Colter is hired to find a mother in Ohio who went missing aftertucking her son in for the night.
Lois becomes a stand-up comedian using real-life stories aboutPeter as content. Once Peter catches wind about this, he trieshis best to straighten his life out to avoid being ridiculed byLois's comedy act.
Brett navigates shared custody with Melissa and Connor.Alice's grief over her dog clouds her judgment. Catherineconfesses her affair to Tucker. Birdie enlists Ford at thegarden. In flash-forwards, the foursome toys with plans to digup Quiche.
Jon Taffer visits Fond du Lac in Wisconsin to help a husbandand wife rescue their bar and move on from the death of theirson.
In an all-new episode of "America's Funniest Home Videos," amom discovers the bakery made a hilarious mistake, a young boyinsults his mom's cooking, and a plumber dozes off under thesink.
Alexandra runs into trouble while traveling alone. Makingenemies along the way, Father Renaud and Marshal Kent close inon Teonna.
Alliances form, enemies are made and lines are drawn as thepassengers search for food and water; but when anotherpassenger dies, they realize they may all be targets.
A Philly gangster gives the crew 24 hours to unload coke andpay his vig-but demands a hostage. Lucky screams disturbingthings at Raj after he scares off the cocaine mixer, whileBushra holds Mir's nuts to the fire.
Flute and Kang butt heads over Flute':s relationship withKang's Great Great... Great Granddaughter. Flute does notwant to stop seeing her, but Kang forbids it, even though hehas yet to tell his relative that he is her distant ancestor.After a bomb threat is called on Grimsburg's annualVirgin Pageant, the Grimsburg PD need to have a man on theinside and have Summers pose as a contestant. Wynona, a formerwinner, coaches him a la Miss Congeniality.
Luke, Lionel, Carrie and Ryan head to New York, Los Angelesand Nashville to jump-start auditions, where raw talent andunforgettable performances set the stage for the competitionahead.
The season kicks off with remarkable and inspiringsurvivalist, Mandy, the first double amputee featured onNaked and Afraid. After losing her legs a decade ago in adevastating and tragic incident, Mandy set out to motivateothers and prove that there is life after the unimaginablehappens. She became the first female bilateral amputee to reachthe summit of Mount Kilimanjaro and is now ready to takeon the Everest of survival challenges – 21 days in theremote jungle and dense rainforest of Belize. Mandy, alongsideher partner, Jonny, will battle heavy rains, swarms ofmosquitos, and toxic plants all in a bid to demonstrate thatno challenge is too formidable to conquer.
Guy Fieri continues the first-round battles with four moreintense one-on-one sudden death matchups as Iron Chef StephanieIzard faces off against rising star Michael Reed. Then,three-time James Beard semifinalist Shota Nakajima battlesqualifier winner Brittanny Anderson, and newcomer KaleenaBliss takes on Top Chef Master Chris Cosentino. In the finalbattle of the night, two-time finalist Britt Rescigno goes upagainst Michelin Bib Gourmand winner Chris Oh.
Colter is hired to find a mother in Ohio who went missing aftertucking her son in for the night.
Flute and Kang butt heads over Flute's relationship with Kang'sGreat Great.. Great Granddaughter. Flute does not want to stopseeing her, but Kang forbids it, even though he has yet totell his relative that he is her distant ancestor. After a bombthreat is called on Grimsburg's annual Virgin Pageant, theGrimsburg PD need to have a man on the inside and have Summerspose as a contestant. Wynona, a former winner, coaches him ala Miss Congeniality.
Looking for a change of scenery, Jaclyn drags the girls to aneighboring resort on Valentin's suggestion but fails to findthe young party vibe she hoped for. On Chloe's boyfriend'sluxury yacht, Piper asks for Lochlan's support before sharinga life update with the family, and Rick finally opens up toChelsea about his past.
When Little Jack falls ill, Elizabeth and Nathan care for himtogether as Hickam and Mei race to secure medicine. The kidsbroadcast a baseball game over the radio to lift spirits.
Just when Honeybee thinks she's conquered every danger inAlaska, a new one pushes her to the limit in a horror-inspiredepisode.
A teacher turned restaurateur invents America's most popularcookie which leads to a battle of food giants, and one of themost iconic packaged cookies in history.
Ty plots to skip out on his wedding day since weddings arehotspots for familial bloodbaths. Stupendous bonds with herfuture uncle-in-law. Shlub puts on his dancing horseshoes.
After a little boy disappears from a mall, McCall and the teamtrack down the missing child. Meanwhile, Aunt Vi and CaptainCurtis clear the air about what happened during their ridealong.
1862. A young scoundrel named Gemstone joins ranks with theConfederates as a preacher, but a case of divine interventionchanges the sinner's path for good.
Jon Taffer visits Fond du Lac in Wisconsin to help a husbandand wife rescue their bar and move on from the death of theirson.
"The 0,000 Pyramid" returns with a fun-filled episode asMark Duplass takes on Pete Holmes, followed by actors LaverneCox and Thomas Lennon, who go head-to-head to help theircontestant teammates win big.
Murdoch's investigation into a plane crash that killed thepilot reveals a nefarious plot linked to James Pendrick.
Today, Mummy Pig and Peppa are at the zoo and meet LarenzoLion who lives there! Larenzo shows Peppa his toy zoo, but hekeeps misplacing his wooden animals in his two bedrooms!
With Harry hospitalised after a life-threatening attack, thekiller contacts the police with an offer. Meanwhile, Riazbecomes a target as Vasil seeks revenge. When Saima decides tospy on her brother, she uncovers far more than she bargainedfor.
Murdoch':s investigation of a plane crash that killed thepilot reveals a nefarious plot linked to James Pendrick.
Khalil must choose between lying for his father and a betterpath for himself. Patience gets an opportunity that tests herrelationship with Coop, and KJ'sfake relationship withAmina draws Tori's interest. Jordan uses GrandpaWillie's party as an opportunity to further investigatehis theory about Coach Bobby, and his plan has unintendedconsequences.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
Extreme weather conditions play a role in the death or seriousinjury of four people a day on UK's roads. In this episode,the Traffic Cops brave extreme winter weather to deal withdangerous and distracted drivers putting lives at risk on thecounty's roads.