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Milkshake! 255x64 - Episode 64

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dinner Party. A MAFS first. Two dinner parties in one night!

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A murdered dog show judge leads Max and Ellis to a travelingdog competition to sniff out the killer. Ellis and his cat Marcmove in temporarily with Max and Ricky while Ellis' boat isunder repair.

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Much to Amanda's annoyance, Anne organises a camping trip tothe New Forest. What should be a wholesome weekend away ends upbeing a nightmare, including snakes, drugs and UTIs.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Questlove (director, "SLY LIVES! (aka The Burden of BlackGenius)"); Porsha Williams ("The Real Housewives of Atlanta").

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Sparks fly between Nic and Jen when Ollie shares a revelation.Jen and Suzie appear to have their own secrets they'rekeeping from Nic as we see another side to Jen.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The story of the last woman to be hanged in the UK. Ruth Ellisis arrested following the shooting of her lover David Blakely -she admits murder and the police believe it to be anopen-and-shut case, but Ruth's solicitor John Bickford startsto understand some of what she has suffered. As Bickford triesto understand how love turned to murder and comes to realisethat there is more to David's death than meets the eye, hequestions what Ruth is hiding and why.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


General Hospital 255x43 - Ep. #15662

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The team revive a dilapidated carved village sign that hasstood pride of place in Broome, Norfolk, since the turn ofthe millennium, along with a handmade organ crafted in Basraduring World War I.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Five new masks appear as the Voices of Olympus: contestantsperform showstopping renditions of "I Believe In a ThingCalled Love", "Bad Blood", "Rewritethe Stars", "Espresso" and "Saving AllMy Love For You".

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Georgia invites Matt and Riley to speak at her school':sCareer Day, where playful competition turns tense when Rileylearns Georgia is ashamed of her job. Meanwhile, Gabrielmentors Carter's car project until a more urgent piece ofbusiness arises.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A murdered dog show judge leads Max and Ellis to a travelingdog competition to sniff out the killer. Ellis and his cat Marcmove in temporarily with Max and Ricky while Ellis' boatis under repair.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ripley struggles to rescue a woman and her daughter trapped inan abandoned well. An old friend from Frost's TV daysshadows Maggie. Asher discovers an extremely rare condition inher patient's ultrasound.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Guy Fieri invites three experienced chefs to provethey're the "King of the Chill" by outcookingeach other - and ultimately a GGG judge - in a frozen foodfight. First, the chefs make their best seafood dinner usingnothing but items from the frozen aisle. The winner earns anautomatic ,000, while their two rivals are frozen out ofthe competition. The winning chef then gets a shot at turningtheir prize money into ,000 if they can beat the GGG judgeof their choice in a Sunday supper showdown featuring morefrozen food, plus three fresh items that satisfy a coolgrocery list.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When the Eden Vale High star quarterback is attacked,disturbing secrets are uncovered that reveal just what extremespeople will go to in order to win.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Kidd and Severide eagerly await big news. Pascal searches forthe perfect anniversary gift.

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Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


At the first destination, Hong Kong, teams encounter theirfirst surprise twist of the season when they confront theinaugural Fork in the Road, forcing them to choose whichdirection and route they want to take to the Pit Stop,creating two parallel races where two teams will be eliminated.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A debate over a controversial book leads Ava to remove it fromthe library, but some parents push for its return.

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Voight questions Deputy Chief Reid':s motives in enactinga Violence Reduction Initiative across a neighborhood wherenumerous gangs are fighting for territory.

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As Ed and Taylah try to expose the truth, a deadly threat isdiscovered to be closer than they could have imagined.

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When a junior hockey team owner is gunned down after achampionship game, the motive leads Sabrina and Zak tounexpected places.

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To stop Travis': overbearing mom from disruptingpractices, Isla takes her under her wing. Sandy andJackie's messy love lives catch up with them.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Alfonso XIV has returned to Spain to record the traditionalRoyal Christmas Speech, in which, rather than abdicating,the King apologizes for putting his immature daughter in chargeof the country. The branches of government warn Pilar that herfather is out of his mind. They've tried speaking tohim, but he refuses to listen. Pilar will have to convince himit's time for him to step aside.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Contestants test their knowledge of TV moms, the Met Gala,fictional fathers and directors.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Zanna clashes with the staff after introducing new departmentrules. Ben's struggles become more evident.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ripley struggles to rescue a woman and her daughter trapped inan abandoned well. An old friend from Frost's TV days shadowsMaggie. Asher discovers an extremely rare condition in herpatient's ultrasound.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A star is up for grabs, and the six rival pairs without onefight tooth and nail in the first-ever Star Challenge for theirticket to the final; an unexpected outcome from the dailychallenge causes the house to scramble like never before.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


AEW Wrestling 7x10 - #283 - Sacramento Memorial Auditorium inSacramento, CA

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A frantic idol hunt could save or ruin one castaway's game. Acastaway's quick decision making must outlast the test of timewhen three castaways are sent on a journey. Then, castawaystake a leap of faith in their second immunity challenge wherethey must trust their tribemates to beat out their competition.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Five new masks appear as the Voices of Olympus: contestantsperform showstopping renditions of "I Believe In a Thing CalledLove," "Bad Blood," "Rewrite the Stars," "Espresso" and"Saving All My Love For You."

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A debate over a controversial book leads Ava to remove it fromthe library, but some parents push for its return.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a junior hockey team owner is gunned down after achampionship game, the motive leads Sabrina and Zak tounexpected places. 

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Summer House 9x4 - Pink and the Blues

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Josh Missiledine, an 18-year-old male cheerleader on one ofthe most prestigious squads in Mississippi, vanishes the daybefore the state championship. While searching for Josh,Investigators discover secrets from the troubled past he istrying to escape.

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Live PD Presents: PD Cam 5x17 - Episode 17

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Kidd and Severide eagerly await big news. Pascal searches forthe perfect anniversary gift.

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In part two of this investigation, Phil and Heather descenddeep into the Mayan underworld to explore a vast subterraneancave believed to be the realm of menacing and ancient spirits.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a seller brings an E.T. printer's proof movie poster intothe shop, Chum phones his resident expert for advice. Will hebe able to make an out-of-this-world deal? Then, Rick andCorey take a Civil War rifle out to the range. Will they seedouble when the seller tries to make an offer? After, Rickinvestigates a dog-shaped diamond, but will the deal be allbark and no bite? And later, is it a bird? Is it a plane? It'sa Superman pinback! Can Chum save the day, or will the deal go"up, up, and away?"

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Tyler Perry's Sistas 8x21 - London Bridges

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Rob, Steelo and Lolo Wood grab a box of tissues and band aidsfor their sneeze attacks, meet some mad little kids that keephaving tyke tantrums and take their time hitting the groundwith lon.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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