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Max and Miranda investigate an arson case in the Mallorcancountryside that has become the unlikely center of a volatileelection. When a body is discovered, our detectives must sortthrough the murky dealings of politicians, businessmen, andeco-activists to solve what lies at the heart of the crime.

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After a devastating attack, Maran steps up to defend hiscommunity. An unexpected ally emerges, but is it enough tostop Lilith?

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After learning the truth about Jennifer, the crew sets out tofind her and Ben. Klaus hustles to escape his plight. Five andLila try to change the past.

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The Chase Australia 12x118 - Episode 118

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When a criminal makes an audacious escape from prison, Max andMiranda are forced to team up with a mainland cop fromBarcelona in order to find him before a vengeful gangster doesfirst. Can the team track down the fugitive in time, or willtheir new third wheel thwart the investigation?

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Şahsu's final trial tests her limits and reveals a secret thatleads her to a moment of profound transformation.

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Lila and Five get lost traversing various timelines.Meanwhile, Viktor and Reginald aim to stop Ben, whose unionwith Jennifer sets forth a lethal path.

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Miranda and Max are punished for a longstanding smuggling bustgoing south by being sent undercover in a holiday resort toinvestigate a series of thefts from guests' rooms. While Max ishappy for the getaway, Miranda is offended by assignment. Canthey survive the job long enough to discover the bigger mysteryright under their noses?

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Shahmaran plots to vanquish Lilith once and for all. Asurprising turn of events sets the stage for a new beginningfor Şahsu and Maran.

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With Ben and Jennifer in peril and the Cleanse underway, thefamily unites for one last fight to save the world — and endthe infinite devastation.

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Whilst investigating the disappearance of a local journalist,Max and Miranda uncover a high-profile assassination plot at anupcoming summit being held on the island. After a devastatingevent leaves a guilty Max & Miranda sidelined and at oddswith one another, the duo will need to put their differencesaside in order to save the day.

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Whilst investigating the disappearance of a local journalist,Max and Miranda uncover a high-profile assassination plot at anupcoming summit being held on the island. After a devastatingevent leaves a guilty Max & Miranda sidelined and at oddswith one another, the duo will need to put their differencesaside in order to save the day.

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New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x72 - G1 Climax 34 Day 13

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General Hospital 255x155 - Ep. #15525

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Ring of Honor Wrestling 255x32 - Episode 32

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The First 48 Presents Critical Minutes 3x9 - A Woman's Work

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With new weather patterns looming, the days are numbered forthose counting on foraging to pull them through. Onesurvivalist is left confused as the Arctic takes back itsgift, while another unexpectedly finds a second chance at amissed opportunity.

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iMPACT Wrestling 21x32 - Episode 32

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As contestants try to avoid the WHAMMY, host Elizabeth Bankskeeps the energy high as they vie for those big bucks!

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In the season's third live eviction, America chooses areplacement nominee after a contentious veto meeting; thethree nominees compete in the A.I. Arena before one of themgets the boot.

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Food Network favorite Sunny Anderson and actor Jenna Elfmanteam up with chefs Francisco Higareda and Chris Dodson to crushBobby Flay with their international flavors.

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The Sheriff's team takes unprecedented measures to protectDaniel when his true identity is discovered by the deputies,while Qwell discovers inmates are hiding substances in thegreenhouse, and an incident in the women's pod causes Nina andScarlett to sever their bond as teammates.

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Featured magicians include Naathan Phan, Maxence Vire, Reza,Trino and Dan Sperry.

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Paris enlists Brother Elijah's help, Vegas gets someeye-opening information from K.D. about L.C.'s recentactivities, and the Duncan brothers end up in hot water whilelooking for answers.

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The Real Housewives Of Orange County 18x5 - Dinner PartyDisaster

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Eddie Jackson gives home cook Sejal Patel the surprise of hislife when he pits him against the world-famous Chef Jet Tila ina gauntlet of goat. A panel of judges off the streets of NewYork City will determine if Sejal has what it takes to walkaway with ,000.

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Watch What Happens Live 22x133 - EMILY SIMPSON and COLLEENHOOVER

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Host Andy Cohen discusses pop-culture events with guests andviewers.

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Impractical Jokers 11x6 - Bowling for Dollars

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Impractical Jokers 11x7 - Inside Jokes - Eric Andre Returns

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E! News 24x119 - 080824

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Cleo's body is discovered. As Maddie's obsession with Cleogrows deeper, she realizes they once crossed paths.

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In part two, the conflict is reignited the next day when aknife is allegedly brandished, triggering a frantic struggle.In the chaos, the car sustains damage when the two partiesengage in mutual combat ending in the arrest of both young men.

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Milkshake! 255x222 - Episode 222

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The Chase Australia 12x119 - Episode 119

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Lizard's monster plant takes over the city.

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Doc Ock captures the Spider CRAWL-R while on a mission inSpace, so Miles and his mom, Rio, work together to freetheir ship.

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General Hospital 255x156 - Ep. #15526

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Jimmy Carr hosts a hybrid of the comedy panel show and thewords-and-numbers quiz, as Jon Richardson and Katherine Ryantake on Richard Ayoade and Laura Smyth. Mathematician RachelRiley looks after the letters and numbers, while Mat Ewinsjoins lexicographer Susie Dent in Dictionary Corner.

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WWE SmackDown Live 25x32 - #1301 - BOK Center in Tulsa, OK

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Catherine relinquishes her seat on the Privy Council, but notbefore securing a place for Anjou; a religious war is on thehorizon as Queen Elizabeth lands in the Netherlands; France'ssaving grace may be a marriage.

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In tonight's word game, new champs look to defend their titleas they face off against friends, while law professors gohead-to-head with a dating couple in a high-stakes match-up.

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Zeruiah finally meets her husband for the first-time outside ofprison; Shonta loses it when True goes rogue; Hope confrontsArthur about a lie; Julian and Christine rekindle theirromance; Kim anxiously awaits Joey's release.

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This trip, Guy Fieri's heading back for more of the bestAfrican and Asian eats! First up, a taste of Thailand inBoulder, Colo., is still dishing out next-level flavors likeMassaman curry bison and a righteous river prawn pad Thai.Then, a joint in Tempe, Ariz., continues plating Pakistanifavorites with their chicken biryani and the bomb beef nihari,and in San Antonio, a family-run spot is holding it down withhomemade Moroccan specialties like lamb shanks with apricotsand chicken pastilla.

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Dr. Jacques Vallee holds multiple scientific degrees, is abest-selling author, and is one of the fathers of theinternet. But he is best known for his revolutionary work inthe field of UFOs, and his bold theories challenge our notionsof alien life. Will Dr. Vallee's incredible work soon lead toanswers about what has been happening in our skies forthousands of years?

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Ice sets in early, threatening to freeze the operation. In adesperate search for unfrozen ground, Andy creates a novelsolution: digging up the road they built at the start of theseason to harvest the gold-rich Lost Cut pay dirt it was builtfrom.

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Darby Allin vs. The Butcher, Wheeler Yuta vs.. Rocky Romero,Private Party vs. Dave & Zane Dawson, Saraya vs. NylaRose

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In the season finale, Todd's crew races to beat 1,000 ouncesand make a profitable final season for Grampa Jack. But with aseason-ending snowfall in the forecast, the rich pay dirt theyneed may be in the last place an old-school miner would everlook.

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Did a UFO land in Kansas? Are remains found in Japanextraterrestrial? Tony Harris and his team of experts willinvestigate compelling evidence of alien visitations on earthand come to shocking conclusions.

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Blake Lively: M. Night Shyamalan: Peter Sarsgaard: TomHopper; Billy Magnussen; Justin Baldoni; author ColleenHoover.

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