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Ms. Tina Knowles joins the show for the first time tocelebrate the one-year anniversary of her hair care brand,Cécred, and discuss its remarkable success.6-year-old rapsensation Savannah "Van Van" McConneaughey from Charlotte,North Carolina, joins Jennifer to chat and perform a song fromher debut album!

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Milkshake! 255x55 - Episode 55

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Married at First Sight 12x18 - Episode 18

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Aussie Gold Hunters 10x7 - Episode 7

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Australian Survivor 12x5 - Episode 5

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Australian Idol 10x11 - Top 30 - 4

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For better or worse, Jess and Sunny finally get the truth fromAsif, Marty, Mel, and Juliet. But both on and off the case,the truth leads to difficult decisions.

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The Political View with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.).

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As Bradford reels from the nightclub attack, the killer upsthe ante with a high-profile kidnapping. The case explodesnationally, and the UK Crime Agency descends on Bradford,putting Harry and Conway's roles into question.

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General Hospital 255x36 - Ep. #15655

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When a lawyer':s murder is staged like a dog attack,Murdoch suspects the culprits were after a dog bequeathed afortune.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


KJ, desperate to revive Beverly':s game, is conflictedbetween following the Baker playbook or making his own mark.Meanwhile, Layla takes a stand against controversial pop starElle Grant which forces Coop to fight for a second chance, andKhalil faces his father who won't let go of the past.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Calvin and Dave join Lamar on a road trip to the casino. Also,Tina and Gemma babysit Daphne while Marty desperately tries tospend time with Courtney alone.

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The coaches vie to discover and coach the next singingphenomenon on the fourth night of Blind Auditions.

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Every year, the police deal with around 17,000 hit-and-runincidents across the UK - an increase of 60% cent in just onedecade. In this episode, a tragic death on one of Derbyshire'sbusiest roads leads to a nationwide manhunt for a hit-and-rundriver.

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Grant and the women arrive in Edinburgh, Scotland, as hisjourney to find love continues; relationships soar to newheights as Grant explores his connections further during anadventurous week of dates.

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Coming Soon...

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When Poppa dodges an invitation to a family slumber party,Junior attempts to change his mind by making him jealous ofeveryone attending.

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Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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The team searches for two missing teenagers that ditched schooland find themselves stranded in the middle of the ocean, afterthey realize they stole a cracked canoe. Meanwhile, Will doesnot get along with District 7's new team member. Emreceives a surprise visit from her estranged mother.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


NCIS investigates the case of a Navy lieutenant found dead at ablood donation bank. Meanwhile, McGee needs help from the teamto raise money for his twins' school fundraiser.

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After Greg receives a plaque from the local historicalsociety, Stan goes to great lengths to get the same honor.Roger becomes a traveling salesman.

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A sleep-deprived Sunny has the day off but finds herself ropedinto another case when Tess gets a 911 call from an injured manlocked in a steel drum-with no idea who, or where, he is.

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Dr. Ezekiel Malak, a hospital psychiatrist turned derangedkiller, is prowling for new victims in Chicago, so Bex andthe team work to find a method to his madness in a desperatebid to get ahead of him - until Malak makes a move no one sawcoming.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Social activist Shamsa dreams of a man who's fun, respectful,handsome and, most importantly, tall. Enter 6' 3" softwaresalesman Hamish, a gentleman who proves chivalry is alive andwell. Sparks fly, they bond over a shared love of WhitneyHouston, and Shamsa feels comfortable enough to tell Hamishabout a powerful and traumatic event from her childhood.Meanwhile, school caretaker Dominic, who's 27, hasn't hadmuch luck in love; one date took him shopping in TK Maxx. Hismatch is 30-year-old Rebecca, a free spirit who loves swimmingwith sharks and travelling to exotic parts of the world.Dominic can't swim and has a phobia of butterflies; can heturn his luck around, or is adventurous Rebecca too much forhim to handle? Rock singer Brocarde is hoping to meet a fellowcreative who'll accept the 'ghosts' of her past and make herheart sing. She bonds with youth worker and fellow musicianJames over shared passions. But how will James react whenBrocarde opens up about her romantic dealings within theparanormal world? Retired fire-fighter Ian hasn't dated sincehis wife passed away. Can he re-ignite the flame of love andfind a second chance at happiness with passionate and playfulCoral? 

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Jon Stewart dives into Trump':s new Department ofGovernment Efficiency, a.k.a. DOGE, and how the Elon Musk-ledproject masks its allegiance to corporate overlords andnegligence to the American people under the guise of slashingthe government's budget. "We shouldn't livein a world where the only programs that get saved are the onesRepublicans are willing to put their stamp of approvalon". Jon Stewart joins Georgetown Law's RupaBhattacharyya, former Special Master of the September 11thVictim Compensation Fund, to discuss how Elon Musk and theDOGE project's reckless budget cuts are affectingvaluable programs like the one she used to oversee.Bhattacharyya explains how federal agencies and programs weretypically non-politicized until Trump's secondadministration, how similar uncertainty is affecting the WorldTrade Center Health Program, and why these roles are what thegovernment exists to provide.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jimmy welcomes TV personality Chelsea Handler, hockey playerMatthew Tkachuk, actor Billy Crudup, and a musicalperformance by Waxahatchee.

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Stephen welcomes actor Woody Harrelson, actor Wendell Pierce,and actor Sam Waterston.

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A personal tragedy reopens old wounds for the Mullen family.Speaker Dreyer pushes for a change in leadership. Sheilatestifies before Congress.

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When the severed finger of a handyman mysteriously turns up,Fitz and Arch's investigation turns into a case ofvigilante justice.

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Hezekiah debuts at West London Boxing Club, but Sugar':sappearance after his fight disrupts plans; Mary Carr'sheist night arrives with preparations complete, while Alec andTreacle strike a deal.

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Antiques Roadshow 29x8 - Living History Farms, Hour 2

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After Beverlyʼs humbling loss, KJ is determined to turnthings around by looking to Jordan Baker's old plays, butCassius encourages him to forge his own legacy instead.Elsewhere, Layla refuses to work with pop star Elle Grant overcontroversial social media posts she made as a teen, whileCoop advocates for second chances. When Khalil's gang-memberfather Marqui shows up unannounced at school, he pressuresKhalil to ignore his new priorities, leaving him torn betweentwo worlds. Later, Ava attempts to mediate the conflictbetween Cassius and KJ, and the Jordan Baker mystery continuesto unfold.

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Following a tense week, Grant and the women continue theirjourney to find love in Edinburgh, Scotland. Love soars to newheights as Grant and one lucky lady enjoy a breathtakinghelicopter tour leading into a dreamy fairy-tale-like evening.Next, Grant and a group of women attend a traditional Scottishfair with fun-filled activities, but conflict amongst thewomen over Grant's time impacts the date. Then, Grant takes awoman to explore the streets of Edinburgh and its culture aheadof a romantic evening that sparks a passionate discussion.Emotions are high and Grant struggles to identify his strongestconnections as he looks for answers ahead of meeting thefamilies. 

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Coaches Adam Levine, Michael Bublé, Kelsea Ballerini andJohn Legend all vie to discover and coach the next singingphenomenon on the fourth night of blind auditions.

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Below Deck Down Under 3x4 - Kiss and Don't Tell

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WWE Monday Night RAW 32x8 - #1657 - Heritage Bank Arena inCincinnati, OH

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Calvin and Dave join Lamar on a road trip to the casino. Also,Tina and Gemma babysit Daphne while Marty desperately tries tospend time with Courtney alone.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


NCIS investigates the case of a Navy lieutenant found dead at ablood donation bank. Also, McGee needs help from the team toraise money for his twins' school fundraiser.

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The team searches for two missing teenagers: Will does not getalong with District 7's new team member; Em receives asurprise visit from her estranged mother.

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Watch What Happens Live 22x30 - Jon Hamm, Morris Chestnut

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Sightings of the Yeti, a creature of myth and legend, havebeen recorded for thousands of years throughout the Himalayasand surrounding regions. Could this seven-foot-tall creature,covered in shaggy gray hair, be hiding in plain sight? And ifthe Yeti does exist, is it a living being--or something elseentirely?

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Kyle MacLachlan asks Jonathan and Drew to help him surprise thewoman who has been an integral part of his family's lives. Hewants to use her attached garage to create an extension of herhome, creating a stunning multi-purpose flex space.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After Greg receives a plaque from the local historicalsociety, Stan goes to great lengths to get the same honor.Roger becomes a traveling salesman.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A sleep-deprived Sunny has the day off, as Tess gets pulledinto a 911 call with an injured man locked in a steel drum whohas no idea who, or where, he is. As Tess navigates motivesof revenge and a business rivalry in a race against time touncover the location of the victim, Sunny takes drasticactions to maintain her fragile sense of safety, convinced shewitnessed a murder on her building's CCTV cameras. As the caseculminates in a dramatic end, Tess struggles with revealingher own hidden truths to rescue the victim. 

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E! News 25x29 - 022425

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Woody Harrelson.Wendell Pierce – ELSBETH (CBS).Specialappearance by Sam Waterston.

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1. Chris Pratt ("The Electric State"). 2. Drew Carey ("ThePrice is Right"). 3. Musical Guests Nathaniel Rateliff andGregory Alan Isakov.

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Guests include Chelsea Handler, Billy Crudup and musical guestWaxahatchee. 

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Kellyoke: Standing in Front of You (Kelly Clarkson)/ JustinHartley/ Vanessa and Nick Lachey/ Step Afrika!/ Step Afrika!Performs ‘Celebration'/ WIL: The Garment League

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