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The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore 255x9 - Rembert Browne

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TV Calendar: At My TV


@Midnight 255x10 - Patton Oswalt, Judah Friedlander, ShelbyFero

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Fresh from a nasty divorce with his unicorn wife, Jack trieshis hand at speed dating.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a vote is called to kick all wizards out of Melbourne forgood, it's up to Jack to rally his fellow magical immigrantsand convince them to try and fit in a little better.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Hanssen gets ready to fly back to Sweden to see his family andbecomes suspicious that Guy is attempting to wrest control ofthe hospital something which Guy later publicly announces.Serena looks for reassurance that Hanssen will stay and fightthe battle.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After the team discovers that suspect Paul may not be who hesays he is, and was involved in an infamous murder in thepast, the investigation revisits the 15-year-old case. Woundsare re-opened for the family of the victim as Paul'spsychopathic accomplice in the historical murder is visited inthe hope that he can shed light on the current investigation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Now that they've grown closer, Barry considers telling Pattythat he is The Flash. Meanwhile, Joe and Iris try to get toknow Wally, and the team hunts down a meta-human who can slowtime itself.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Vanessa and Jimmy get Edie involved in baby modeling - withoutGerald or Sara finding out. Meanwhile, at the restaurant,Annelise loses her composure when she falls for a restaurantstaff member.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


While investigating the murder of a seaman who was set totestify before a grand jury, the NCIS team uncovers theresurgence of an international human-trafficking ring. Also,McGee hopes to spend the night at a colleague's home after astorm causes massive power outages in the city.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jess eagerly reports to jury duty, until she discovers she maybe up for a work promotion. Meanwhile, Nick reaches his limitwith Cece's messiness in the loft.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As the girls are forced to stay in Rosewood, questions aboutthe new mystery surface. A restless Aria starts to looksuspicious as she heads back to Boston a little too quickly.But could Aria really be the one behind this? As Spencer,Emily and Hanna find themselves back in familiar territory,they aren't happy with going about solving this puzzle"the old way". Meanwhile, Emily continues to lieabout her life in California and Alison keeps a close eye onher friends.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Two contestants will lead a team of three celebrities, whichinclude Marlon Wayans, Kevin Nealon, Bill Engvall, MarioLopez, Nicole Scherzinger and Miranda Cosgrove, in hopeswinning the ,000 grand prize.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Guy tries to regain control of the hospital from Hanssen.Arthur's ambition drives him to a strangely familiar path.Sacha tries to protect Essie so lies.. Jac tries to win againstGuy in the race for funding.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Peggy moves to the City of Angels to help Chief Daniel Sousa atthe West Coast Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) investigate abizarre homicide involving an alleged killer and IsodyneEnergy, and reunites with some familiar faces.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Two airplane stowaways are brought into the hospital aftersuffering major injuries from the travel, prompting SharonGoodwin to receive a visit from the Department of HomelandSecurity regarding the undocumented immigrants. CorneliusRhodes, the wealthy father of Dr. Connor Rhodes, is honoredafter making a big donation to the hospital for a new psychward, forcing dark family secrets to the surface. Dr. NatalieManning's big day arrives and Dr. Will Halstead's goodintentions to help are misconstrued by her mother-in-law,Helen. Meanwhile, Dr. Sarah Reese asks Dr. Charles for adviceon how to deliver heartbreaking news to a young boy while alsowarning his family about the possibility that their other sonmay also have the same life-threatening disease.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Captain Holt and Jake accidentally contract the mumpsduring an investigation, they decide to be quarantinedtogether in hopes of still solving the case. Meanwhile, Rosatries to help Boyle through a mourning process, and Terry isforced to clean up Hitchcock and Scully's mess.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Tribeca and Geils are poking around into a prostitution ring,and the lieutenant is just sick, mostly about it. Afraid ofwhat they might uncover, he orders them to stop. The onlyproblem? "Stop" isn't a word in Angie Tribeca'svocabulary.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The team discover that Paul may not be who he actually says heis and they then discover he has been involved in a murder casebefore now. A revisit to the victims of Paul's first murdervictim's family reopens old wounds, as more and more victimscome to light. The last link in the chain may be in Sasha'shands, but is she too close to her clients to help solve thecase.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Tim attempts to sell his moonshine to an international market.

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Celebrity Big Brother 17x19 - Series 17 - Day 14 Highlights &Live Eviction #3

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Illegal pet ferrets are leaking into California, and thelieutenant could not be sicker about it. Tribeca and Geilsfollow a trail that naturally leads them to a high stakes pokergame. The only problem? The Fish & Game Division isclaiming jurisdiction.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stewart and Deb tell Dean it's time for him to find his ownplace. Meanwhile, a rival law firm attempts to poach Dean fromSanderson & Yao. Also, Deb becomes reliant on Andre,Dean's former stand-in, who's crashing with the family

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Peggy discovers her murder investigation has huge ramificationsthat can destroy her career, as well as everyone near and dearto her.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A tornado threatens the city and Herrmann discovers the pathmay hit close to home. Chili and Brett lock heads when Chilimakes a critical mistake that leaves a victim breathless,prompting Brett to report to Chief Boden regarding Chili'serratic behavior. Meanwhile, Otis pleads for Dawson to helphim solve his women troubles, and Severide is asked to lendassistance to agent Alex Ward from the Department of HomelandSecurity regarding a suspicious home.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled 255x2 - Episode 7

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Holden and his crew face a Martian military blockade. Millerfinds a new reason to forge ahead. Avasarala visits Holden'sfamily.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Kira and her mother make a journey to help Kira deal with herdark side. Meanwhile, Lydia is surprised at Eichen House.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


With the knowledge that Valentine is alive and on the hunt forThe Mortal Cup, the Institute is on high alert. Not wastingany time, Jace jumps into action and figures Clary's memoriesare the key to finding Jocelyn and The Mortal Cup.Unfortunately, Clary's memories were wiped leaving her withoutany recollection of this other life that could help her and theteam. With only one other option remaining, Jace, Isabelleand a very reluctant Alec take Clary to the City of Bones toface the powerful Silent Brothers. Meanwhile, Luke continueshis search for Clary, and Simon tries to come to terms withhis best friend's new life.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Brian embarks on his first FBI field assignment when he travelsto Quantico to lend his skills to the bureau unit that catchesserial killers. However, the trip takes a negative turn whenBrian realizes the man he's working with may have put away aninnocent person in the career-making case that made him arenowned profiler. Also, Brian tries to stay one step ahead ofRebecca as she comes closer to discovering Senator Morra'sconnection to NZT.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Live coverage from the house following tonight's eviction.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kevin, Seann and Chris are joined by Jimmy Carr, JamieLaing, Jay Hutton and Ellie Taylor.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


While Amberle embarks on a deadly task to prove her worth tothe Ellcrys, the Dagda Mor sends the Changeling, an ancient,shape-shifting Demon, to kill her and anyone in its way. Butwhen a demon can take shape of anyone in the palace, findingit won't be easy.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jess Glynne, artist - &quot:I Cry When I Laugh&quot:

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Hiccup &amp: Astrid race to stop the Dragon Hunters fromtracking the Flightmare after Heather spills secrets from ViggoGrimborn.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As the girls are forced to stay in Rosewood, questions aboutthe new mystery surface. A restless Aria starts to looksuspicious as she heads back to Boston a little too quickly.But could Aria really be the one behind this? As Spencer,Emily and Hanna find themselves back in familiar territory,they aren't happy with going about solving this puzzle "the oldway.".

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Rick Mercer Report 13x11 - January 19, 2016

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Flash and his friends go up against a new meta-human, theTurtle. Meanwhile, Caitlin discovers the source of Jay'sproblems, and Patty questions whether she and Barry can have arelationship.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Hollywood Game Night 4x3 - Way-ans To Go!

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TV Calendar: At My TV


While investigating the murder of a seaman who was set totestify before a grand jury, the NCIS team uncovers theresurgence of an international human-trafficking ring. Also,McGee hopes to spend the night at a colleague's home after astorm causes massive power outages in the city.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jess eagerly reports to jury duty, until she discovers she maybe up for a work promotion. Meanwhile, Nick reaches his limitwith Cece's messiness in the loft.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Rick, Marty and their partners receive a mysterious sword thatcould connect the Roman Empire to the Oak Island treasure hunt.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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