oftheir most absurd and surreal moments in the villa in anoff-the-wall telenovela; the truth is turned upside down inthis surreal version of a Spanish soap opera.