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While McGarrett's Aunt Deb visits Oahu on a special personalmission, Five-0 must uncover who stole unstable Japanese WWIIbombs left hidden on the island.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Guest judge Chris Sacca returns: a device for babies and theirparents; easing the pain of paying for college; a techsolution to parking tickets; checking in with Rugged Races.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Precious falls in love with a grand ballgown, but her men ofhonor think it's a royal mistake; Emily said yes to herfiancé after 6 weeks of dating, but finding the perfect dressin time for her upcoming wedding takes longer than expected.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bride Saba needs a dress that fits her conservative Ethiopianculture, but can still be fun and sexy for the reception;Tiffany gets Lori and Monte to stand in for her mom and dad,who live too far away to help.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Treehouse Masters 4x16 - Texas-sized Treehouse

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Pete and the crew round-up the magnificent seven of cypressesalongside the Frio River and moseys on down to Leakey, Texasto build a gigantic, Texas-sized treehouse with the longestbridge in NT&S history.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Real Time with Bill Maher 14x1 - Al Gore, Ralph Reed, NicolleWallace, Cornel West & John Krasinski

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a local mobster is gunned down in his car, Danny and Baeztry to get information from the mob's low-level errand boy theyfind tied up in the trunk before the gang retaliates. Also, anNYPD officer asks for a new shield number to honor her latefather, but Frank is conflicted as it's the same number as hisdeceased son, Joe's.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Pete and the crew round-up the magnificent seven of cypressesalongside the Frio River and moseys on down to Leakey, Texasto build a gigantic, Texas-sized treehouse with the longestbridge in NT&S history.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Carrie, Al and a captured criminal hole up in in an abandonedprecinct as a sinister storm approaches, with their captive'sviolent crew hot on their tail.

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Smartest Guy in the Room 1x5 - How to Float Your Boat

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Treehouse Masters 4x14 - Texas-sized Treehouse

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Smartest Guy in the Room 1x6 - How to Know When to Fold 'Em

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An uncover mission ends up getting ruined as a result of theGlobal Defence Force as Kayo finds herself getting blackmailed.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


An undercover sting operation involving Lady Penelope, Kayoand a heavily disguised Parker gets blown prematurely by theGDF and Parker is taken prisoner by the panicking thief Banino.Banino takes off in a stolen GDF flyer with Kayo in pursuit inThunderbird Shadow. It all ends in a crash landing in afactory,

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Flossy, an ailing elderly woman who was previously a hearttransplant patient, arrives at the ED complaining of pains inher stomach. With her is Mo, whose late son was the donorwhose heart Flossy received. At the age of 80, Flossy believesshe has lived a good, long life, and is ready to die, butEthan faces an impossible dilemma as high demand leaves himwithout a bed in which to make Flossy's passing morecomfortable. Young couple Lee and Sarah face a deadly setbackin their plans to go travelling when they're involved in a carcrash, while a trip to the emergency department offers Leesome much-needed perspective on his relationship. An angrypatient clashes with Louise when he claims he is being 'refusedtreatment' for what could very well be a simple case of thecommon cold.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Veteran actor Michael Caine visits the studio for his firstBritish chat show appearance in nearly 10 years. Also joiningJonathan are Rambo and Rocky actor Sylvester Stallone, andMichael B Jordan, who is starring alongside Stallone in Rockyspin-off film Creed, which sees Sly's retired boxer serving astrainer and mentor to Jordan's character Adonis Johnson - theson of Rocky's late friend and rival Apollo Creed.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Paddy McGuinness hosts the dating show. This episode featuresIrish dancer Mitch, diamond consultant Adam, musician Nathanand ice hockey player Rick, all of whom are hoping to impressone of the 30 single ladies in the lineup.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Adam and Jamie try to crush a giant tanker train car with avacuum.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The team have to pull together in difficult circumstances.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Celebrity Big Brother 17x16 - Series 17 - Day 11 Highlights

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Host Adam Driver: Chris Stapleton performs.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Unaware of the war on Dragon's Edge, Hiccup, Snotlout &amp:Johann discover an island full of dragons that have beenwounded by the Dragon Hunters.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


This season, Jamie and Adam try something they've never donebefore: an Implosion caused by a vacuum. The tall tale goesthat a freight train tank car was being steam cleaned when arainstorm let loose. The engineers made the mistake of sealingthe container full of hot steam and headed home. The raincooled the tank car, the steam condensed and contracted, andthe resulting pressure differential caused the massive steelcar to crumple like a soda can. Is it possible? The MythBustersdevote an entire episode and embark on the biggest logisticaloperation in their history to find out.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A man with a felony warrant tries to escape arrest: anagitated man tries to reveal everything to the police; a youngman makes poor choices that lead to a broken home.

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Sex Sent Me to the ER 2x3 - Pump and Go

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Saturday Night Live 41x10 - Adam Driver / Chris Stapleton

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Angie Tribeca 1x8 - Murder in the First Class

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Mike Tyson Mysteries 2x10 - Ogopogo!

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Angie Tribeca 1x9 - Inside Man

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Angie Tribeca 1x10 - The One With the Bomb

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TV Calendar: At My TV


With Slean and Thane Scorann missing, Beowulf and Rate, Thaneof the Varni, charge out into the forest in search of them.Butwith the Gathering fast approaching and Rheda's bid forleadership depending on the hope of ever-loyal Scorann's vote,Beowulf questions whether their disappearance might be morethan a simple coincidence.Beowulf and Rate continue theirjourney, tracking deep into the forest and are soon remindedthat the Shieldlands are a dangerous place when they are setupon by Warig creatures. With their pride firmly at stake,some one-upmanship ensues and the men race after the creature,which leads them to a bigger, more dangerous situation wheretheir steel is put to the test. Having overcome the Mudborn whowere baying for their blood, they soon close in on Slean andScorann's trail, and an Outcast straggling behind the maingroup holding the Thane and Rheda's son Slean captive, leadsthem one-step closer to uncovering the truth behind thekidnapping.Now, almost in touching distance of their people,Beowulf hatches a plan to secure their release, however theirsuccess is not without injury or cost and one of our party payswith their life during the battle for freedom, whilst anotherrealises the shocking truth of Herot's traitor.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Early June 1967. A missing persons case - that of Dutch au pairIngrid Hjort - proves far from routine, pulling Endeavour intothe dueling worlds of Oxford scienti?c academia, the city'svast parks, Night School and the untamed wilderness of theOxfordshire countryside.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) 4x6 - Journey To The CenterOf Mikey's Mind

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After Pierre takes part in a duel, his life goes in asurprising new direction. Natasha and Sonya receive a couple ofunexpected proposals. Nikolai makes a mistake with disastrousconsequences for his family.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Slean is still missing, so Beowulf and Rate go searching inthe forest for him. However the forest is a dangerous place asHerot's peoples enemy is still at large. Rheda hopes she canfind answers before the people turn against her.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Bob throws a dinner party to bond with his new friend,Gayle uses the opportunity to introduce the family to her newlove interest. Little does she know, Louise has along-standing feud with Gayle's boyfriend and her niece willstop at nothing to break them apart. Calamity ensues as Bobattempts to impress his new buddy and the kids take action.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Graville hopes his new large display item will inject a bit ofsunshine into shop life as Kevin prepares for his wedding.Kevin however is still having second thoughts. Mrs Featherstonedecides she wants to marry again.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A missing persons case soon takes on a troubling dimension asMorse finds himself slung into a untamed wilderness in theOxfordshire countryside.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Galavant is fed up with Richard after he trades the Jewel ofValencia for a dragon and travels to find the giants on hisown. They are not at all what he expected but are willing tohelp under one condition - he must help them defeat thedwarves. When they met face to face, Galavant is in for notone but two surprises. Roberta steps in to help bring both mento their senses and attempts to resolve the issues between thedwarves and giants. Gareth tells Sid about his feelings forMadalena. Sid warns Gareth against confessing his feelings,but he is determined, which ultimately leads to a dangeroussituation for one of the men. Woodworm sends Isabella toPrincess Jubilee's palace to hand deliver her invitation to herwedding. Things don't go as planned especially when the crownon Isabella's head is accidentally broken.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Sanjay passes his stake in the Kwik-E-Mart to his millennialson, Jay, who turns it into a hip, health food marketagainst Apu's insistence on tradition. Bart, whom Homer hadconvinced to give up pranking, is called upon to return to histrickster life and take down the new store.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As Easter approaches, the midwives are shook by a baby bornwith severe deformities. Trixie begins teaching keep-fitclasses, but she starts questioning the relationship betweenwomen and their bodies when a there's a medical emergency forone of her students.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Elizabeth goes to Myanmar to sign a Pacific Rim trade agreementwhich will modernize their power grid and benefit several ofits trading partners, but she is met with resistance by thecountry's American ambassador who has immersed himself into thelocal culture. Also, Nadine attempts to mend her relationshipwith her estranged son.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Just as their travels hit a new low, Galavant, along withRichard and Roberta, stumbles upon his father, Sir ArnoldGalavant. While Richard prepares for battle by training atArnold's knight school, Galavant learns a few things about theman who abandoned him as a child. Madalena tries to makeGareth's birthday the best day ever, but his idea of a funtime is getting into a bar fight. Isabella returns to Hortensiaand banishes Woodworm. Sid, now a wanted man in Valencia,flees to the Forest of Coincidence where he meets Woodworm.Their chance encounter sparks an evil plan. Sid stabs someonewith his sword.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Kelly gets invited to her ex-boyfriend's wedding inMexico, she doesn't want to show up alone - so she decides tobring Cooper as her plus one. But when getting to the weddingbecomes a south-of-the-border logistical nightmare, Cooperenlists Neal, Barry, Josh and Leslie to come to their rescue.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Alicia and Cary join forces to defend a former client facing amulti-million dollar lawsuit over ownership rights to his newmusic. Also, Alicia's neighbors are unhappy that her law firmis operating out of her apartment and threaten to evict her.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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