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When Dana':s plans for a new game are threatened by herties to MQ, Brad devises a long con to help her. Jo throwsPoppy a party.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A man is killed by a mysterious weapon and as theirinvestigation unfolds, Sabrina and Zak are led into the worldof the unhoused.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Under pressure from the medical director, Zanna is forced tohunt for a scapegoat. Ben insists on his own methods to treat apregnant patient.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Marta asks Raúl for a favour at the dealership - and findsherself face-to-face with Georgina.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Hezekiah is in shock but his title fight against BusterWilliams is fast approaching and many key parties, includingPeggy and Lonsdale, are relying on his victory.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ed is coerced into completing his work. Taylah considers anultimatum. An ally gets trapped in the middle of the mayhem.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Contestants test their knowledge of sports films, collegebasketball, Star Trek, and yoga.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Eighteen new castaways are abandoned on the breathtakingislands of Fiji, where they must learn to adapt or they willbe voted out; tribes must claim victory in the first challengeof the season to earn essential camp supplies.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


AEW Wrestling 7x9 - #282 - Frontwave Arena in Oceanside, CA

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TV Calendar: At My TV


TJ puts a rivals spin on his favorite challenge of the season:trivia; tempers flare between two rival pairs when onechallenger is caught supporting a strategy to throw in theirreal life best friend into the Jungle for possible elimination.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Gaffney gets a surprise visit from a National AccreditationBoard of Hospitals representative. Hannah and Naomi search forthe cause of a young girl's infection. Lenox and Frost worktogether to save the victim of an accidental shooting.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Group A swoons, sings and serenades the audience with some ofthe Rat Pack's most iconic classics.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


During Abbott's 100th day of school celebrations, Barbarareceives a surprise from her daughter. Melissa, Jacob and Mr.Johnson join forces to conduct a search party.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


On March 26, 2024, the world collectively gasped as a massivecontainer ship, the Dali, lost control and plowed into thelandmark Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. The busyfour-lane bridge suffered a catastrophic collapse and crashedinto the Patapsco River. Six highway workers were killed, andthe Port of Baltimore – a crucial link in the global shippingchain on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States – wasblocked by thousands of tons of twisted steel and concrete. Howdid a modern ship lose all power and propulsion? And why didthe bridge fail so catastrophically? Follow the high-stakesrescue and recovery, the efforts to reopen the port, and theinvestigations into what went wrong and how many other crucialbridges are at risk.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Summer House 9x3 - Battle of the Sexes

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Hill family lives in a gated community near Dawson HS,where their daughter Arrijana is a popular athlete. When she isfound murdered in her bedroom, detectives learn that Arrijanawas hiding a secret that leads them to her killer.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A seller comes into the shop with some chef whites signed bythe actor who played the iconic Soup Nazi on Seinfeld. WillRick and Chum say "No deal for you!" or will they reach anagreement on price? Then, Corey tries to make a surreally gooddeal on a Dali lithograph from a collaboration with WaltDisney. And later, Rick goes back to school when a sellerbrings in a signed page from James Dean's yearbook. Will herebel against the asking price, or will it be a giant score? 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Live PD Presents: PD Cam 5x15 - Episode 15

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Heather and Phil travel to the ancient Mayan city ofXunantunich in search of a spirit named the Stone Lady. Butthese aged ruins carry more threats besides vengeful spirits --poisonous snakes, scorpions, and tunnels on the verge ofcollapse up the ante.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


For My Man 8x20 - The Cost of Obsession

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Tyler Perry's Sistas 8x20 - Boss Lady

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A surprise visitor from Novak's past joins Ambo for alate-night ride-along. Herrmann faces a mountain of Chief-leveltraining records and incident reports. Violet catches Carver ina lie.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A man is killed by a mysterious weapon and as theirinvestigation unfolds, Sabrina and Zak are led into the worldof the unhoused.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Celebrity contestants Ana Navarro, David Friedberg and YvetteNicole Brown.


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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ridiculousness 42x103 - Sterling and Lolo Wood XCVIII

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Live PD Presents: PD Cam 5x16 - Episode 16

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Ridiculousness 42x104 - Sterling and Lolo Wood XCIX

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Expedition Bigfoot 6x6 - Line of Sight

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Ruzek grapples with his father's worsening condition whileIntelligence searches for an elusive serial killer.

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Watch What Happens Live 22x32 - Dolores Catania, Carl Radke

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Ridiculousness 42x105 - Sterling and Lolo Wood C

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Ridiculousness 42x106 - Sterling and Lolo Wood CI

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TV Calendar: At My TV


E! News 25x31 - 022625

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Chef Guy Fieri.Pamela Brown.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Guests include Simu Liu, Floyd Mayweather and musical guestJason Isbell.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


1. Mindy Kaling ("Running Point"). 2. Natasha Rothwell ("TheWhite Lotus"). 3. Musical Guest Soccer Mommy.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Janet is finally ready to give answers: Mr. Martin hatches aplan; Maddie reevaluates her relationships with Wally andSimon; Quinn makes a discovery.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Harley Quinn 5x7 - TBA

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kim is terrified of opening old wounds with Kourtney when a newbusiness opportunity arises. Kris, Khloé, and Kim havedinner with a renowned longevity specialist, before ending theweek at a concert for an epic night!

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Invincible 3x6 - All I Can Say Is I'm Sorry

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jack Reacher 3x4 - Dominique

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TV Calendar: At My TV


TWO BIG DAYTIME EXCLUSIVES! First, two-time Olympic goldmedalist and boxing world champion CLARESSA SHIELDS joins theTam Fam to talk about her shocking suspension from the sportjust days after becoming the first boxer to hold every majortitle in every division. Then, in another DAYTIME EXCLUSIVE,"Real Housewives of the Potomac"'s ASHLEY DARBY discusses herdivorce, the aftermath and her dating future for the firsttime since the split was finalized. And, licensed family andmarriage therapist JOHN KIM talks us through the eightdifferent types of breakups and his controversial take oncheating.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Hot Ones 26x6 - Person ... While Eating Spicy Wings

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kellyoke: Uptown Girl (Billy Joel)/ Kate Hudson/ "Throw Me aLine"/ Stephen Amell/ Kate Walsh (Cancer Awareness)/BABYMONSTER Performs ‘DRIP'/ WIL: Jeff Kinney New Book CoverReveal

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Actress Ego Nwodim stops by to chat about the 50th season of"Saturday Night Live."Dancers Storm DeBarge and AhniYahBerry from Los Angeles, California, join the show to sharetheir experience starring in Kendrick Lamar's "SquabbleUp" music video — and teach Jennifer some of their signaturemoves!

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Actor Jay Ellis talks about starring in the newNetflix series, "Running Point."Then, actor Jennifer Tillytalks about the latest drama on "The Real Housewives of BeverlyHills."

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Chelsea Handler joins Drew and Ross at the news desk: PilarValdes shares pro tips she learned from popular New York CityIndian restaurant Bungalow. Chelsea Handler (book "I'll HaveWhat She's Having") discusses her 50th birthday.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Milkshake! 255x58 - Episode 58

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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