It's the quarter-final and the potters take on double gourdvases and old-fashioned posset pots. Whose double gourd willfloor the judges and earn a place in the semi-final?
McCall and the team search for a missing pregnant woman whosebaby may be in danger. Meanwhile, Dante meets his brotherJames for the first time.
It's October, 1970. The midwives help a family with a historyof drug addiction. Dr Turner and Shelagh take the final stepsin May's adoption, whilst Joyce faces the disciplinary board.
Tyrannis': favorite singer Stavros is in town! But he alsohappens to be the favorite singer of Athena and her radicalfollowers. Meanwhile, Deliria goes on a little getaway.
The parallels to their own lives are unmistakable when bothAbby and Daniel represent clients who want something a courtcan't order: their parents' respect.
It's 48 hours until extraction and two of the remainingfugitives are in deep disguise while another battles withanxiety on the finishing straight. Hunter HQ go all out acrossthe hectic streets of central London to round up the last ofthe celebrities. Will any of them make it out of there?
Wolf finally gets cast on the local Alaskan survival showDropped Off To Die, but when he's out early, his shameleads him to sneak home and hide on the Tobin property instead.
Rosemary':s play gets a new venue and a new cast.Elizabeth takes her curriculum to the airwaves. Faith helps afriend make a decision. Lucas faces unexpected opposition.
As Kate and Jaclyn speculate about Laurie':s divorce,Timothy continues to get distressing updates from his business.Later, Rick reluctantly opens up about his family traumaduring a guided meditation with Amrita, Chelsea connects withexpat Chloe, and Gaitok shares his feelings with Mook.
Aviation Authority comes to investigate events in the SkyMeddocumentary, just as Marianne's secret past is revealedand Wheezer struggles with whether his vision will ever return.
Watson and the fellows treat a comedian who collapses at anopen mic night and seeks their help, but throughout theinvestigation her past is revealed to be much more complex thaninitially believed. Meanwhile, the team becomes concerned whenWatson himself collapses and suffers another traumatic braininjury as he continues to hide his worsening symptoms.
Bombshell news sends shockwaves through the Essex crew on anight out. Elsewhere, Dan and Ella are happier than ever andHarry decides to focus on himself.
Attorney Ted Black and partner Stuart Lane are about to mergewith a firm run by Ted's ex. Associates Rick and Ericavie for positions in the firm, but when the merger hits asnag, Ted, a former prosecutor, must step into a role heholds in contempt.
After Colter is hired to find a missing singer linked to aviolent crime, he discovers his target is a stoicsurvivalist, not unlike himself.
The return of a Yellowjacket sparks a vengeful frenzy in theill-tempered team. Lottie's rendition of Cool AuntWithout Kids leaves Callie with an open door to answers abouther mother's twisted past. Tai and Van receive asubstantial karmic payout for their dine and dash.
Four members of a suburban garden club find their livesintertwined by scandal, mischief and a shared secret-a murderno one wants to talk about. As dark truths surface, theystruggle to remain as perfect as the flowers blooming in theirgarden.
Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Brian Windhorst.
The winter brings new dangers for the Duttons: Spencer andAlexandra set off on separate journeys.
When Flute forgets to buy Stan a gift for his birthday, hesteals an A.I. Doll from the evidence locker named MO11Y,unaware that the doll is actually a murderer. Meanwhile, whenan investigation leads the precinct to Grimsburg's"Dolltown", Wynona is forced to confront herex-boyfriend, Buddy, while Summers struggles to find theright moment to finally ask her out.
A shock to the financial system increases scrutiny onMullen's commission. Valerie investigates Proteus. Rogermust make a difficult choice.
A bombing threatens Mary':s plans as she takes Hezekiahout to meet a key West End boxing figure; Hezekiah seizes thisopportunity and asks Alec to help train him.
THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT –Correspondent Scott Pelley reportson the recent firings and resignations at the U.S. Departmentof Justice. Aaron Weisz, Pat Milton, and Ian Flickinger arethe producers. CFPB – Correspondent Lesley Stahl reportson President Trump's efforts to halt the work and cut thefunding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, anenforcement agency that was created in response to the 2008financial crisis. Shachar Bar-On is the producer. JOHN OLIVER– Host John Oliver's highly lauded show, "Last WeekTonight," gives him a Sunday night platform to unleashsearing, satirical takes on the politics and problems ofAmerica, his adopted homeland. So how did this Brit become oneof this country's sharpest comedians? Correspondent BillWhitaker travels to the U.K., and goes behind-the-scenes inNew York, to trace Oliver's comedic journey. Marc Lieberman isthe producer.
The parallels to their own lives are unmistakable when bothAbby and Daniel represent clients who want something a courtcan't order: their parents' respect.
Abby scrambles to undo damage after she advises a pair ofexhausted parents to surrender their autistic son to theMinistry for support and her clients are charged with neglect.
After Colter is hired to find a missing singer linked to aviolent crime, he discovers his target is a stoicsurvivalist, not unlike himself.
It's the halfway point of the qualifying rounds, and onlyeight chefs remain! The competitors who win their intensehead-to-head battle by successfully dealing with the randomizerand satisfying the taste buds of a panel of TOC champs willearn a spot in Tournament of Champions VI.
Peter tries to make Joe laugh when he realizes Joe has neverfound him funny. Lois chaperones Chris and Meg's school trip,where she hopes to reunite Principal Shepherd with hislong-lost love.
Thinking they hit the jackpot, Oregon homesteaders buy theirdream property -- an old schoolhouse founded by settlers on thehistoric Oregon Trail. But it's been a classic case of buyerbeware; flooding rivers devastate their home, gardens andlivestock.
When Flute forgets to buy Stan a gift for his birthday, hesteals an A.I. Doll from the evidence locker named MO11Y,unaware that the doll is actually a murderer. When aninvestigation leads the precinct to Grimsburg's "Dolltown,"Wynona is forced to confront her ex-boyfriend, Buddy, whileSummers struggles to find the right moment to finally ask herout.
Wolf finally gets cast on the local Alaskan survival showDropped Off To Die, but when he's out early, his shame leadshim to sneak home and hide on the Tobin property instead.
Aviation Authority comes to investigate events in the SkyMeddocumentary, just as Marianne's secret past is revealed andWheezer struggles with whether his vision will ever return.
As Kate and Jaclyn speculate about Laurie's divorce, Timothycontinues to get distressing updates from his business. Later,Rick reluctantly opens up about his family trauma during aguided meditation with Amrita, Chelsea connects with expatChloe, and Gaitok shares his feelings with Mook.
Rosemary's play gets a new venue and a new cast. Elizabethtakes her curriculum to the airwaves. Faith helps a friend makea decision. Lucas faces unexpected opposition.
Bold visionaries take big risks to bring Mexican food to allAmericans, by creating the best-selling condiment on theplanet, two of the most famous snack chip brands of all timeand innovating the iconic pairing of chips and salsa.
Tyrannis' favorite singer Stavros is in town! But he alsohappens to be the favorite singer of Athena and her radicalfollowers. Deliria goes on a little getaway.
Six amazing chefs have already earned their spots in the maintournament. In the final qualifier event, the remaining fourchefs battle head-to-head for the last two spots in theTournament of Champions VI bracket.
McCall and the team search for a missing pregnant woman whosebaby may be in danger. Meanwhile, Dante meets his brotherJames for the first time.
Jon Taffer heads to Kenosha, WI to rescue a long-standing barwhose owner has failed to update the business over the past 30years.
Kellyoke: What's Up Lonely (Kelly Clarkson)/ Andy Cohen/"Deadhead or Dead Wrong?"/ Kelly Extra: Kate Winslet/ SpectrumDesigns/ Max McNown Performs ‘Better Me for You'/ WIL: GirlObsessed with Dead Cicada
The wait is almost over for 32 of the world's best chefs todescend upon the Tournament of Champions arena to battle it outfor the most coveted title in the food universe. But beforethey enter the arena and the battles begin, Guy Fieri and hisTOC sideline reporters Justin Warner and Tiffani Faison revealthis year's bracket and preview all 32 of the baller chefs.Plus, they preview every twist, turn and spin of the meanculinary machine known as the randomizer.
After a would-be Catholic assassin is killed, Murdoch contendswith the powerful Protestant leader who was the target.
Ripped From the Headlines: With the release of Tamron's newFreeform true crime docuseries, "How I Escaped My Cult," wewelcome actress JESSICA JOAN for an EXCLUSIVE conversation onhow she helped the FBI take down NXIVM's infamous cult leader.Then, we sit down with a 22-year-old content creator who wentviral after her followers noticed a concerning lump on herneck. Later, a state trooper saves a Dallas man trapped in aburning car after a snowstorm. Plus, "Wild Kingdom"'s DR.RAE-WYNN GRANT explains what really happened in theextraordinary video of a kayaker being swallowed by a whale.
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations! Actors Wendell Pierce & Erika Woods talkabout the latest season of "Raising Kanan" on Starz.Then,comedian Karl "Special K" Douglas drops into Sherri's LaughLounge.
Halle Berry hits the headlines with Drew and Ross and discussesfinding love again, her experience with menopause and the newplatform, Respin, she made to help women through it. HalleBerry is joined by experts from her new platform, Respin, andanswers audience questions on menopause; Pilar Valdes sharesher recipe for arroz caldo.