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Bennie and Regina get a surprise when they pick up Maya fromschool. A salary dispute stirs trouble at the garage,threatening to derail Regina's plans.
As Indie faces the ultimate horror on her first paramedicshift, Faith is worried she will lose all that she loves. WillJodie realise which boundaries she should not cross?
Sakiko deals with a painful betrayal, Takiko falls in love,Tsunako's affair takes a dangerous turn and Makikocatches their mother somewhere surprising.
Following a lead, Jacob joins a bounty hunter':s search.Brigham Young rides into Fort Bridger. Sara, Devin and Isaaccome face-to-face with evil.
Diaz learns that Harmon has enemies within West Division, andbegins to fear she cannot be trusted.
With her marriage to David on the rocks, Camila takes out arestraining order against Miguel. Indira uncovers a commonthread between the murders.
Regina':s annoyed when Lucretia undermines her vision forthe clinic. Bennie gets an idea to make money after taking Mayaand Sydney to their soccer game.
Expect miracles. A heartwarming tale of life in London':simpoverished East End. Midwives welcome new lives and care forthe community in the changing times of the 50s and 60s.
As Reg Seekings struggles to cope, he strikes up a friendshipwith a young Italian boy which ends in yet more horror.
As their big day gets closer, Harley and Millie are faced withunexpected challenges that threaten to derail the celebration -from lost wedding rings to devastating family feuds.
Eliza is hired by Scotland Yard to find a missing Lord accusedof murdering his maid, but when the new Detective Inspectorarrives, he removes Eliza from the case. DI Blake has his ownrule about not using private detectives and Eliza now has afight on her hands to convince the new boss that she is aninvaluable resource.
When the comic book craze sweeps Hope Valley, Elizabethteaches her students through nature. Rosemary launches a radioshow, and Lucas meets a new political player.
As the SkyMed crew struggle to say a difficult goodbye to afallen team member, the loss forces each of them to questionthemselves in different ways.
Tommy and Cami discuss whether to gamble or play it safe. Thecartel makes a move.
Red Feather vows to fight, Jacob acts on his suspicions andAbish receives shocking news. En route to Crooks Springs, theelements intensify.
Martian':s recruitment doesn':t go to plan.Richardson breaks down the Chinese play for Bosko. Blairuncovers an inroad to Volchok as Henry reminds Dr. Blakewhat's at stake. Danny wrestles with her conscience. Samimakes a startling confession.
When Kotaro accidentally starts a fire, the sisters return totheir childhood home to manage the aftermath with plenty ofbickering and laughter.
Desperate for a lead, Harmon goes off book resulting in amajor breakthrough and a deadly showdown.
In Mexico, Camila mixes business with pleasure. Miguel takeshis meddling to the next level. Laura and Matteo grow closerdespite her son's disapproval.
Bennie':s blabbermouth puts Regina in a dangeroussituation. Lucretia's feelings are hurt when she takesAaliyah to tour a prospective college.
Yoga lovers and veg men vie for victory and a place in the nextround. They face such questions as: what connects verb,abbreviated, monosyllabic and hyphenated?
When a man is found bludgeoned by a hammer, the Lyell aredrawn deep into a conspiracy involving local government.
Sandi Toksvig hosts a vintage episode of QI with Susan Calman,Rosie Jones, Josh Widdicombe and Alan Davies.
Murdoch investigates the suspicious death of a worker who wasleading a rubber factory strike.
Francine joins Tuttle':s gardening club, but he wants hergone. Meanwhile, the rest of the family practice the power ofyes.
Chaos erupts and egos flare as Kotaro takes a lodger, Tsunakomeets her son's fiancée, Makiko confronts suspicions,and the family gathers for a wedding.
As Devin':s leg worsens, Sara faces a terrifying choice.Brigham Young makes Bridger an offer. Abish delivers a starkwarning to the Shoshone.
Fitz and Arch engage in a game of cat and mouse as they race todetermine the target of an assassin on Bastille Day.
Passion and betrayal collide when Camila gets a deceivinginvitation. Ángela reasserts her control of the company. ForInti, freedom comes at a cost.
Everyone':s on guard when Glodine drops in on the Upshaws- with big news. Bernard tests the dating waters, but thingsdon't go quite as he planned.
After another hammer attack, the Lyell team start uncoveringconnections to a conspiracy involving local government.
When a murder investigation devolves into a kidnapping,Rex's nose leads him and Charlie to Bell Island, andright into the middle of a double murder plot.
Abby is thrilled when Mayim Bialik appears in the courtroom,but she begins to wonder if the situation is more sinister thanit seems. Dan hunts for a mystery man guilty of forgoing basicetiquette.
Under mounting political pressure, the GBI and ADA Marion Albarace against time to rescue a kidnapped child, all whileuncovering dark secrets that could shatter their preconceivednotions of the law enforcement community.
Ron mocks Alex and Matt':s attempts to resolve a conflictbetween two prison inmates who stabbed each other in a gangfight. Serena helps Bruce address his fear of needles. Joycefinds herself smitten by the burly prison guard.
The team is tasked with community policing while hunting for alocal vigilante. Meanwhile, Celina's instincts aretested, and Tim and Lucy join forces to uncover secrets aboutthe two new rookies.
Tensions rise between rival schools as Fox finds a friend whoinvites her to a field party, but Mark worries about olderkids. Mike Jr hires ****'s daughter as the new VOCM promogirl.
Hunter partially concedes and agrees to meet with Eli.Priscilla turns on the charm to try and convince Hunter to dothe right thing.
While at the hospital recovering, Amy can':t help butinsert herself into her roommate's case. Meanwhile, allthe other doctors and nurses have to adjust to the onceformidable Chief now being the patient.
While the team continues to hunt down the legendary ChappellVault in the Money Pit, new structures are uncovered in themysterious swamp that strengthen a developing theory...