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Sex Sent Me to the ER 2x4 - Hitting the Hay

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Saturday Night Live 41x11 - Ronda Rousey / Selena Gomez

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TV Calendar: At My TV


It is the day of the Gathering and the fate of the Shieldlandslies seconds away. Having lost some of her closest alliesthough, Rheda's chances of becoming leader of these greatrealms and thus preventing civil war does not look good. Afurious Slean needs to make a sacrifice for his mother'scampaign causing his loyalties to become hugely conflicted.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Mid June 1967. Morse finds himself occupied with unexpectedstrife in his personal life - recruited by an old collegementor into investigating matters more suited to private eyes.Asked to monitor the movements of Lorimer's estranged youngerwife, a natural spark between two vulnerable souls is struck.With change in the air, and a shakeup in Oxford's criminalunderworld signalling an uncertain future, the young detectiveis set on a path that will ultimately lead to heartbreak.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Barbara treats a pregnant woman whose dockworker husband isstruggling to support her as opportunities for work dry up. Sheis forced into a difficult decision that leaves Barbara facingthe biggest test of her career. Nurse Crane meets a kindredspirit when she learns to speak Spanish, and Sister Evangelinahelps a woman with breastfeeding, leading to unforeseenconsequences.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) 4x7 - The Arena Of Carnage

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Natasha agrees to a long engagement, but finds it hard to dealwith Andrei's absence after temptation crosses her path.Countess Rostova and Anna Mikhailovna both attempt to steertheir sons towards the young heiresses, although they bothhave plans of their own.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The fate of the Shieldlands is decided in Herot's Great Hall asjudgement day arrives and a new leader is chosen. Rheda has toprove herself worthy to become the ruler of all theShieldlands, whilst been aware of the turmoil between thetribes and the ever-present threat of a civil war.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Tim asks Amy and Georgie for help to discourage Jade fromaccepting a suspicious sponsorship deal.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Cyril and Eric want advice on how to impress their wives. MrsFeatherstone's plan isn't working out. Granville has a schemeto sell salami as a new product called Yaggis.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A struggling dockworker's wife is forced into making adifficult decision about her upcoming birth, also puttingpressure on Barbara who faces the test of her career so far.Nurse Crane makes a new friend. Evangelina has to take actionas a mistake from the past comes to light.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Felix Lorimer hires Endeavour to look into how safe hisestranged young wife Nina is. This leads to Endeavourcontemplating his future prospects with the Police and havingto contend with unexpected strife in his personal life.Gangland grudges are dredged up when a manager of a fashionline, Cedric Clissold is murdered.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Richard, Roberta and Sid rush the fatally wounded Galavant toa healer named Neo of Sporin, who has a magic potion thatcould save Galavant's life. While waiting for Galavant torecover, Roberta admits she likes Richard and they almostshare a tender moment. Later, Neo produces an army forGalavant... but the soldiers turn out to be zombies.Meanwhile, Madalena finally shares her true feelings withGareth, who is shocked. As they march on Hortensia, theunlikely duo make a decision about their relationship.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As the battle between Hortensia and Valencia begins, Isabellaand the Jester are ready to surrender; but when Isabella hearsMadalena's demands, she can't accept them. She returns to theHortensia camp and rallies the troops to fight with whateverthey can find. Against Gareth's wishes, a frightened Madalenaturns to Wormwood who teaches her the evil magic of the"Dark Dark Evil Way" or D'DEW. Meanwhile, Richardand Roberta finally take their relationship to the next level,but as they're about to leave for battle, Roberta makes animportant decision. Galavant finally figures out how tomotivate his Zombie army while Sid runs away.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Kris decides the family needs Communication Therapy: Kylie isready to celebrate her new home but her family's bossy ways getin the way of her plans; Khloé struggles to finish her book.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Andrei's father is against him marrying Natasha. When thesuggestion of a long engagement is made, Natasha is shockedand distracts herself at the country estate. She soon finds herlove for Andrei tested. Rostova wants her son to marry intowealth and introduces him to a new candidate. Marya isn'timpressed by her father's behaviour.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Celebrity Big Brother 17x26 - Series 17 - Day 19 Highlights

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Papac Alaska pushes deeper into their seven thousand acresite, while Joe and Coasty head out into the wilderness tothink up a plan of attack for the next section of their massiveproject. Down in Washington, Aidan is slowly filling hisfamily's cork boots which is causing the wood to get out moreslowly. Rygaard Logging may be on its last legs. On theMississippi Delta, Gary and Eddie need to pick up the pacebefore their venture goes belly under. Greg Chapman is forcedto go back to his roots, because of a mutiny on his crew andhas to pull some logs to keep his company alive, but he mayhave lost his touch. The Swampman gets a huge log order just inthe nick of time.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Axe installs rigorous compliance measures to gird the companyagainst the investigation by Chuck and the US Attorney'soffice. When Wendy questions Axe's methods, he compels her toprove her loyalty to the firm. Chuck's investigation istemporarily derailed when he has to divert resources to a caseagainst an Axe rival, billionaire Steven Birch. Axe's blackbag man and fixer, Hall, develops a mole inside the USAttorney's office, while Axe makes an aggressive move underthe guise of a charitable contribution to the symphony in orderto settle an old score.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Confederate belle Emma nurses her wounded friend. Dr. Fosterwrestles with his marriage and career as Mary tries to improveher patients' lives with Samuel's help. Aurelia submits toSilas' advances in exchange for his help.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Fox Mulder and Dana Scully have been contacted by TadO'Malley, a popular conspiracy theorist web-TV show host whobelieves he has uncovered a significant government conspiracy.With the assistance of FBI Asst. Dir. Walter Skinner, O'Malleyseeks to enlist the help of former X-Files agents Mulder andScully, who have since severed ties with the FBI. ThroughO'Malley they are introduced to Sveta, a possible alienabductee who shares shocking information with them that willchallenge everything that Mulder has ever believed about theexistence of aliens and the government's role in covering themup.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The people behind the Make-A-Wish Foundation: nursepractitioners providing health care to the uninsured inAppalachia; billionaires, including Warren Buffett and Billand Melinda Gates, who are pledging at least half of theirwealth to charity.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Heartland 9x12 - The Real Deal

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TV Calendar: At My TV


RuPaul's Drag Race 8x21 - RuVealed: Sugar Ball

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When K.C. enlists her family to help Brett escape from TheOther Side, the Coopers find themselves in danger with enemyagents and The Organization.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sid, Richard, and Roberta take the dying Galavant to Neo ofSporoin, hoping for a miraculous cure. However, they're toolate... or are they? Meanwhile, Wormwood incites war betweenHortensia and Valencia, and Gareth and Madalena war abouttheir feelings for each other.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Real Housewives Of Atlanta 8x12 - Beauties & the Beat

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Galavant tries to motivate his zombie army, while Richard andRoberta celebrate their newfound love. Meanwhile, Madalenasecretly joins forces with Wormwood to learn the power ofD'Dew: the Dark Dark Evil Way.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A new coach arrives to take charge of the girls' basketballteam and immediately butts heads with Maddie. Meanwhile, whenLiv agrees to help Parker with his art project, her date withHolden takes an unexpected turn.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Otto receives a terrifying house call: Atz Lee's return to thehunter's cabin is interrupted; the Kilchers join forces toprotect Shane's cabin.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ax Men 9x10 - Every Log Has Its Day

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Frank teaches Debbie how to work the welfare system to heradvantage. Meanwhile, Kevin and Veronica visit a paralyzedYanis in the hospital and try to make amends, but Yanisarrives home and tries to kill the two Lisas with Kev's van.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Worst Cooks in America 8x4 - Taking It to the Streets

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kris decides the family needs Communication Therapy: Kylie isready to celebrate her new home but her family's bossy ways getin the way of her plans; Khloé struggles to finish her book.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Theresa reads police officers and firefighters who have lost aloved one in the line of duty.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Confederate belle Emma nurses her wounded friend. Dr. Fosterwrestles with his marriage and career as Mary tries to improveher patients' lives with Samuel's help. Aurelia submits toSilas' advances in exchange for his help.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Thirteen years after the original series run, the nextmind-bending chapter of the thrilling series THE X-FILES hasarrived. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully have been contacted by TadO'Malley, a popular conspiracy theorist web-TV show host whobelieves he has uncovered a significant government conspiracy.With the assistance of FBI Asst. Dir. Walter Skinner, O'Malleyseeks to enlist the help of former X-Files agents Mulder andScully, who have since severed ties with the FBI. ThroughO'Malley they are introduced to Sveta, a possible alienabductee who shares shocking information with them that willchallenge everything that Mulder has ever believed about theexistence of aliens and the government's role in covering themup.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The team rolls out to Ft. Stewart Army base in Georgia to meetwith a witness who saw a bigfoot through thermal imaging;Aftershow to follow.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Cutthroat Kitchen 10x18 - Hit Me With Your Best Pho

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Axe installs rigorous compliance measures to gird the companyagainst the investigation by Chuck and the US Attorney'soffice. When Wendy questions Axe's methods, he compels her toprove her loyalty to the firm. Chuck's investigation istemporarily derailed when he has to divert resources to a caseagainst an Axe rival, billionaire Steven Birch. Axe's blackbag man and fixer, Hall, develops a mole inside the USAttorney's office, while Axe makes an aggressive move underthe guise of a charitable contribution to the symphony in orderto settle an old score.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


After moving into a new home, the Barbours worry about thenegative effect an imaginary friend is having on theirdaughter. Soon it becomes apparent that they are dealing withan angry ghost. Can paranormal investigators help them beforeit's too late?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Atz Lee and Jane brave subzero temperatures to search forfish; the Kilcher men mount a mission to the head of the bay;Eivin and Atz Lee are pushed to their limits.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The accidental shooting of a Polish teenager during the middleof an armed police operation sees the start of a series ofmurders, which link Turkish gangsters, a grieving family anda firearms unit.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Featuring recipes shared by the likes of James Martin, MaryBerry and Paul Hollywood, the Hairy Bikers, Raymond Blanc,Nigella Lawson, Tom Kerridge, Lorraine Pascale and RachelKhoo.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Former foster teen Callie is now officially adopted into theAdams Foster family. She must put aside any romantic feelingsfor Brandon and does so by throwing herself into her"Fost and Found" website, even drawing theinterest of an investor. After his performance at Disney Hall,Brandon is approached by a recruiter from Juilliard. Marianalaunches her campaign to run for junior class president whileJesus tries to hide the reason why he doesn't want to go backto wrestling school. When Mike discovers a secret his fosterson, AJ, is keeping, he is torn about what to do with theinformation. Jude must face the fact that his boyfriend hasdecided to move away, and a serious medical issue for Stefresults in a clash of opinion between her wife, Lena, and hermother, Sharon. Meanwhile, Sharon introduces the family toher liberal-minded friend, Will.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ben and the remaining women make their way to Las Vegas. JoJoand Ben enjoy a helicopter tour of the city. Becca gets aninteresting proposal.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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