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1999. A troubled Dexter visits Emma, who's thriving in Paris.As they wander the streets, the memory of their encountermonths before hangs in the air.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Tonya is forced to take drastic action after a scandalousdiscovery, and Preston takes the law into his own hands.

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Sandi Toksvig, Rhod Gilbert, Lara Ricote, Ahir Shah and AlanDavies look at some animals beginning with 'U'.

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In the aftermath of the assaults in the explosive season fivefinale, the team must now try to understand why they weretargeted and if there is a bigger plan in place. Meanwhile,Nolan must survive his last shift before his wedding to Bailey.

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After the president of the NY Fed is gunned down trying to helpa young woman in peril, the team races to find the killer andthe missing woman. Additionally, a distressing connection toone of Jubal's past cases is revealed during theinvestigation, compounding the pressure on him as he alsodeals with his son's school suspension.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


An instructor at a prestigious Ballet School diesmysteriously, and Charlie and Rex discover he has ties toRussian spies.

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Abby finds she has a crush on the HR rep who's come to teachthe Night Court crew about respect in the workplace. Wyatt getsmore than he bargained for when he asks Dan for a thank-you.

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Camille tries to provoke Khia's teenage rebellion while Andrewtests his parents' skills to be guardians for Khia & Leo.

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Mark has a near-death experience and he's left questioninglife, death, and the afterlife. Is there a god? Has he chosenthe right one? And most importantly, does this change how Foxfeels about him.

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Julia helps get Jim out of a jam by lying and conniving to gethis friend's kid into an exclusive private school, but thereare unforeseen consequences to her dishonesty.

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Ben leaps into the body of a Baltimore firefighter in 1974 andis unexpectedly reunited with his time-crossed love, Hannah,and her son, Jeffrey; trapped in an inferno, Ben must find away to repair their troubled relationship and save their lives.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When ex-FBI agent Bill Cormack, captured by hostile forces inLibya years ago, suddenly resurfaces in a brutal Tripoliprison, Forrester and Powell risk everything to go undercoveras prisoners to break him out. Also, the Fly Team adjusts totheir new and improved HQ.

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After months of hard work, the Laginas once again descend theGarden Shaft and finally hit the tunnel they've been chasingall year.

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On the mid-season finale, after losing ,000 in stolenliquor, Mark and Digger surveil their bootlegger on a deliveryto Memphis; Tickle preps to open his own restaurant, butoutlaw habits die hard as he makes it a distribution hub forshine.

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Shaun and Lea adjust to parenthood as they debate theimportance of schedule and routine for Steve. Meanwhile, Shauntakes on his first case back at the hospital with two babypatients in need of the same heart.

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A car bomb ignites a thrilling investigation for Will and bombexpert Cricket, revealing more than meets the eye. As intrigueunfolds, Angie battles to return to work, Ormewood's homelife complicates, and Faith develops her relationship withLuke.

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Ben finds himself behind the wheel of a speeding stock car in1976, but a terrifying threat from the future could sabotagethe leap; racing against the clock, Ben, Addison and theteam risk everything to complete the mission and save QuantumLeap.

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The Coterie gathers for Callie and Jamie's engagementcelebration.

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The Fugitive Task Force launches into full gear after multiplebombings appear to be targeting retired NYPD officers. Also,Ray decides he's ready to take the next step in hisrelationship with Cora.

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Imogene walks in Rufus's shoes, revisiting the investigationinto her mother's murder eighteen years ago.

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The remaining 25 players try to hang onto their turf to be thelast one standing as a rookie contestant celebrates his weddinganniversary with a strategy that shocks everyone.

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2000. 2001. 2002. Em and Dex's bond grows tighter as the yearspass. Her writing's going well, and he starts his ownbusiness.

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An unexpected reunion stirs up more questions at the Tawarahousehold. Soichi and Yoko inch closer to a sinisterconspiracy.

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With her powers becoming uncontrollably dangerous and havingput Sammie in danger, Domino is forced to confront the monsterwithin herself and ask the coven for help.

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Years after their last encounter, Jack receives a surpriseinvitation from Alice. Feelings soon surface, raising doubtsabout whether Alice is ready to be in a relationship withanyone right now.

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Goodwin recruits Charles to evaluate her ex-husband's memory.Archer treats one of Sean's peers from the rehab center. Hannahtreats a woman from a rural clinic whose miscarriage wasimproperly treated.

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George gets a 3-day pass from jail to spend with Max but theurge to pull one more con is real. Ellis helps a troubled youthcharged with a B&E after he discovers it's a teen hisbrother used to know.

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Bev experiences moments of clarity and reflection and asksJackie to spend the day together in Chicago. Elsewhere,Darlene finds a rat in her home but refuses to let Ben kill it.

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After their defibrillator malfunctions on a call, Brett andViolet search for answers. Herrmann tries to find the perfecthome for his new recliner. A secret from Gibson's past comes tolight.

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Guy Fieri gives food truck families the ultimate road test bychallenging them to shop, cook and present their dishestogether as a team. First, they must make their truck's bestseller while taking a tag-team shop, where each family membershops in 60-second sprints as part of a four-minute groceryrelay race. Then, the remaining two teams make their personalfood truck favorite while also incorporating a dish style andcondiment determined by two spinning food truck wheels. Thewinning food truck family will roll out of Flavortown with upto ,000.

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Lexi, Duncan, Sam and Dennis attend an award ceremony forseveral SoCal Independent editing nominations. Nell steps in tobabysit Sam's daughter, who doesn't seem interested in hangingout with her "fun Aunt Nell".

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Atwater turns to an unlikely source of support when a string ofjewelry store robberies shakes his confidence.

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November 1975, the day after the Esquire article ispublished, Truman receives an inspiring visit from a fellowwriter.

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A disaster on board the International Space Station becomes afight for survival.

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D'arcy inserts herself into Harry's mission, while Kate growsmore uncomfortable in her own home.

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Jo races to find a way back to Earth before her life supportruns out. Henry is concerned about his experiment.

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Members of a unique squad of clones find their way in achanging galaxy in the aftermath of the Clone War.

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Following a lead, Hunter and Wrecker make a startlingdiscovery.

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2003. 2004. 2007. Unable to contemplate the future, Dexterlooks back on his and Emma's intertwined past - and gets avisit from some familiar faces.

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Sabrina joins a Serious Crimes investigation into aninternational car theft ring.

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After Paris is liberated by Allied troops, Nazi collaboratorsface punishment-including Coco. Christian is conflicted aboutever designing again.

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A wave of public outrage pushes Hegarty and June to worktogether before it's too late.

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The space agencies begin their investigation into the ISScollision. Jo struggles to reconnect with Magnus and Alice.

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Omega and Crosshair hatch a daring plan.

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To save Karen's life, Haru makes a promise to Hama-san. Riku,Nagi, and their grandmother face an unprecedented challenge athome.

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It's week four, and the candidates are sent to Jersey tosecure nine items synonymous with the area. After a race to thefinish, it's au revoir for another candidate in the boardroom.

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