Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
At the manse, Alan suspects that Lisa is lying about herargument with Annie on the day of her murder. After asurprising altercation, he calls his sister back to the kirk,where Lisa makes a shock confession to Calder and Tosh –shining a light on a new murder suspect.Meanwhile, anincreasingly desperate Ian continues to struggle in the face ofNoah's nightmares. To help, he makes the shocking decision toreturn to the scene of the crime…with heart-breakingconsequences.
Sophie Willan returns as team captain for the final time thisseries as she, Greg, Noel and Jamali are joined by superstarDJ Joel Corry, Rotherham singer/songwriter Self Esteem anddeadpan beardo Joe Wilkinson for another round of musical mirthand mayhem.
A bus driver gets anxious on a rainy night when things take anunexpected turn.
A conquering king washes ashore on a mysterious island with noarmy and no clue. He may need an eternity to find his purpose.
Jimmy welcomes actor Ray Romano plus an interview with andmusical performance by Rosé.
Will the people who tried to protect their beloved ones be ableto reunite with them?
Jimmy tries to give Alice the perfect 18th birthday. Paul helpsGaby with a huge decision.
Ian helps the sisters cover their tracks, bringing him closerto Eva but further into Houlihan's spotlight.
While Ed guards the portal to the underworld, Gugu leadsJentry to a dangerous middle realm that holds the answers toquestions about her past.
Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Brian Windhorst.
Angie feels slighted after Meredith's bat mitzvah: Bronwyn andLisa have a falling out over room assignments; Mary chooses tostay in Salt Lake City as issues with Robert Jr. come to ahead.
It's double the immunity challenges and double the tribalcouncils in part one of the two-part season 47 finale.Castaways must do damage control after Operation Italy'ssuccess. Then, one castaway tries spying to get some keyinformation to further their game.
AEW Wrestling 6x50 - #271 - Winter is Coming: T-Mobile Centerin Kansas City, MO
Burger King joins the action as Challengers face a risky plungeand tough swim, with serious consequences if they fail.
The top three battle it out for the last two spots: thesemi-finalists perform "Some Nights."
While on a doomed special mission for Mike in Florida, Robbieand Jersey pick through a mechanical wizard's jaw-droppingstockpile of petroliana and drag-race memorabilia. Down theroad in California, Mike sidles up to a one-of-a-kind familyheirloom--a mint-condition Harley three-wheeler whose story isas powerful as the piece itself.
Zac learns information that can add a new suspect to the listof those who may have stabbed Gary; Penelope reveals to Jordana condition she's been dealing with, possibly brought on bythe trauma she's endured.
Chad and Eric discover an abandoned mine deep in the mountainsand suspect they are being stalked. At the Bead Site, the teamunearths evidence of sacrifice.
New Jersey jail is overwhelmed by a wave of anger: a Polishstronghold becomes a tool for WW1 propaganda; an Englishcountry retreat provides safe harbor for fugitives.
1. Nikki Glaser ("The Golden Globes"). 2. Nicholas Hoult("Nosferatu"). 3. Musical Guest Broadway Musical: "TheOutsiders."
A war is sparked between Madam and Concierge as a startlingrevelation regarding Sandra shocks El Fuego.
A wanted man, the Jackal is on the run, desperate to get backto Nuria – but Bianca is given one last shot to bring theJackal to justice.
Award-winning musician Keith Urban joins the show to discusshis new album "High" and will perform "Wildside." Actor AaronPierre talks about the highly anticipated film "Mufasa: TheLion King."
Kellyoke: "You for Christmas": Taron Egerton: Simone Biles:gift guide; the cast of "Death Becomes Her" performs.
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Singer-songwriter Regina Belle tells Sherriabout participating in Carnegie Hall's A Night of Inspiration– an uplifting event featuring music, dance, and spokenword.Plus, "A Very Sherri Christmas" giveaway!
Actor and comic Kyle Mooney talks about his new movie, "Y2K,"and the hot topics of the day with Drew and Ross.Nicole Richieand Paris Hilton (reality show "Paris & Nicole: TheEncore").
Tamron's Holiday Beauty Wish List: Icon and entrepreneur Ms.Tina Knowles joins us in a DAYTIME EXCLUSIVE for our biggestbeauty giveaway show, and you can win at home! Ms. Knowlestalks about the announcement of her new memoir "Matriarch,"her beauty business Cécred and gives a deserving Tam Fammember a makeover, including the Cécred treatment.
Guests include Billy Crystal (Before) and Sarah Michelle Gellar(Dexter: Original Sin).
A homeowner takes a tiny rundown heritage-listed workerscottage in the middle of the dense inner city Sydney suburb ofNewtown and transforms it into a beautiful, fully sustainableoff-grid home.
Edward Norton (actor, "A Complete Unknown"): Carol Kane(actor, "Between the Temples"); 12 Days of Holidays.
YouThree help Olympia defend a defamed nanny at herchildren's school. Also, Matty is on a stressful huntfor an important document on the Wellbrexa case.
Georgie worries that he':s leaving Connor out of his newproject with Jim. Meanwhile, Mandy and Audrey struggle todecorate CeeCee's nursery without fighting.