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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When three restaurant workers are killed in a robbery/homicidein Las Vegas, N.M., the BAU looks at a cold case thathappened in the town six years ago for leads.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Rollins' mother Beth throws her a baby shower while the SVUreports to a four-star hotel where a famous violinist was rapedby her colleague, Anton Krasnikov. With no memory of thecrime, Anton claims a hired escort drugged and robbed him,and evidence leads to the shocking return of Rollins' fugitivesister Kim. Meanwhile, Sgt. Mike Dodds arrives for his firstday at SVU.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Claire is excited to give Haley and Alex a great experience for"Bring Your Daughter to Work Day" but the staff isnot making it easy, and Phil takes Luke and Manny's class outfor community service day, which becomes a teachable moment inmore ways than one. Elsewhere, Gloria is thrilled to be onjury duty leaving Jay to help out at Joe's pre-school and he isnot happy about it at all. Cam and Mitch disagree over which oftheir friends to invite to their party, so could Gloria helpmediate?.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Over at Lyon Dynasty, Cookie and Anika work together with Lazto throw "Cookie Lyon's Block Party", a big eventto launch their company, showcase their artists and premiere asignature Dynasty anthem written by Hakeem. Meanwhile, Jamalgets busy working on his music with Ne-Yo. Also, Hakeem beginsa tender romance with the lead singer of his girl group, andAndre takes steps to rid his soul of past sins.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Alvey deals with Ryan's reckless decisions and Lisa introducesher newest fighter, Alicia, to Navy St. Nate gears up for hisreturn to the cage. Jay meets a photographer, Laura, whopresents professional and personal opportunities.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


While Rowena tries to consolidate her power to protect herselffrom the Winchesters, Sam and Dean search for a missing babyconnected to the Darkness. Meanwhile, Castiel struggles toheal and Crowley tries to find a way to use the Darkness forhis own personal gain.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ezra and the others are starting to form friendships with theold Clone Troopers, but Kanan can't seem to bring himself totrust them. Will he feel differently when pressure from theEmpire forces them to work together?.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A new surgical attending Cole Guthrie joins Angels Memorialwith the help of his estranged father and clashes with Leanneover their contrasting approaches to medicine. Also, Christahas a crisis of confidence in the middle of a procedure on herfirst infant since the loss of her son.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Alex is pushed to her breaking point after Scarlett stirs upmemories of Holden. Donovan is targeted by a dangerous rival ofThe Countess.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After surviving a hit against him, Voight is convinced theculprit is a criminal he and Olinksy once put away and isdetermined to catch him before he injures anyone else. Atwateraccidentally spills information about Ruzek's past whichunsettles Burgess. Platt assigns Burgess and Roman a highsociety dognapping case.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Rayna pushes back on Layla's romantic relationship with Jeff,and Markus pushes back on his producer, Avery - which does notgo well. Maddie joins Colt on Luke's tour, giving the teensopportunities for more freedom than Maddie can handle. Sheturns to Juliette for advice and shocks Luke with the results.Meanwhile, Deacon and Scarlett head to Natchez despite theirfalling-out, and Gunnar enlists Kevin and Will's help as"wingmen" in an effort to pick up a new woman.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Andre uses the EBDBBnB for farming: Taco acquires a drone:Pete's new referee friend has Kevin feeling insecure.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Cartman is the latest victim of body shaming, and Randy has todeal with uncomfortable confrontations every time he shops atthe new Whole Foods.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The group tries to get rid of a mouse in Jimmy's house:Gretchen tells Jimmy that she has clinical depression.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Brie Larson, actress - &quot:Room&quot:

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Thundermans 3x8 - Floral Support

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TV Calendar: At My TV


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Valerie breaks Alex's rules on casual sex. Alex is interviewedabout his dating website. Laura takes things up a notch with anolder man.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Frankie becomes worried about Mike, who is being more quietand distant than usual, and calls on Reverend TimTom to comeover and try to find out what's troubling him. Meanwhile, Sueinvites an excited Brick to spend a weekend with her atcollege, which includes a tour of the library. But when Suebumps into Logan -- the hunky Abercrombie guy who had asked herout to prom -- and once again falls under his dreamy spell,she realizes that Brick is no longer with her and is nowmissing; and Axl and Hutch decide to take matters into theirown hands by complaining to the city when their house iscompletely overrun with ants, and they discover that they mayhave even more problems than an insect infestation.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Damian brings in a metahuman, Double Down, to take care ofGreen Arrow. Meanwhile, Diggle and Green Arrow continueworking separately because of their past. And Laurel and Theatravel to Nanda Parbat: Thea to find a cure for her bloodlust,and Laurel to resurrect her sister.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When the wife of a national media baron is driven off the WestSide Highway, Laura and her team soon discover not everythingis as it seems and unravel a dark secret in a case long thoughtclosed.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Rosewood and Villa make it their mission to seek justice for amurder victim who is an ex-con with ties to a Little Haitigang. Meanwhile, Villa struggles with dreams she's beenhaving, and Rosewood deals with an unexpected turn in hisrelationship with Kat.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Young & Hungry 2x21 - Young & Christmas

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TV Calendar: At My TV


One castaway embraces a new, more personal style of play forhis second chance. Also, one castaway risks ruining a goodthing by going against her own alliance.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Upset by Barry's insecurity in their relationship, Lainey setsout to teach him a lesson with Erica's help. However, thesituation turns into something totally different and Barry goesto school dressed like Boy George hoping it will change.Meanwhile, Beverly doesn't approve Murray's new mustache soshe shaves it off but it backfires.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Rollins' mother Beth throws her a baby shower while the SVUreports to a four-star hotel where a famous violinist was rapedby her colleague, Anton Krasnikov. With no memory of thecrime, Anton claims a hired escort drugged and robbed him,and evidence leads to the shocking return of Rollins' fugitivesister Kim. Meanwhile, Sgt. Mike Dodds arrives for his firstday at SVU.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


When three restaurant workers are killed in a robbery/homicidein Las Vegas, N.M., the BAU looks at a cold case thathappened in the town six years ago for leads.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Over at Lyon Dynasty, Cookie and Anika work together with Laz(guest star Adam Rodriguez) to throw "Cookie Lyon's BlockParty," a big event to launch their company, showcase theirartists and premiere a signature Dynasty anthem written byHakeem. Meanwhile, Jamal gets busy working on his music withNe-Yo (guest star Ne-Yo). Also, Hakeem begins a tender romancewith the lead singer of his girl group, and Andre takes stepsto rid his soul of past sins.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ghost Hunters 10x9 - Houghton Hears a Who?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The ghouls are wrapping up the 340 Cuda and installing panelson the Hemi Charger. Mark trains Allysa on O.E.M. assembly linemarkings and the team gets a visit from the legendaryChristine.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kingdom (2014) 2x2 - Simulations

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Romeo Section 1x2 - Repel Monkey

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


While Rowena tries to consolidate her power to protect herselffrom the Winchesters, Sam and Dean search for a missing babyconnected to the Darkness. Meanwhile, Castiel struggles toheal and Crowley tries to find a way to use the Darkness forhis own personal gain.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Joe and Matt face a journey of epic proportions in the BolivianAndes. From the world's largest salt flat 12,000ft above sealevel, through a desert with toxic water and into mountainpeaks, they're in a constant battle against dehydration andaltitude.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Chef Anne Burrell and Rachael Ray teach the final threerecruits about entertaining, showcasing how to make chips,salsa and guacamole from scratch. Then, putting theirentertaining and multitasking skills to the test, the celebsare challenged to make several tapas to be servedsimultaneously. The final blind elimination of the season willdetermine which two recruits head to the finale.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


American Pickers 7x34 - Can't Catch a Break

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Claire is excited to give Haley and Alex a great experience for"Bring Your Daughter to Work Day" but the staff is not makingit easy, and Phil takes Luke and Manny's class out forcommunity service day, which becomes a teachable moment inmore ways than one. Elsewhere, Gloria is thrilled to be onjury duty leaving Jay to help out at Joe's pre-school and he isnot happy about it at all. Cam and Mitch disagree over which oftheir friends to invite to their party, so could Gloria helpmediate?

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Ezra and the crew begin to develop friendships with Captain Rexand his colleagues.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In the Johnson home, Sundays involve SAT prep and sports, sowhen the family is invited to Church on Sunday by theneighbors, Dre goes against his instinct of always saying "no"and agrees. When they end up having one of the best Sundaysthey can remember, they realize they should say "yes" tothings more often. Meanwhile, Jack and Diane find out theywere never baptized, and take it upon themselves to dowhatever they want.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Mystery Diners 11x13 - Drive-thru Drama

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


The tables are turned when Taco and Detroit Wide ReceiverGolden Tate create a fantasy workplace league and draft theguys. Andre joins a Korean church in pursuit of a betterparking spot.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


After surviving a hit against him, Voight is convinced theculprit is a criminal he and Olinksy once put away and isdetermined to catch him before he injures anyone else. AtDistrict, Atwater accidentally spills information aboutRuzek's past which unsettles Burgess and Platt assigns Burgessand Roman a high society dognapping case.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Alex is pushed to her breaking point after Scarlett stirs upmemories of Holden. Donovan is targeted by a dangerous rival ofThe Countess.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV

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