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Guests include Kim Kardashian, Daveed Diggs, Charlie Vickersand comedian Jessica Keenan.
1. Greg Kinnear ("You Gotta Believe"). 2. Janet McTeer("Kaos"). 3. Musical Guest Waxahatchee.
The Vatican asks the team to investigate a Hawking-like geniusfor potential ties to the occult. David's continued aiding ofthe Entity produces physical effects, and he and Sister Andreasay goodbye to St. Joseph's. Meanwhile, Leland returns home,where David confronts him.
The Banks family host their annual Juneteenth festivities. Willthinks about his future.
Bill continues to test the waters with Natalie, which leads toa huge mistake. Lionel goes to extreme measures to finish themission he set out on.
One wedding disaster and a viral video later, Emily scramblesto get both her personal and professional affairs in orderbefore the French Open.
Regina is getting closer to discovering where Bill is actuallyspending his supposed gym time. Tom continues to break the lawbut has good intentions hiding Claudia at his apartment.
Worry turns to anger after Emily spills a big secret toGabriel. Mindy finds a skeleton in JVMA's couture closet.Camille throws Monet at her problems.
Guests include Jean Smart (Hacks) and Jonathan Bailey (FellowTravelers). Todd Sucherman sits-in with the 8G Band.
Will and Carlton get jobs at the Beverly Hills Country Club andit's nothing like they expected.
As Gabriel's living situation turns très compliqué, Emilyplans a lavish masquerade ball for Maison Lavaux, wherefeelings are shared — and choices made.
Emily seeks a private spot for a romantic rendezvous, Sylviecalls in a favor for Laurent's club opening, and Mindy'srelationship hits an impasse.
Will and Carlton go to a downtown car event to promote"Blackccess". Phil scopes out a new client.
Looks prove deceiving as Agence Grateau hypes a skincare lineand Gabriel's restaurant chases a Michelin star. Trouble brewson Camille's shopping trip.
Host Elizabeth Banks is hoping the contestants hit those bigbucks and not the WHAMMY on the game that is sure to make yourheart race.
Following a live vote, a houseguest is evicted andinterviewed; remaining houseguests compete.
With only four people remaining, food insecurity reaches anall-time high. One participant's prized harvest is pilfered,while another survivalist battles a debilitating sicknessbrought on by an unfortunate source.
Three cases from The First 48 archive where friends turned intoenemies. First, in Cleveland, a backyard hangout turns deadlyin broad daylight. Then, in Tulsa, a young man risks his lifeto save a friend's. Finally, in Gwinnett County, Georgia, afamily man is killed by those he trusted most.
Chef Katie Lee Biegel and fashion icon Carson Kressley glam itup while, chefs Rob Reinsmith and Manny Barella dress BobbyFlay down.
Magicians featured in this episode include Topas, MurraySawChuck, Keelan Leyser, My Uyen, Adam Wylie, Mat O'Neilland Reza.
With the end of the program drawing near, the participantsstruggle to tie up loose ends, fend off suspicion, and facereal problems in the jail.
Paris comes clean with Bobby. Sonya confronts Junior, andthere's hell to pay. Rio's search for his carjacker leads to arevelation he never expected.
Gina, Heather and Emily whisk Shannon away for a relaxinggirls' trip in La Quinta, only for Gina to find herself inquite the mess with Emily and Heather. Meanwhile, Tamra,Katie and Jenn head to Tamra's Big Bear house, where they diptheir toes in the snow and some pie. Katie shares with theladies that she feels set up by Gina, while Alexis revealsmore trouble is heading Shannon's way.
Home cook Sean Johnson is flying high when Eddie Jacksonsurprises him with a duel of duck against the celebrated ChefAlex Guarnaschelli. Sean will have to serve up one deliciousduck dish to earn him a coveted single vote from a panel of NewYork City judges.
After the remaining participants are released, they meet withSheriff Smith and his team to discuss their time inside theUtah County Jail and find out which team members finished theprogram.
"Community Calendar" with Sean Hayes: Billie Eilish takes "TheColbert Questionert"; actor Hiroyuki Sanada; Koe Wetzel andJessie Murph perform.
1. Awkwafina ("Jackpot!"). 2. Paul W. Downs ("Hacks"). 3.Musical Guest Remi Wolf.
Arrests, confessions, and connections are made as Maddiecomes closer to solving Cleo's murder.
The 12 Global Queens meet each other for the first time in anInternational Runway Extravaganza, before Ru Paul reveals that6 of them have to entertain the judges with a very specialtalent show.
Our 12 Global Glamazons become Cover Stars in a madcap quickdrag challenge, before the Queens perform for Ru Paul in atalent show that covers everything from pole dancing toclowning to rice cooking!
Gobby's Dino-mech takes over a natural geyser: Lizard bringsdinosaurs to life in the museum.
Jimmy Carr hosts as Richard Ayoade and Kemah Bob take onJonathan Ross and Maisie Adam in the classic words and numbersquiz. Sarah Keyworth joins Susie Dent in Dictionary Corner,while Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon fills in for Rachel Riley lookingafter the letters and numbers.
The fate of a rookie mountain miner lies in the balance afterhe sinks his life savings into a British Columbia placer claim.With fine gold proving tricky to capture, Freddy and Juan mustdevelop all-new ideas to boost recovery.