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The playgroup is visiting the zoo today. Mr Lion then showsthem a giant lizard! The children all believe it's a dinosaur.
Partner Swap continues with the couples split up and livingwith other partners and not everyone is happy.
The Political View with Sen. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.): JulianLennon (exhibition, "Reminiscence"; author, "Life's FragileMoments").
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
When a passenger train is hijacked and rerouted while at highspeed with an unarmed OA and Gemma on board, the team races towrest control away from the unhinged perpetrators and prevent acatastrophe.
Will and Faith dive into the high-profile murder of a famousrapper, uncovering a web of corruption stretching beyond themusic industry. Meanwhile, Angie and Ormewood investigate anunderground swinger's club, where nothing is quite as itseems.
Joyce launches a women's health initiative to unexpectedresults; Ron treats a patient who has all the answers; Brucehas an existential crisis.
Tensions are high as the entire Chicago cast returns one yearlater to debate and discuss the most shocking and emotionalmoments from their season. Relationships are still raw as theyrevisit past issues and question if everyone is telling thetruth about what really happened.
In the season finale, Mark and Digger scramble to clearevidence of outlaw activity -- only to discover the law is onestep ahead. Mike and Jerry build a column still that runs twoproofs at once. In his final run, Kenny lends a hand to alegend in need.
Gordon Ramsay helps the owner of Blake's Place, a smallneighborhood restaurant that has lost sight of the most crucialaspect of a restaurant's reputation, which is executingdelicious and memorable dishes.
Mark joins the Peace A Chord concert but takes the spotlight.The Fox family struggles with Susanne's engagement. Mary seekssupport while Ritche's struggles to earn his father'sapproval.
At the behest of producer Sy Hoffman, Dan and Abby worktogether to turn Dan's memoir into a musical; Wyatt tries tohelp Julianne stay cool when her ex-lover turns up at thecourthouse.
The team mobilizes to locate a suspect after a deadly series ofevents affects one of their own. Meanwhile, Celina takes onher first case with Bailey's help.
Under the threat of a double elimination, the remaining fiveplayers must choose between money and power; one will walkaway richer while another will gain a strategic advantage.
New pathways discovered in the swamp suggest more activity tookplace on the island than ever believed. And after professionalanalysis, a gemstone uncovered on Lot 5 has the team believingthat someone with great wealth was on the island before thediscovery of the Money Pit.
After a young American woman is brutally murdered in Venice,the Fly Team is met with hostility when they discover thattheir person of interest has ties to a well-connected Italianfamily. Soon, the case gets even more complicated when the CIAStation Chief shows up with an agenda of his own. Meanwhile,pressure mounts on Quinn to deliver intel on Mitchell.
Four members of the Johnston family are graduating! But amidstthe celebrations, tension with Anna come to a head. Trentfinally meets with a neurologist to get answers about hishealth.
While helping Ethan seek treatment at a VA Hospital, Hana putsout an SOS to the Fugitive Task Force when she is among thosetaken hostage by an enraged veteran.
With an astronaut trapped in space, Alec is tapped to evaluatewhether the pair of astronauts assigned to rescue them - amarried couple - can safely complete the mission; an accidentduring a training exercise puts the mission at risk.
1. Joel McHale ("Animal Control"). 2. SZA ("One of Them Days"and the "Grand National Tour"). 3. Musical GuestBlondshell. 4. Mike Campbell sitting in with Cleto and theCletones.
Guests include Millie Bobby Brown, Dwyane Wade and musicalguest Sting & Shaggy.
Actress Laverne Cox visits to chat about her new Amazon Primecomedy series, "Clean Slate." Jennifer also invites top-ratedstylist and color expert Rayne Parvis from Los Angeles,California, to explain what color analysis is and how to findyour most flattering shades.
GRAMMY® Award-winning singer-songwriter-actress MICHELLEWILLIAMS makes her Tam Fam debut to chat about her role in oneof the most anticipated Broadway movie adaptations of theyear, "Death Becomes Her." Then, a DAYTIME EXCLUSIVE withactress LUCY HALE, who joins us to talk about her comedythriller "F* Marry Kill." Plus, two-time Emmy® winner,singer and the first Black female puppeteer for "Sesame Street"MEGAN PIPHUS performs her new song.
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Tony Award-winning actor Phylicia Rashad tellsSherri about her new Broadway play, "Purpose."It's ColonCancer Awareness month and Dr. Aja McCutchen joins Sherri foran important conversation about this disease.
Guest Host: Willie Geist/ Cameo-oke: Cry to Me (MarcBroussard)/ Michael Fassbender and Regé-Jean Page/ TheTraitors Winners/ Bargains and Deals with Lawrence Zarian(MorningSave)/ Broadway in 6A: "Gypsy" Performance of‘Together Wherever We Go'/ WIL: DC Therapy Dogs.
Guests include Parker Posey (The White Lotus) and Michael Kosta(Lucky Loser: Adventures in Tennis and Comedy).
Peppa and Rebecca Rabbit pretend to be babies to get MummyRabbit's attention. Mummy Rabbit plays along until they admitthey are not really babies!
Dinner Party. Trouble hits some of the experiment's mostbeloved couples and plays out for everyone to see.
Max and Ellis go undercover, joining the cast and crew of areality show to find out who murdered its star. In a world ofscandal, deceit and lip-filler parties, every cast member isunder suspicion.
Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Brian Windhorst.