Henry and Martian wade into a diplomatic incident with theBelarusian delegation; dropped into her mission by Naomi,Danny walks a tightrope. Poppy and Martian attempt a freshstart. Osman threatens Sami.
After revolting against their corporate overlords, a group ofmining robots is condemned to fight for survival in deadlyarena combat.
Lydia':s actions force Paul to face memories he':drather forget, Margo schemes to salvage things with JD, andCarla puts the brakes on Denise's big plans.
A month after the demon attack, Jentry and Ed steal away toDiyu on important family business. But nothing there is quiteas it seems.
Amparo unravels a 30-year-old blackmail fiasco, revealing adarker side to the Expo. Joined by Richi and Robledo, shesearches old archives for clues.
Kevin and Jordan grapple with Jackson Pepper':s death andhis motives, stunned by their twisted role research; FBIagent John Fisher investigates the crime scene with a rookie;surveillance footage incriminates Kevin, with Jordan as hisaccomplice.
With the catastrophic tsunami looming, Jens tries to tell thesurvivors to reach a safe spot on Tenerife - before it'stoo late.
Host Maria Taylor, Hall of Fame head coach Tony Dungy, formerNFL head coach Jason Garrett, former NFL quarterback ChrisSimms and NFL insider Mike Florio recap the day's NFLhighlights. Jac Collinsworth and Rodney Harrison contributeon-site.
ROAD TO DAMASCUS – As rebel forces toppled the Assad regimein a stunning victory that decimated a 50-year authoritarianrule, correspondent Scott Pelley reports from Damascus,Syria, on what the future holds for a country recovering frombrutal war crimes, displacement and a deepening economiccrisis. Pelley delivers his eighth report from Syria since hestarted covering the conflict in 2014 and looks at what's nextfor a nation moving toward change amid a new world order in theMiddle East. Nicole Young and Kristin Steve are theproducers.UNVEILING – Correspondent Anderson Cooper reportson the misuse of artificial intelligence, investigating whatare known as nudify websites and apps, which use AI to turn aphoto of someone fully clothed into a real-looking nude image.Cooper meets Francesca Mani, a high school student who wasvictimized by this technology last year and is now advocatingto raise awareness in schools and urging Congress to passlegislation to help safeguard kids. Nichole Marks and JohnGallen are the producers.THE HOUSE OF HERMÈS – CorrespondentSharyn Alfonsi takes you inside the House of Hermès for anintimate look at the artisans and culture behind one ofFrance's revered luxury brands, where a distinctively Frenchphilosophy is stitched into its DNA. As Alfonsi learns fromHermès' artistic director and sixth generation of the familyPierre-Alexis Dumas, the allure comes from nearly 200 years ofextraordinary artistry and craftsmanship. Michael Karzis is theproducer.
As the Duttons and the Yellowstone cowboys lay John to rest,the fate of the ranch is revealed.
Jordan Love and the Green Bay Packers (9-4) visit 2022 NFLComeback Player of the Year Geno Smith and the NFC West-leadingSeattle Seahawks from Lumen Field in Seattle, Wash.
After a fight in an escape room, Krusty's truth-telling Auntfixes Homer's relationship with Patty and Selma.
As Corrino names a new Bashar, a Sister with deep connectionsto the Emperor arrives on Salusa Secundus… sending ripplesthrough the Royal House. After receiving a tip, Desmond goeson a warpath to root out the insurgents. Meanwhile, Tula triesto keep her secret project from being discovered by the otherSisters.
A family trip to go see Christmas lights turns into a rescuemission, in more ways than one.
There's a new king in town - the Rug King. Horrible timing fora prophecy foretelling of Tyrannis' downfall. Stupendous triesto get deep with Deliria.
Kent police search for a serial killer targeting the femaleemployees of a nuclear power station. Dalgliesh arrives toinvestigate a possible terrorist connection.
Chloe Carmichael, former popstar and one-time darling of thetabloids, is found dead in her Chelsea mansion flat in thedays leading up to Christmas. They first suspect a drugoverdose, but forensics soon establishes that Chloe had beendrowned in the bath. Max and the team must contend with astring of potential suspects, including her hard-bittenmanager, a conniving journalist and a Tory MP. Each of themhas a secret connecting them to Chloe, but who was it thatkilled her?
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!The "CBS Mornings" anchor & "Oprah Daily"Editor-at-Large, Gayle King, shares some of the items on thisyear's "Oprah's Favorite Things" list.Plus, A Very SherriChristmas giveaway!
Award-winning actor Jeffrey Wright stops by to chat about hisnew series, "The Agency."Jennifer welcomes the Izzofamily from Buffalo, New York, to the show! Meggan and Alliehave been fostering their three children for the past fiveyears, and a recent video of David, Brooklyn, and Piperlearning they finally have an adoption date recently wentviral. Meggan and Allie hope to provide representation fordiverse modern families and encourage others to considerfostering and adopting.
Cameo-oke: "Do You Hear What I Hear": actress Elle Fanning:singer Clay Aiken; Holiday Giving Week: Move For Hunger; MuniLong performs.
Guests include Kerry Washington (The Six Triple Eight) andDarren Criss & Helen J Shen (MAYBE HAPPY ENDING).
The hunt is on for a second killer as the threat to the localcommunity looms larger than ever. Can Dalgliesh unpick acomplex web of loyalties before it's too late?
Edie Ledwell, the co-creator of a cult TV cartoon, The InkBlack Heart, is being harassed by an online figure, Anomie.She asks Robin to uncover Anomie's true identity.
Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge onlygets you so far. When these teams met before, the Crunchersjust edged it, so there's a score to be settled.
Edie Ledwell, the co-creator of a cult TV cartoon, The InkBlack Heart, is being harassed by an online figure, Anomie.She asks Robin to uncover Anomie's true identity.
Rhod Gilbert, Ignacio Lopez and Zoe Lyons join Sandi Toksvigand Alan Davies as QI goes viral.
Tamar is captured, tortured and beaten while she is helpless.Faraz feels the fingers of his enemies close on his neck. EricPeterson, the inspector, on behalf of the West, gets intotrouble during an audit.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
Marty prepares to head back to work but isn':t emotionallyprepared to send Daphne to daycare; Gemma notices an issuewith the grade Grover is receiving in his Spanish class.
Northamptonshire's Roads Police and Firearms Teams join forcesto stop a driver making a 130mph getaway in a high-performanceMercedes. Op Revive go on a mission to clear up the county'swanted list. The team go on a stakeout to pick up a robber witha reputation for doing a runner, and elsewhere, Griff andScott's routine stop of a driver not using their headlights,sheds light on a lad wanted for failing to appear at court.
When a shocking tell-all threatens to ruin Christmas for adecorated Marine, NCIS must unwrap the truth and deliver aholiday miracle - before the book hits shelves and turns ahero's legacy into a holiday disaster.
After a nearly fatal interaction with one of Roger':spersonas, Steve and Stan work together to uncover thepersona's mysterious past. Meanwhile, Jeff, Hayley andFrancine explore new hobbies.
As Leroy Jethro Gibbs prepares for his first Christmas withouthis wife and daughter, flashbacks reveal the unlikely journeythat led to his first day on the job as a special agent atNIS' Camp Pendleton office working with Mike Franks andLala.
Host Scott Van Pelt and analysts Marcus Spears, Ryan Clark,Jason Kelce and NFL Insider Adam Schefter. The crew reviewsSunday's games and looks ahead to the MNF matchup whileupdating fans on the latest league news.
Not knowing whom to trust, Millie goes rogue to get to thebottom of the Somervilles' criminal enterprise beforeHolborn can interfere. When Janet makes an unexpecteddecision, Millie must take extreme measures to protect theones she loves and to find Romeo before it's too late.
When the for-sale sign comes down, the stakes go up. As Leslieand Sarah lurk, Margo and JD try to edge out the competitionby cozying up to the Morgans.
As the explosion harms an unintended victim, Richi and Amparotrack down a key player from the Expo, while Robledo teams upwith a forensic investigator.
Reeling from the accident, Kevin and Jordan face a twist: thewoman they hit orchestrated the entire accident to study for arole and she is not dead; seeking answers with their newcompanion, Pearl, they visit Roger Richards, an ex-cop.
Trapped in a vast maze and pursued by ghosts, a mysteriousentity summons a warrior to help it escape.