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Ava and the teachers must band together to hide the golf-coursecontraband.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Rick checks out a horde of coins from Kentucky -- but is allthat glitters gold, or will Rick be played for a fool? Then,Chum gets into the spirit when a mentalist brings in a magicalclock.  Will it be time for a deal, or will Chum get ghosted? Later, Corey isn't ready to say die to a deal when a sellerbrings in a poster from The Goonies -- but will this betreasure, or will Corey be cursed? And finally, Chum tries todrum up a deal on a sparkling snare. Will the seller feel therhythm, or will Chum have to tap out? 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Summer House 9x6 - Episode 6

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Sabrina's instinct takes her on a rogue investigation thatlands her in peril, putting her skills, intellect, andinstinct to the biggest test yet.

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Ridiculousness 42x115 - Sterling and Lolo Wood CX

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For My Man 8x23 - Web of Deception

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Heather and Phil head to Tennessee's Brushy MountainPenitentiary to investigate terrifying reports of possessionand confront the violent, powerful, and hostile forceslurking in its remains.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The stakes are high at the Roadblock! Racers must play theancient Japanese game of kemari and the first team with bothmembers to successfully complete the game will win the expresspass.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ridiculousness 42x116 - Sterling and Lolo Wood CXI

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In Mesa County, a woman with warrants runs from the copsduring her mother's medical emergency. Meanwhile, in HancockCounty, a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde get pinched for postingbail with a counterfeit check. In Modesto, cops bust two youngwomen with big attitudes during a retail theft sting. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ridiculousness 42x117 - Sterling and Lolo Wood CXII

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Ridiculousness 42x118 - Sterling and Lolo Wood CXIII

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E! News 25x43 - 031925

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The Wheel of Time 3x4 - Episode 4

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Harley Quinn 5x10 - TBA

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As chaos erupts in London after a spiked shipment of cocainekills hundreds, fan-favourite characters collide with newfaces bound by blood ties, sparking brutal power struggles,unexpected alliances, and fierce rivalries. Former undercovercop turned gangster Elliot navigates his new role as atop-level criminal alongside the Dumanis, but the spikingthrows their operations into disarray. The Wallaces, Luan,Lale, and the street gangs face devastating consequences aspersonal vendettas collide with professional power strugglesbleeding into violent turf wars. In the ruthless fight forcontrol of London's criminal underworld, no one is safe. Thiswas no accident — it was a calculated attack. But who'spulling the strings?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures 2x24 - Just Like Wes

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The Kardashians 6x7 - Episode 7

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Jack Reacher 3x7 - L.A. Story

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Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures 2x25 - Raxlo to the Rescue

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Gangs of London 3x2 - Episode 2

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Milkshake! 255x79 - Episode 79

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Gangs of London 3x3 - Episode 3

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Gangs of London 3x4 - Episode 4

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Peppa and George are playing in their pool. They help thegarden animals cool down but when it rains, the animals arehappy and so is Peppa. Rain makes muddy puddles for jumpingin. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x25 - New Japan Cup 2025 Day 9

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Gangs of London 3x5 - Episode 5

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Gangs of London 3x6 - Episode 6

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Gangs of London 3x7 - Episode 7

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Gangs of London 3x8 - Episode 8

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Dr. Stone 4x11 - Episode 11

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


This week, candidates create and advertise their own hot sauceto pitch to experts. Basic branding, absurd adverts andcritical errors lead to a shock result in the boardroom.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jean and her sidekick Dom are quietly navigating a blossomingbut secret romance, and with her growing reputation as acrimesolving expert, Jean teams up with Police Chief InspectorAndré Caron to unravel a series of mysteries. AntoineLefevre, the CEO of a major company, goes missing. Jeremy andJudith find his body in a dinghy while on a jet ski ride.There's a bag is tied over his head, and two rare coins placedon his eyes. After he dies, Caron asks Jean to research thecoins, which she suspects hold clues to his murder. Jean laterspots a figure in the car park. Is this a suspect hangingaround the hotel? Or are these rare and expensive coins thereason to think that Antoine was murdered? 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Tom Allen meets the fired candidate and shares exclusivebehind-the-scenes content as Lord Sugar continues his searchfor a new business partner who will win his £250,000investment. A panel of special guest fans give their views onthe week's task.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ring of Honor Wrestling 255x12 - Episode 12

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Law & Order 24x16 - Folk Hero

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The mentors challenge the chefs to make the most impressiveramen dish while reaching from a fast moving platform thatmoves up and down each level throughout the entire challenge.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The team is called to investigate when a young wife is killedin her Hoggs Hollow home, and they uncover a secret hiddenwithin the home and the police department.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An altercation in a casino parking lot leads to murder whenfriends abandon reason for revenge.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In Drumheller, Alberta the teams dig deep in two dinochallenges - then a huge twist spins them out. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


9-1-1 8x11 - Holy Mother of God

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Troy teams up with a legendary hunter to chase arecord-breaking 14-foot monster. Zak aids Daniel in taking down"The Professor" a cunning gator that has evaded capture for 30years. Joey and Kallie take on an elusive gator terrorizing acrawfish pond. Jacob and Little Willie track a beast known as"Tree Breaker," a giant gator powerful  nough to snap awillow tree. Bruce and Anna hunt in a hidden trench, usingBruce's swamp instincts to land massive gators.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


iMPACT Wrestling 22x12 - Episode 12

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Actor Sarah Levy joins Kristen and Gail for the QuickfireChallenge, tasking the chefs to put their spin on Canada'sfamous poutine; for the Elimination Challenge, Daniel Bouludjoins the judges' table as the chefs team up to create abrunch.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The doctor of a comatose woman calls SVU when he discovers hispatient is pregnant; Benson must convince the family to rejectmagical thinking and look at the facts.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


It's Casino Week aboard The Odyssey, and unexpected guestAthena Grant suspects two passengers are targeting the ship'svault. Enlisting Max's help, Athena raises the stakes in adangerous game where not everyone will end up with a winninghand.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Troy Landry is called on by an old family friend, Mr.Sterling, who reveals a tantalizing story about a treasurechest said to have been lost in a Louisiana bayou over 75 yearsago. Armed with a mysterious map that traces back to the CivilWar era, the chest is rumored to contain Confederate gold.Together with a seasoned treasure hunter, Troy and Mr.Sterling embark on an adventurous quest through silt-ladenwaterways and treacherous terrain, driven by the hope ofunearthing a legendary fortune hidden for generations.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Following a difficult case, the team faces the complexities ofmedical ethics. Meanwhile, Bailey continues to navigate herworking relationship with Ben, while a group of collegestudents on a scavenger hunt causes chaos around the hospital.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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