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1. John Cena ("Jackpot!"). 2. Omar Sy ("The Killer"). 3.Musical Guests Jeff Goldblum & The Mildred SnitzerOrchestra featuring Haley Reinhart.
Saffron saves the day in an icy situation. Penelope faces offwith a tribal chief. Bittelig puts his heart into a rescuemission.
Mixxy is sucker-punched by the realities of her friendship withSuzie. Himé confronts Jin.
When tourists on a fishing charter in Key West, Florida,discover a human arm, suspended detective Andrew Yancy takesthe case.
Guests include Casey Affleck (The Instigators) and MeredithHagner (Bad Monkey). Todd Sucherman sits-in with the 8G Band.
Kevin and Saffron return to Bingley…but it's 1996 and theirparents are children. Fianna continues her chase and crashes agoth party.
Caitlin meets with Yancy to discuss her suspicions about herstepmother Eve. Yancy learns of Eve's secret boyfriend.
The contestants may be building houses in a resort, but it isno holiday as setbacks cause havoc in their bathroomrenovations.
Four new famous faces embark on an adventure of a lifetime, ajourney that will be harder than ever yet equally rewarding.They'll be leaving behind their luxurious lifestyles for anepic 12,500km race from the Amazon rainforest all the way tothe Andes at ground level.They say goodbye to lavishtransport, smartphones and bank cards armed with just a mapand a limited budget to help them reach the finish line. Testedto the extremes, they'll need to rely on their ingenuity aswell as the kindness of strangers. Once again, joining thecelebrities will be their nearest and dearest, providing aunique insight into people we thought we knew through the eyesof those who know them best.Competing this series arebroadcaster Kelly Brook and her husband, Jeremy, Ted Lassostar Kola Bokinni and his cousin Mary Ellen, Radio 2 hostScott Mills and his fiancé, Sam, and broadcaster JeffBrazier and his son Freddy.
A man in his 30's is found deceased in a friend's flat, whilethe police launch a Facebook appeal to confirm his identity andtrace his next of kin, staff in the mortuary investigate thecircumstances that lead to his death. An elderly man isreadmitted to hospital, where he dies, Dr Adeley and the teammust thoroughly explore all possibilities to determine hisexact cause of death.
The chefs turn to their baking skills when tasked with making acelebratory birthday cake.
While forming friendships, rivalries, and romances, badassreality competitors from around the globe face off in cutthroatchallenges and brutal eliminations, with the chance to earntheir share of a million-dollar prize.
America's votes will reveal which two acts from the previousnight's show will move on to the Semi-finals. Also advancing isone act that got sent straight to Finals last night with thenew Live Show Golden Buzzer.
The houseguests compete to win the power of veto: the winnerof the competition can save someone.
Josh, Phil and Heather investigate what may be the mosthaunted building in America: the Trans-Allegheny LunaticAsylum, where thousands died after disturbing medicalprocedures. It's said their ghosts roam its now-abandoned halls-- and they're angry.
The body of the bubbly "girl next door," Misty Morse, wasfound in a south Florida lagoon with her limbs bound togetherby nautical rope. Real crime scene investigators uncovered asecret love affair and used pet DNA analysis and a procedurecalled degloving to solve her murder.
When a man disappears in Hagerstown, Maryland, the only clueto his whereabouts is the white BMW he abandons at an apartmentcomplex. Investigators turn to CCTV footage to piece togetherhis final movements and unravel a deadly plot.
The competition tightens with just five contestants left. Theirpop-culture knowledge is put to the test in this week'schallenge as additional clues are revealed. Leading into theGuess Off, the housemates attempt to unite against one fellowplayer.
The chefs work in teams to create a dish using a mystery boxfilled with different food items from their generation.
A look at some of the wildest courtroom moments. A grievingfather is removed from the courtroom for cursing at hisdaughter's killer; a man accused of violating his parole bydrinking alcohol claims he absorbed it from aftershave lotion;a defendant breaks down crying when the judge denies her bond;and more.
A three-way negotiation between Flagg, Tracy, and Altman goesnowhere, leaving Flagg without a house; Tracy goes againstthe odds to sell an unfinished masterpiece; Altman's protegeturns a sweet deal sour.
Rick and Chum rack up points testing the merchandise at apinball paradise. Will their fun with flippers lead to a score?Then, Corey saddles up to an obscure piece of WWII history.Next, Chum sleuths out a sale on a rare set of Sherlock Holmesbooks, but will he get a good read on the negotiation. Later,Rick welcomes Guns N' Roses guitarist ASHBA to the jungle thatis the shop and they riff over some heavy metal.
A look at some of the wildest courtroom moments. A woman who'sjust undergone transition surgery is suing her ex-boyfriend forthrowing her testicles in the trash; a college student whofundraised almost ,000 by falsely claiming to havepancreatic cancer apologizes to the court; a man accused ofassault repeatedly angers the judge during his pretrialhearing; and more.
Bryce Johnson, Dr. Mireya Mayor, and Russell Acord scourNorth America in search of the cryptid known as Bigfoot; theyreturn to northern California to explore compelling evidenceand unlock this centuries-old mystery.
Rob, Steelo, and Carly Aquilino have an issue with lights in'got lamped,' lose their liquor in 'wasted shots,' and meetsome kids who do not like bugs.
Rob, Steelo, and Carly Aquilino take a game seriously in'adult league intensity,' uncover too much in 'super honest,'and pick up late night work.