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Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge onlygets you so far. More high scores, but only one team canprogress to the next round, and the clues are gettingtrickier.
Sandi Toksvig and Alan Davies are joined by Neil Delamere,Cariad Lloyd and Chris McCausland for a vulgar episode of QI.
The death of an elderly woman found in a cave has the Lyellteam asking what drives a person to murder someone sovulnerable. A new boss at the Lyell riles Jack.
We':re back with a brand-new series following the lives ofBritain's Biggest Family, the Radfords. It's beenforever since a Radford wedding, but at long, long last, oneis coming!
Faraz makes a surprising offer. Tamar and Nissan take a chancewith their fate. Peterson reveals his true face.
When a field is found littered with decomposing bodies,Murdoch fears a sequential killer might be targeting men fromother cultures.
Dr. Wolf and his team face their biggest challenge yet when anapartment building collapses in the Bronx.
Dr. Wolf meets a pastor dealing with mysterious visions. Theinterns grapple with the fallout from the building collapse.
Hayley scores an internship at Morning Mimosa but finds herselfon thin ice when she tries to inject real journalism into theshow. Meanwhile, the rest of the family suffers through aravaging case of food poisoning.
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Sergeant Donny Fitzpatrick(Fitz) and Saint Pierre et Miquelon Gendarmerie Nationale,Detective Bailey Archambault as they tackle a new crime of theweek while navigating their unlikely partnership.
A high-stakes auction reveals information about Zazil':streasure. Regina worsens the rift between Miguel and Lilí asInés loses something precious.
Trapped in the Subsea Module, Rose and Cameron must stopPictor getting the data drive. But an ambush on the Wet Dockleads to a gunshot that changes everything.
Benjamin continues his desperate search for Gloria.Nikki's disturbing discovery joins the dots. A new teammember joins the Lyell.
Now recovering from a gunshot wound and feeling the effects ofhis age, John and the team welcome two new rookies andcontinue the hunt for two dangerous inmates with very personalvendettas following their prison escape.
The GBI tracks down Will after the murder of two off-duty cops.As the investigation unfolds, Will is drawn into his past toclear a friend's name amid rivalries and corruption.
Mark starts high school at a former girls': school,finding joy in theatre while navigating old friendships and newlove. Pop's ham radio hobby leads him to an intercepteddistress signal.
Hunter and Eli recover from the shootout as they both plantheir next steps; Priscilla's convinced she can talkHunter into leaving the White House Residence.
Dr. Amy Larsen':s life is upended by a traumatic crashthat erases seven years' worth of memories, putting astrain on her colleagues, her family, and herself.
After more than a dozen years of searching, the team may havediscovered the legendary Chappell Vault...
Tasking Amanda and Kelly to find a poisonous berry they canturn into safe-to-drink shine.
The team investigates a mysterious young girl who was foundattacked on a beach. Meanwhile, Morgan begins to let her guarddown on her date with Tom, and Soto comes one step closer tofinding out what happened to Roman.
When an acclaimed tennis player goes missing in a remoteforest, Alec is called to help find her and bring her tosafety. However, a medical emergency threatens to sidelineAlec, leaving Marisa and Rose to race against time and rescuethe woman.
Jimmy welcomes model Pamela Anderson, actor Andrew Rannells,and a musical performance by Lil Baby.
As Regina drags Lilí to the Island of the Dead, the banditsare stuck in a watery grave. Octavio has a breakthrough thatcould tear the group apart.
The Bravo team race against time to reach the Heart of theAncestor before Pictor. But when they learn that Darian stillhas an ace to play, Rose and Fulmer have no choice but to givethemselves over to a heroic act of self-sacrifice.
As weeks turn into years without answers and his home lifeslowly falls apart, a desperate John turns to an unlikely allyto help crack the case.
Cormack invites Sam to examine the contents of Zoe':sbackpack and probe her memory for clues.
As the drama continues, the question on everyone':s lipsis who will be making it to breakfast. Suspicion mounts amongstthe Faithful, and the mission rattles a few cages.
Will and Geordie investigate the death of a circus performer.Will receives an offer that makes him question his life inGrantchester.
Detective Inspector Bea Metcalf recognises Patience':sunique insight and takes her under her wing, integrating herinto a police team operating on the frontline.
Billy and Con have to find a way to get the final tape in abanned cult video collection before word gets out thatthey've stolen money from the school graduation fund.
On their way to meet their source, Billy, Con and Zoe getlost in middle England, where they hope to make the tapeexchange that will complete their cult VHS collection.
Begrudgingly, Ellis comes to terms with Max':s betrayalknowing she risked it all to share info about hisbrother's killer. Now assigned to a new case, they diveinto a high-speed street racing ring.
Widowed car restoration shop owner Matt is forced to confronthis estranged daughter, when she and her children move in withhim, creating a major upheaval in his life as he navigates thechallenges or reconnecting with his family while restoringclassic cars in his garage.
The team fights to save the life of one of their own: Frostand Abrams butt heads with their patient; Asher helps areligious young woman with an ectopic pregnancy.
Cruz':s past comes back to haunt him: Severide preparesto teach an arson class at the academy; Mouch searches for avictim's next of kin.
Four chefs who proved their rising star status in theTournament of Champions arena are now Guy Fieri's newestfirst timers, so they have to make a winner's dinnerwhile playing one of GGG's oldest and coldest games -frozen food can-can. Then, the new stars play another OG game- menu magnet madness - and prepare the dish they each had apart in picking. A new winning star is born and celebrates bygrabbing a big cash prize.
Ava announces the school district is sending a group ofvolunteers to help out at Abbott; however, when they arrive,things don't go as planned.
Cook turns to her family when Intelligence faces administrativeroadblocks that threaten a kidnapping investigation.
Jimmy welcomes actress Jamie Lee Curtis, actress MikeyMadison, and a musical performance by Michael Shannon &Jason Narducy.