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November, 1970. The challenges of midwifery hit close to homewhen a mother and baby home is evacuated. Nancy's wedding planstake a surprising turn, and Sister Catherine takes her firstvows.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Wild West, where coyotes face a snowbound Yellowstone,rattlesnakes emerge in the hundreds, woodpeckers compete tostore food, bison battle on the Great Plains and cranes gatherin vast numbers on their age-old migration.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ham starts performing at Yet-E-Cheddar':s and develops astrange relationship with an animatronic Freddie the Yeti,that puts his relationship with Crispin in jeopardy. When thenew Tobin Boat turns out to have a cursed name, the kidsbattle, Succession-style, for naming rights. Ham and Crispinbreak up.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ted needs Amanda':s help with a new prosecutor inLester's murder trial. Erica squares off against Rick tostop him from poaching a client. Stuart and Samantha argue overRick's position in the firm. In the past, Ted improvisesafter losing a witness.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Bodie':s wedding celebrations take an unexpected turn,forcing the SkyMed flight crew to race to save one of theirown.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Abby':s client, Naomi, wants a medically assisted deathbefore Alzheimer's destroys her capacity to consent, butNaomi's grieving son seeks a court order to block heraccess.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


While tracking the son of a prominent New Jersey cupcake chainfounder, Colter gets thrust into the middle of a violent mafiawar.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Sasha discovers a link between her current patient, whohas advanced cancers and distinctive lesions on his tongueindicative of Cowden syndrome, and a cadaver she dissectedduring medical school, the team traces the case to Amishcountry.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Garrison Gang comes for their gold with Hope Valleyresidents in the crosshairs. Angela visits the SchwartzmanSchool and Rosemary uncovers the truth about Ava.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Saxon also starts getting calls from the office, Timothydecides the family should adhere to the resort's nophones policy. After tagging along with Rick into town,Chelsea finds herself in another perilous situation.Meanwhile, Jaclyn tries to convince Laurie to have a vacationfling with Valentin, and Gaitok worries about gettingreprimanded by his bosses.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Emotions run high when Jodie and Diags discuss their split,tensions rise when Dani and Harry bump into Junaid andFreddie, and Dan invites his mum to meet Ella.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Peter runs into Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at abrewery tour, and the two drink the night into oblivion. WhenPeter wakes up, he realizes their lives have swapped, and hejoins the Supreme Court as Brett Kavanaugh, and Brett returnsto Quahog as Peter.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Yellowjackets attempt to spin a hundred suspicions intoproof. Coach Scott has an existential meltdown and wonders ifthe universe really does hate him. Meanwhile, Jeff embarks ona crusade to make things right energetically. Shauna isforcibly committed to some "me time" and confrontsthe walking disaster she's turned into. Spoiler:it's not a spa day.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Birdie grows more invested in her scholarship recipient, Ford.Alice investigates her dog's murder. Catherine wrestleswith coming clean about her affair. Brett butts heads with hisex-wife. In flash-forwards, Birdie seeks help covering up thebody.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Things get contentious at the courthouse. Spencer stays inGalveston longer than he desires. Mother Nature makes herpresence known.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After nepo baby Otis the Kid Detective is put on the force perpressure from the Mayor, Flute makes it his mission to get thekid to quit the force. But his plans to scare Otis away go toofar, just as Flute grows a soft spot for him.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


2009. The mothers and council face each other in court. As bothsides give their evidence, a key witness could change thecourse of the entire trial.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


For the first time, Pilar will inaugurate the new judicialyear. Although the event is rather bland, a surprise awaitsour princess. It's become a tradition for some judges todine with her father, the king, after the event. Pilar willbe hosting this year's lunch as well, but during themeal, she will make a discovery that will completely changethe way she views her father and her own life.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


At the league':s owners': conference, Isla chases agame-changing deal. Ness and Sandy discover that sharing a homemeans sharing more than just space.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Nine people survive a plane crash into the Mexican jungle, butthey don't know that a murderer lurks in their midst; ninedays later, their bodies are recovered by the Mexican army;one of the passengers is missing - but who?

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Conan O'Brien takes the stage to emcee the event as guestsgather at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood. The 97thAcademy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of MotionPicture Arts and Sciences, honors achievements in film, andis broadcast to more than 200 territories worldwide. Scheduledperformers include Doja Cat, Cynthia Erivo, Ariana Grande,LISA of Blackpink, Queen Latifah and RAYE.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Fatal Family Feuds 2x3 - Killer Custody Battle

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ukraine-US – During his campaign, President Donald Trumppromised to bring peace to Ukraine. That hasn't happened yet.However, he has changed how the United States deals withRussia. Correspondent Scott Pelley travels to Washington, D.C.to speak with members of Congress who argue America should notabandon Ukraine. Henry Schuster and Sarah Turcotte are theproducers.Death Flights – 60 MINUTES reports on how theflight logs found in a plane in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.uncovered Argentina's notorious death flights during itsdictatorship in the mid-1970s – serving as key evidence ofthat country's lethal scheme that "disappeared" thousands ofinnocent citizens who they viewed as a threat. CorrespondentJon Wertheim revisits this dark and traumatic period inArgentine history, meeting the pair of investigators whodiscovered the plane, and families of the victims who werethrown to their deaths. This is a double-length segment.Michael Gavshon is the producer.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Peter runs into Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at abrewery tour.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


While tracking the son of a prominent New Jersey cupcake chainfounder, Colter gets thrust into the middle of a violent mafiawar.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Home Town 9x9 - Home Town Intervention

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Host Guy Fieri kicks off the sixth year of the biggest and mostintense competition in the culinary world. Top-scoring chefsfrom last year are back, and a handful of newcomers with thepotential to win it all are stepping into the arena for thefirst time. Plus, now that all four TOC champs have hung uptheir aprons, there will be a guaranteed new champion thisseason! Who will win the belt, the coveted title and the0,000?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


90 Day Fiancé 11x3 - TBA

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After nepo baby Otis the Kid Detective is put on the force perpressure from the Mayor, Flute makes it his mission to get thekid to quit the force. But his plans to scare Otis away go toofar, just as Flute grows a soft spot for him. Harmony stayshome from work and drinks a lot of cough syrup to get over acold, which causes her to start seeing Mr. Flesh. They bondover their relationships with Stan and Mr. Flesh even helpsHarmony learn to listen to herself and her body.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Garrison Gang comes for their gold with Hope Valleyresidents in the crosshairs. Angela visits the SchwartzmanSchool and Rosemary uncovers the truth about Ava.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bodie's wedding celebrations take an unexpected turn, forcingthe SkyMed flight crew to race to save one of their own.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A struggling chocolate maker and a young theater assistantcreate the movie theater concession stand as we know it andlaunch the world's most iconic movie candies. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ham starts performing at Yet-E-Cheddar's and develops a strangerelationship with an animatronic Freddie the Yeti, that putshis relationship with Crispin in jeopardy. When the new TobinBoat turns out to have a cursed name, the kids battle,Succession-style, for naming rights. Ham and Crispin break up.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When Saxon also starts getting calls from the office, Timothydecides the family should adhere to the resort's no phonespolicy. After tagging along with Rick into town, Chelsea findsherself in another perilous situation. Meanwhile, Jaclyn triesto convince Laurie to have a vacation fling with Valentin, andGaitok worries about getting reprimanded by his bosses.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Aphrodite's Fertility Fest is here and baby fever is at an alltime high. Deliria is convinced it's nothing but a scam, butStupendous may be falling for it; Tyrannis tries to relax at abathhouse but it's proving difficult to let loose.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


McCall is asked to help a local family that lost their lifesavings in a suspicious fire. Also, Mel opens up to herparents about her PTSD.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A historic bar in Sheboygan, Wisc. faces closure because of anowner with a bad attitude whose staff is afraid to speak outagainst him.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Host Andy Cohen discusses pop-culture events with guests andviewers.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Last Week Tonight With John Oliver 12x3 - Episode 3

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations! "The Bachelor" Grant Ellis stops by to tellSherri all about his dating life.Plus, social media influencerTaylen Biggs weighs in on the Oscar fashions.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Murdoch and Brackenreid are stunned when an actor in aperformance of Hamlet dies on stage before their eyes.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Guest Host: Simu Lui/ Kellyoke: Laredo (Leon Bridges)/ WoodyHarrelson and Finn Cole/ "Scenes and Stories"/ Brenda Song/Technovation – Women's History Month/ WIL: Senior Troy's LifeAdvice

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Co-host Kate Hudson and Drew FaceTime one of their favoriteformer co-stars; Kate shares her taco recipe. Co-host KateHudson and the cast of "Running Point," including BrendaSong, Drew Tarver and Scott MacArthur. 

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Actor Eric McCormack visits to talk about his new thrillerseries, "Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue." Jennifer alsowelcomes "Chicago's Lemonade Girls," who are helping theircommunity on the South Side of Chicago with their lemonadestand. During a local heat wave last summer, BrittanyPowell's daughters Jade, 12, and Joy, 11, started alemonade stand to raise money for St. Jude Children's ResearchHospital. Jade, who has type 1 diabetes, knows firsthand thechallenges of spending time in the hospital and felt inspiredto uplift other children facing similar experiences. Thesisters had such a positive response to their fundraiser thatthey started helping other deserving causes.  Plus,one-armed archer Gabriel George from Jacksonville, Florida,stops by to demonstrate his archery skills with Jennifer! Gabejoined the Navy in 2004 as a corpsman, but his service was cutshort after a motorcycle accident in 2008 left him with atraumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage, and the eventualamputation of his right arm. His life changed when he attendeda Veterans Summer Sports Clinic, where a coach encouraged himto try archery using his teeth, sparking his passion foradaptive sports. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Guests include Kate Hudson (Running Point) and John Turturro(Severance). 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Milkshake! 255x62 - Episode 62

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Couples' Retreat. Part 1. All the couples head to Byron fortheir annual group getaway where some intense rivalries areformed.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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