Em takes the day off to spend time with her mom, but racesinto action when she comes across an unresponsive cave diver;Will confides in Vince about his personal anger issues; Lakasearches for a missing local.
Arlo Brandt, a hoarder-turned-serial killer, emerges from thePit with newly found purpose; as Arlo hunts for innocentvictims, Bex and the team must get inside a deranged mind.
Steve spends his summer working on an app with some unlikelyfriends, while the rest of the family become cord-cutters.
It':s Chickie Lasagna':s epic ":Big Game":party, and the Pennsylvania "Football Birds" areplaying. But the gang is too busy trying to expand their turfand discovering that Chickie's daughter Gigi is a hotpsycho. Mercer witnesses a beatdown.
Amidst several personal revelations, Arch':sinvestigation into Gallagher comes to a head when a murderedbody washes up the shore.
While Julie's libido flatlines, Kris is hit with a wave ofperimenopausal horniness and can't focus on anything but sex,leading them to visit a sex shop for research.
The Battle Rounds begin as Kelsea Ballerini, Michael Bublé,John Legend and Adam Levine enlist superstar Battle Advisors tohelp prepare their artists in hopes of advancing to theKnockouts. Each coach has one steal and one save.
Khalil must choose between lying for his father and a betterpath for himself. Patience gets an opportunity that tests herrelationship with Coop, and KJ's fake relationship with Aminadraws Tori's interest. Jordan uses Grandpa Willie's party as anopportunity to further investigate his theory about CoachBobby, and his plan has unintended consequences.
In the two-hour premiere, 13 bakers enter the kitchen wherethey are challenged to use flavor, texture and design to crafta flower-themed dessert that reflects their uniquepersonalities. Then, the bakers make showstopping honey piesinspired by the marvelous magic of bees that must infuse tasteand presentation with a touch of magic to impress judges KardeaBrown, Nancy Fuller and Duff Goldman. Throughout thecompetition, the bakers take on enchanting challenges,including "squared off" fruit entremets celebrating theblocky, adventurous world of A Minecraft Movie, intricatebutterfly-shaped napoleons, ice-cream-filled cake bombs with aglow-in-the-dark twist, three-layer cakes inspired by MarieAntoinette's iconic gravity-defying hairdo, and more. In theend, only one baker will be crowned the new Spring BakingChampion and walk away with the prize.
Pablo Escobar, the notorious narco-trafficker whosingle-handedly supplied most of America's cocaine in the1980s, had billions of dollars in cash...and hid stacks of itall over the country. By the time he was gunned down in 1993,it's believed he was worth over billion in today's money.To some he was a Robin Hood. To others, he was pure evil. Whokilled Pablo Escobar? And where did all his money go?
Goldie Hawn goes overboard for her very close friend turnedfamily who has been by her side for four decades. Goldie callson Jonathan and Drew to help create a stunning transformationof the kitchen and living areas, along with a much-neededpantry.
The playgroup is visiting the zoo today. Mr Lion then showsthem a giant lizard! The children all believe it's a dinosaur.
Amy witnesses Jared':s controlling behaviour towards Libbyand bends the rules to seek justice. Meanwhile, Schuey'srelationship with Agnes is under threat from a surprisingperson.
Joyce launches a women':s health initiative to unexpectedresults; Ron treats a patient who has all the answers. Brucehas an existential crisis.
At the behest of producer Sy Hoffman, Dan and Abby worktogether to turn Dan's memoir into a musical. Wyatt triesto help Julianne stay cool when her ex-lover turns up at thecourthouse.
Will and Faith dive into the high-profile murder of a famousrapper, uncovering a web of corruption stretching beyond themusic industry. Meanwhile, Angie and Ormewood investigate anunderground swinger's club, where nothing is quite as itseems.
The team mobilizes to locate a suspect after a deadly series ofevents affects one of their own. Meanwhile, Celina takes onher first case with Bailey's help.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
Mark joins the Peace A Chord concert but takes the spotlight:the Fox family struggles with Susanne's engagement. Maryseeks support while Ritche struggles to earn his father'sapproval.
New pathways discovered in the swamp suggest more activity tookplace on the island than ever believed; after professionalanalysis, a gemstone uncovered on Lot 5 has the team believingthat someone with great wealth was on the island.
Amy, finally allowed to practice medicine again withoutsupervision, struggles to diagnose her most complicatedpatient yet: TJ's Dad. Sonya and Jake treat a single momwho's reluctant to stay in the hospital. Richard tires tocontain the truth about Dixon.
With an astronaut trapped in space, Alec is tapped to evaluatewhether the pair of astronauts assigned to rescue them-amarried couple-can safely complete the mission, until anaccident during a training exercise puts the mission at risk.
Hamza':s British cousins hop across the pond on a lark,drive on the wrong side of the road, and kidnap Lucky at GMTfor a wee Brexit with tea and crumpets, Stonehenge, Olevels, and a Jack Russell terrier. The boys followRaj's third eye.
When a passenger train is hijacked and rerouted while at highspeed with an unarmed OA and Gemma on board, the team races towrest control away from the unhinged perpetrators and prevent acatastrophe.
Will and Faith dive into the high-profile murder of a famousrapper, uncovering a web of corruption stretching beyond themusic industry. Meanwhile, Angie and Ormewood investigate anunderground swinger's club, where nothing is quite as itseems.
Joyce launches a women's health initiative to unexpectedresults; Ron treats a patient who has all the answers; Brucehas an existential crisis.
In the season finale, Mark and Digger scramble to clearevidence of outlaw activity -- only to discover the law is onestep ahead. Mike and Jerry build a column still that runs twoproofs at once. In his final run, Kenny lends a hand to alegend in need.