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Malcolm builds space for Muslims in the Harlem community,meeting new member Betty Saunders, As romance builds betweenthe two, a confrontation with the police puts Malcolm in thespotlight. As the Montgomery Bus Boycott intensifies, Martinand his new family are faced with concerns about their safety.In the end, both find themselves ascending to heights theycould have never imagined.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Bell and the team must keep a witness and her family safe fromLos Santos before she testifies. Carisi asks Stabler to backoff the case to preserve the integrity of his undercover work.Stabler hosts a chaotic family dinner.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After an attack leaves Martin grappling with his mortality, hemust confront whether his fear is affecting his ability tolead. Malcolm sees an opportunity to grow the profile of theNation in the form of a documentary about the NOI. However theconsequences of his actions begin to bubble to the surface. Allthe while, Malcolm juggles a growing family as Betty findsherself feeling isolated.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jimmy welcomes actress Mariska Hargitay plus an interview withand musical performance by Kid Cudi.

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Stephen welcomes musician André 3000 takes The ColbertQuestionert and actor Justin Hartley.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A deadly evacuation mission signals a shift in Master Chief'swar with the Covenant. On Reach, a new regime takes the reinsat FLEETCOM. John senses a looming threat close to home.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


With Sanctuary cut off from the outside world, Abigail hasfree rein to exact the ultimate revenge on Sarah and Harper.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Hihi told John and Jane to take some space! John has beenspending lots of time with his new friend, Bev. But what aboutJane? Will John forget about all the fun they had together?Poor Jane! Bad, bad, John! How will John and Jane bounce backfrom INFIDELITY!

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John pushes Silver Team to its limit as he searches for missingSpartans; Kai worries about John's stability. Kwan finds theRubble is a far more dangerous place in Soren's absence. Halseyseeks the identity of her captor.

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Father Brown must discover the culprit when a novelist isattacked at a crime-writing festival.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Among the guests on Graham's sofa: knight of the stage andscreen Ian McKellen, taking the role of Falstaff in PlayerKings, a new version of Shakespeare's Henry IV plays, andaward-winning actor Michael Sheen, talking about his new WelshBBC drama series The Way, which he also directed.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Tempers boil over and Ray and Alan explode at each other.Frankie learns valuable intel about Osito and Jackie learnsthere are even more missing or murdered prostitutes.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Desperation sets in as Howard tries to evade the Task Force andRonnie goes on the attack, leaving Raq and Kanan to make somefateful choices.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Tony tries to resurrect his infamous Dredge #1. Parker bringsin his last gold from Australia Creek and focuses the team onfinishing the Money Pit. The McCaughans hunt for a new hotspot.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


John and Jane are taking a time-out. Will they be able to saythey're sorry or will this be the end of their adventures? Grabsome tissues John and Jane, it's A BREAKUP! Only this time,it's life and death. Don't be so dramatic!

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


1989. The year has taken Dex and Em in very differentdirections. From a villa in Rome and a minibus in theMidlands, they both ponder what comes next.

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Max pushes himself too far, Stevie makes a fatal decision,and Iain keeps a secret from Faith.

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1990. Life in London isn't what Em was expecting. In a creativedrought, she's working in a shabby restaurant, where she getsa visit from Dex.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Determined to reform youth justice, Alex pushes forward withher radical plan in the House of Representatives. Rachel seizesthe opportunity for her own advantage.

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In his new role, Cyril faces his toughest challenge yet,whilst Matthew is summoned to a board meeting with his mother.Elsewhere, the pupil midwives prepare for their final exams.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Eliza is on the trail of a fugitive who is charged with murder.She must find him before the police do or risk losingeverything.

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As the team gather evidence from the explosion at Tratea GlobalAnalytics, a new lead emerges - an informant promisingintelligence on the terror cell. Meanwhile, a journalist issent a suspicious package...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


It's murder in the bingo hall as a local care home resident isfound stabbed with her own knitting needle, clutching amysterious photo of a dead man...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Colter's handlers, Velma and Teddi Bruin, send him to KlamathFalls, Ore., to investigate the disappearance of 14-year-oldGil Brown who is suspected to have been taken by his birth dadwith a criminal background. While pursuing a lead at a localburger joint based on intel from tech genius Bobby Exley,Colter finds himself in some trouble of his own requiring helpfrom legal mind Reenie Greene

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Still in Atlanta, Larry finds himself stuck at a rental homewith a questionable lawn ornament. Meanwhile, Jeff pays theprice for taking Larry's advice for Susie's birthday gift.

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As Prior digs into the links between Tsalal and mining companySilver Sky, Navarro rescues Leah from a local protest that hasturned violent. At a meeting with Silver Sky exec KateMcKitterick, Danvers balks when Connelly shares the officialcause of the Tsalal men's deaths - and gets a warning againstpursuing the case any further. Later, Hank receives a quid proquo offer.

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Stephen welcomes actor John Krasinski, actor Ryan Gosling,and special appearance by Jon Stewart.

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Spade gets more than he bargained for when he questions hiseccentric neighbors and learns more about the boy's mysteriousabilities. Teresa continues her investigation alone.Jean-Pierre faces his past and confronts Philippe.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


1991. On holiday together in Greece, Emma has plans for how tokeep things platonic. Dexter would rather reminisce about thenight they met.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Lyell are called to a museum outside King's Cross Station,where they discover the bodies of eight victims entombed below.With the knowledge that a prolific serial killer was operatingin London nearly twenty years ago, Nikki and the team knowthis will be a case like no other.

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Gemma and Dave are adjusting to Grover growing up and becominga teenager, and Marty and Calvin are struggling with differentmanagement styles at work. Also, we meet one of Marty's newemployees, Courtney, who might become something more.

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Murdoch suspects the sudden death of a man at a gospel revivalis connected to a fiery charlatan preacher and nun.

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After Tunde gets into a car accident, Bob and Abishola cajolehim into getting glasses but worry that his issues are morethan just his eyesight.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The NCIS team must help Torres when he puts his future at stakeby confronting the man who tormented his family when he was achild.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After Tennant passes her medical and psych evaluations, she'ssurprised to see Sam's conducting her final interview to clearher return to work. Also, when the team discovers a breach inthe U.S. Marshal's database, Sam joins Tennant in Las Vegas tolocate the hacker.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jake encourages Tess to talk to Superintendent Bennett aboutgetting her old job back, but her hopes are cut short by hisoffer to join the Metro PD only to ride a desk. A woman killedin her delivery van allows Tess to bring justice to a victim.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jon Stewart returns as a once-a-week host during the electionseason.

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1992. After a heavy night out, a hungover Dexter goes home tovisit his family. Shocked at the terrible state he's in, hismother takes him to task.

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Kelly Jo makes a momentous decision, and whilst most of theteachers are away on an inset day, Libby leads the pack as theteens run riot in school.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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