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Midnight last won the day on August 20 2020

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About Midnight

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    Sarah and Pip are smitten with a 150-year-old Bedfordshire barnthat's keeling over. Can they retain its charm andspirit, while at the same time transform it into a sleek,modern home?
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    Troy and Pickle are forced to break the King of theSwamp's number one rule, 'no treblehooking', in order to catch giants. Don and Calum facean unexpected challenge when they suspect poachers areinterfering with their lines. Joey and Kallie pursue amonstrous cannibal gator that's wreaking havoc in theirhunting grounds. Bruce and Anna take a silent but deadlyapproach, using a bow and arrow to bag their prey. Leron andPorkchop decide to confront a rogue hunter stealing theirgators.
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    Kevin McCloud follows more of Britain's most ambitiousself-building projects, as intrepid individuals attempt todesign and construct the home of their dreams. Howard and Sarahembark on their most ambitious building project yet - a sleek,angled, metallic floating home on a tidal estuary nearWorthing. Designed to look like a boat, and nestled within anidiosyncratic houseboat community, the structure will sit onan experimental prefabricated polystyrene slab to deal withhigh tides alternating with hours sitting in the mud. It's ahuge experiment, with £385,000 to spend over an 18-monthschedule, especially as they'll be doing much of the workthemselves and finalising the engineering as they go. Thingsget off to an agonisingly slow start when it takes months topainstakingly remove a condemned D-Day landing craft from theplot before they can even get started and the constant tidalshifts that disrupt any construction creates a real recipe fordisaster.
  6. until
    Cops 37x6 - One For The Road
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    Unique forms an unlikely alliance in his vendetta against Raqwhile she inches closer to a new drug enterprise. Kanan takesadvice from Snaps and Pop, and Jukebox's new friendship leadsto a violent encounter.
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    Britain's Got Talent 18x5 - Auditions 5
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    Tippy Longfellow, Murdoch's neighbor, convinces him toinvestigate a lost letter with a passing threat.
  10. until
    The remaining couples take their Final Vows with some shockresults.
  11. until
    The Chelsea Detective 3x2 - Deadlock
  12. until
    With a public hydroelectric project launching, Murdochsuspects the passing of a man is linked to financialimpropriety.
  13. until
    Cutting-edge DNA detective work solves longstanding familymysteries for actor Laurence Fishburne and scholar Henry LouisGates, Jr.—in a unique and emotional episode where Gatesfinds himself as a guest on his own show for the first time.
  14. until
    Will digs deeper into Olas Collective, reporting shockingtruths to Amanda. Meanwhile, the APD closes in on the cult'sleaders, setting the stage for a showdown that could turneverything upside down.
  15. until
    The Cleaning Lady 4x3 - Mercy
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