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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A Place To Call Home 3x5 - Living in the Shadow

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The turtles go through time to discover the back story behindShredder and Splinter.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After Robert Jekyll experiences a disturbing transformation inhimself, he finds that other people know more about his pastthan he does. He bids farewell to his adoptive parents inCeylon and travels to England where he discovers that he is inline for a large inheritance. Unknown to Robert, a shadowyorganisation called Tenebrae is after him, while head ofMilitary Intelligence Bulstrode plans to use Robert as bait totrap Tenebrae's top agent Captain Dance. As the net tightensaround Robert, he realises he is in deeper than he everimagined.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) 4x1 - Beyond The KnownUniverse

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman welcome you to another excitingresults show full of dance drama and a performance fromsuperstar Bryan Adams.The judges' scores and public votes havebeen combined, and the two couples with the lowest scores willdance off against each other before 12 couples become 11. Whowill survive another week and who will be cha-cha-cha-ing theirway off Strictly?.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The house is made open to the public to raise money for thehospital, an act that divides opinions among the family andthe servants. Tensions between Violet and Cora come to a headas a decision is made about the hospital takeover, Mr Daweshas a proposition for Molesley, and Baxter is thrown intoturmoil by an unexpected letter. Carson is not happy withThomas, while Mary and Edith hope to overcome their past andfind new happiness with the men in their lives.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Claire's confession about their shared tragedy sends Johnreeling, and both crumble in the aftermath of a disastrousattempt to nail the prime suspect. When John is suspended fromduty, Claire with her direct connection to one of the killersmust put aside her guilt and fight to prevent another murder.DSI Lola Keir takes the investigation back to square one;Claire exploits a suspect's obsession; and John risksprofessional annihilation in the race to catch a killer. ForClaire, the final confrontation will test her emotions beyondanything she's endured so far. As she finally confronts her ownrole in the crimes, will she finally put an end to thedarkness or has the true horror only just begun?.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The X Factor (UK) 12x14 - Judges' Houses 2

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Strictly Come Dancing 13x11 - Week 5 Results

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TV Calendar: At My TV


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Elizabeth finds herself pushed out of the President's innercircle after she disagrees with his response to the growingtension with Russia. Also, when incriminating photos of Stevieand Harrison surface, Elizabeth and Henry must deal with theaftermath and try to protect their daughter from the media.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


In Camelot, as Mary Margaret and David attempt to retrieve theDark One dagger, Emma uses a Dreamcatcher to look into thepast to see how Merlin was transformed into a tree. Together,Emma and Regina figure out the critical ingredient they mustacquire to free Merlin, but it's a race against Arthur, whodoes not want Merlin released. Meanwhile, with encouragementfrom his moms, Henry musters up the courage to ask Violet on adate. Back in Storybrooke, the heroes break into Emma's househoping to locate Gold, but what they find will give them aglimpse of Emma's end game. Far from prying eyes, Merida setsabout the mission Emma has tasked her with and begins moldingGold into the hero they need to draw Excalibur.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


In the annual fright fest Halloween episode, Sideshow Bobfinally kills Bart, only to reanimate him; Homer wakes upwith short-term memory loss; and Lisa, Bart, and Milhouseget super powers from radiation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The third installment of Captain Holt and Jake's Halloweenheist culminates with a tie-breaking competition to claim thetitle of "amazing detective slash genius". Thisyear, Jake and Holt split the squad into two teams to helpthem win.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Alicia agrees to support a client's plea of innocence in ashoplifting case, she clashes with the bond court judge;Diane is coerced into arguing against her own beliefs in a caseabout assisted suicide.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Wick's shortcomings are magnified when his sister, andpotential rival, Lacey officially joins the family business.Meanwhile, Billy attempts to blackmail Hap with informationCody shared with him in confidence, further putting theirmarriage on the line. Unable to shake suspicions about hisson, Hap pays a visit to Sherriff Tip, who reveals that Wickmay know more about the robbery than he's letting on. Later,Gary proves a continuing threat to Wick - but when Wick triesto fight back - it's Cody who is put in harm's way.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The house is made open to the public to raise money for thehospital, an act that divides opinions among the family andthe servants. Tensions between Violet and Cora come to a headas a decision is made about the hospital takeover, Mr Daweshas a proposition for Molesley, and Baxter is thrown intoturmoil by an unexpected letter. Carson is not happy withThomas, while Mary and Edith hope to overcome their past andfind new happiness with the men in their lives.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Acclaimed chef Marcus Samuelsson (Red Rooster, Aquavit) andhis wife Maya take Bourdain on a personal tour of their nativecountry to experience this nation beyond the headlines, firstin Addis Adaba where they sample injera bread and beyaynetuplatters, followed by drinking Turbo and eating Tibs withlocal skateboarding pioneers, listening to the traditionalmusic of Azmari singers and legendary Ethiopian-jazz musician,Mahmoud Ahmed, a sampling Ethiopian coffee and a village feastwith Maya's family in the Gurage region.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Carrie cannot find answers: Saul and Allison run an operation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The guys go to an abandoned asylum seeking inspiration for anew horror movie idea, but end up accidentally killing a manthey think is keeping them hostage. Wracked with guilt, theyeach try to pin the murder on someone else. Meanwhile, Stewieis on a mission to destroy Brian's glasses because he's annoyedby how pretentious Brian's been acting when he wears them.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Claire's confession about their lost child sends John reeling,and both crumble in the aftermath of a disastrous attempt tonail the prime suspect. When John is suspended from duty,Claire with her direct connection to one of the killers mustput aside her guilt and fight to prevent another murder. Underintense media pressure, DSI Lola Keir takes the reins of theinvestigation and orders the team to take her back to squareone, with a full list of potential suspects, now includingClaire's tormentor, Lucy Maxley, a former student whosurvived an attack by the original culprit, and whose criesfor help went unheard at the time. Now, Claire must exploitLucy's obsession with her in order to try to stop the killing,but at what personal cost? Claire's betrayal enrages Lucy,forcing Claire to lead a desperate operation to rescue her ownfractured family. She emerges tougher, newly determined to endthe violence by finally snaring the 1998 killer. But as Clairemakes a daring breakthrough, Lucy closes in on a new andunexpected target. John risks professional annihilation to getto Lucy before she kills again, his feelings for Claireintensifying even as events keep them apart. As each races tocatch a killer, they uncover the dark secrets at the heart ofthe murderers' brutality. But they may be too late to preventanother tragedy. For Claire, the final confrontation will testher emotions beyond anything she's endured so far. As shefinally confronts her own role in the crimes, will she finallyput an end to the darkness or has the true horror only justbegun?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A return home doesn't go as expected.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The population may be small, but it's still big enough forbig, dark secrets.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Cyber team investigates a child abduction case based on the"Red Crone", an online myth where an abductorlures children through an app on their phones. Also, Elijah'saggressive behavior at work causes Avery to bench him, andromance is in the air for D.B.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Helen makes an innocent mistake that leads to outrageousconsequences. Meanwhile, a court order leads to a dire setbackfor Noah and Alison.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


In the midst of an earthquake, Nora awakens to find Kevinmissing and her hopes of safety in their new town dashed. TheMurphys are left reeling after Evie's disappearance. Kevinreturns home, but without his memory of the night before orhis cell phone, which would link him to the missing girls.Meanwhile, an old enemy makes her return in an unexpected way.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The trainees leave campus for the first time while undergoingtheir first undercover assignment. With an evening full ofunpredictable events, Alex and Ryan find themselves gettingclose while the recruits' skills are tested. In the future,Alex decides to tell her side of the story and sits down forher first public interview leaving everyone watching to wonderwho is really telling the truth.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Bo and her allies face the ultimate threat.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Heartland 9x4 - Ties of the Earth

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Once Upon a Time 5x5 - Dreamcatcher

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Real Housewives of New Jersey 6x22 - Teresa Checks In (3)

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In the annual fright fest Halloween episode, Sideshow Bobfinally kills Bart, only to reanimate him; Homer wakes upwith short-term memory loss; and Lisa, Bart, and Milhouseget super powers from radiation.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The third installment of Captain Holt and Jake's Halloweenheist culminates with a tie-breaking competition to claim thetitle of "amazing detective slash genius." This year, Jake andHolt split the squad into two teams to help them win.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Elizabeth finds herself pushed out of the President's innercircle after she disagrees with his response to the growingtension with Russia. Also, when incriminating photos of Stevieand Harrison surface, Elizabeth and Henry must deal with theaftermath and try to protect their daughter from the media

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The guys go to an abandoned asylum seeking inspiration for anew horror movie idea, but end up accidentally killing a manthey think is keeping them hostage. Wracked with guilt, theyeach try to pin the murder on someone else. Meanwhile, Stewieis on a mission to destroy Brian's glasses because he's annoyedby how pretentious Brian's been acting when he wears them.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown 6x5 - Ethiopia

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TV Calendar: At My TV


CJ deals with his brother's Mexican vacation and ParticleDrilling; delays at the drill site cost time and money.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Answers elude Carrie: Laura asks Jonas for help: Saul andAllison run an operation.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


In the midst of an earthquake, Nora awakens to find Kevinmissing and her hopes of safety in their new town dashed. TheMurphys are left reeling after Evie's disappearance. Kevinreturns home, but without his memory of the night before orhis cell phone, which would link him to the missing girls.Meanwhile, an old enemy makes her return in an unexpected way.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Alicia clashes with the bond court judge when she agrees tosupport a client's plea of innocence in a shoplifting case.Also, Diane is coerced by her client's counsel, EthanCarver, to argue against her own beliefs in a case aboutphysician assisted suicide.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A return home doesn't go as expected.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sister Wives 6x9 - A Judge Decides

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Grandma Janice shows up to present Liv with an award, but Livbegins to suspect that something isn't right. Meanwhile, Joeyinvites three girls over to watch the "Lover's Comet."

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The population may be small, but it's still big enough forbig, dark secrets.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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