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WWE NXT 19x10 - NXT Roadblock

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Hudson & Rex 7x9 - A Most Holy Dog

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Tensions are high as the entire Chicago cast returns one yearlater to debate and discuss the most shocking and emotionalmoments from their season. Relationships are still raw as theyrevisit past issues and question if everyone is telling thetruth about what really happened.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Mark joins the Peace A Chord concert but takes the spotlight.The Fox family struggles with Susanne's engagement. Mary seekssupport while Ritche's struggles to earn his father'sapproval. 

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At the behest of producer Sy Hoffman, Dan and Abby worktogether to turn Dan's memoir into a musical; Wyatt tries tohelp Julianne stay cool when her ex-lover turns up at thecourthouse.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The team mobilizes to locate a suspect after a deadly series ofevents affects one of their own. Meanwhile, Celina takes onher first case with Bailey's help. 

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Under the threat of a double elimination, the remaining fiveplayers must choose between money and power; one will walkaway richer while another will gain a strategic advantage.

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After a young American woman is brutally murdered in Venice,the Fly Team is met with hostility when they discover thattheir person of interest has ties to a well-connected Italianfamily. Soon, the case gets even more complicated when the CIAStation Chief shows up with an agenda of his own. Meanwhile,pressure mounts on Quinn to deliver intel on Mitchell.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The villagers of Port Protection are back to paving with goodintentions.

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New pathways discovered in the swamp suggest more activity tookplace on the island than ever believed. And after professionalanalysis, a gemstone uncovered on Lot 5 has the team believingthat someone with great wealth was on the island before thediscovery of the Money Pit.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Four members of the Johnston family are graduating! But amidstthe celebrations, tension with Anna come to a head. Trentfinally meets with a neurologist to get answers about hishealth. 

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Tyler Perry's The Oval 6x10 - The Breaking Point

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While helping Ethan seek treatment at a VA Hospital, Hana putsout an SOS to the Fugitive Task Force when she is among thosetaken hostage by an enraged veteran.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


With an astronaut trapped in space, Alec is tapped to evaluatewhether the pair of astronauts assigned to rescue them - amarried couple - can safely complete the mission; an accidentduring a training exercise puts the mission at risk.

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E! News 25x38 - 031125

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Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet 4x8 - Episode 8

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Hot Ones 26x8 - Person ... While Eating Spicy Wings

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Temptation Island 6x1 - Episode 1

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Milkshake! 255x71 - Episode 71

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Peppa and Rebecca Rabbit pretend to be babies to get MummyRabbit's attention. Mummy Rabbit plays along until they admitthey are not really babies!

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New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x20 - New Japan Cup 2025 Day 5

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Max and Ellis go undercover, joining the cast and crew of areality show to find out who murdered its star. In a world ofscandal, deceit and lip-filler parties, every cast member isunder suspicion.

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Amanda takes over organising the end-of-season footballawards, so no more tracksuits and sausage rolls. It's nowblack tie and cocktails. Not everyone is happy about this.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A death in the village re-unites Nic and Jen, much to thedisapproval of Ollie. Just when Nic thinks everything'sback on track, the net appears to tighten once again.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Max and Ellis go undercover, joining the cast and crew of areality show to find out who murdered its star. In a world ofscandal, deceit and lip-filler parties, every cast member isunder suspicion.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Three of Flavortown':s favorite chefs join forces withtheir spouses in a non-stop, three-course competition thatwill test their cooking chops and communication skills. First,couples play Guy Fieri's "Newly-Fed Game",in which knowing a partner's food preferences could makethe difference between shopping with a grocery basket or asandwich bag. Couples are given one hour to make a date nightdinner featuring an early appetizer and a winning entrée.Mid-way through the cook, the couples learn they must alsomake a dessert planned on the fly via cellphone as spouses raceto grab ingredients.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Lily goes into the woods with her friends to make alow-budget horror movie, their leading lady of questionabletalent goes missing.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When the teachers hit a karaoke bar for a night of fun, Jacobbumps into an old friend.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Teams depart for Osaka, Japan, where they encounter anIntersection at the Roadblock, forcing one partner to team upwith a member of another team and complete a challengeperforming the taiko drums.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The robbery of a cancer pharmacy leads to a surprisingconnection with a newly grieving widow.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The boys learn the value of work-life balance. Raj and hisshaman/lover smoke a fat rosin donut en route to deliver drugsto his fiancé/business partner at West Philly Pakora Palace.Meanwhile, Mercer and Simpson finally get on the same page.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Accusations fly as several rival pairs try to figure out who iscontrolling the game behind the scenes; Shane targets analliance member that he feels is threatening his position inthe game and friendship with his long-time BFF, Veronica.

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AEW Wrestling 7x11 - #284 - Save Mart Center in Fresno, CA

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Survivor 48x3 - Committing To The Bit

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The teachers hit a karaoke bar for a night of fun. During theevening, Jacob bumps into an old friend.

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Summer House 9x5 - Episode 5

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Chum hopes for anything but a blue period when he makes asurreal offer on a Salvador Dal  lithograph of Pablo Picasso.Then, Rick is ready to make a new deal when a seller brings inrecordings of FDR's Fireside Chats. Next, Rick and Chum testout a Civil War primed revolver. Will they find union with theseller, or will they remain divided? And later, Corey pays avisit to the Dark Side when a model of the Death Star hits thecounter.

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Live PD Presents: PD Cam 5x19 - Episode 19

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Murder Under the Friday Night Lights 4x9 - Caught in a Trap

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The robbery of a cancer pharmacy leads to a surprisingconnection with a newly grieving widow. 

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Murder Under the Friday Night Lights 4x8 - Caught in a Trap

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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