After Elsbeth takes a tour of famous New York crime scenes,she is left with nagging questions about a legendary Mafiaslaying in Little Italy, and about the owner of the familyrestaurant where it happened. Also, Judge Crawford'sgrudge against Elsbeth causes a roadblock in the investigation.
When a DEA tragedy puts the entire mission at risk, Reacher,Duffy, and Villanueva improvise a drastic plan to save theircover.
Max and Avery are at a crossroads as Avery faces a difficultpregnancy decision. Meanwhile, after a guest is bitten by ashark, The Odyssey takes a dangerous detour to rescue asinking boat, where a mysterious new passenger catchesMax's eye.
Maddie and the ghosts confront Mr. Martin, ultimately trappinghim in the afterlife; new information leads to a chase throughthe school's scars, delaying Maddie's return tothe living world and putting her body in jeopardy.
The Waves are on a winning streak - until Jay disappears afteran unexpected outburst, forcing Isla to go in search of him.
Khloé is ready to celebrate as she nears her 40th birthday!While she takes a road trip to Santa Barbara, Kim goes all outplanning a show-stopping bash for Khloé, but her sistersdon't see eye to eye on the vision for the party.
When an airport worker is found dead of an apparent suicide,Graff and Bateman quickly deduce he has been murdered and maybe responsible for a crime of his own.
After their Baba':s sudden death, brothers Raj and Mirrealize their family's deli empire is actually a criminalfront. Their survival depends on Lucky Auntie, who doessomething totally messed up but also kind of awesome.
When an airport worker is found dead of an apparent suicide,Graff and Bateman quickly deduce he has been murdered and maybe responsible for a crime of his own.
The journey begins in Tofino, B.C. as 20 Canadians form 5teams to compete in a massive cross-country obstaclecourse.
Jim feels ganged up on when Georgie and Audrey make changes tothe tire store, and Mandy helps Georgie navigate a fightbetween her parents.
The 118 responds to a fire at a local animal shelter and racesto evacuate all the animals. Meanwhile, Maddie takes a 9-1-1call that sets her on a quest for answers.
After an immigrant, lured by a woman, is beaten to death,Gwinnett County Police discover that one of the three suspectsbelieves no one will care about him because he's Mexican. Theprosecution is determined to prove the assailant wrong, butjustice hinges on one brother turning against another.
The 15 chefs who qualified for the draft are matched with theirmentors and are given their first team challenge; each chefmust create an incredible Italian dish.
Jacob and Little Willie face a frustrating day as they discovermultiple poached lines, forcing them to set up a hidden camerato catch the culprit. Ronnie recruits Chase Landry to help himfill his boat with giant gators, forming an unstoppable team.Bruce welcomes Anna back to the boat after her injury, but herwounded thumb forces them to adjust their strategy. The King ofthe Swamp Troy Landy brings his grandsons Ridge and Moose outfor a special hunt, teaching them the family trade whilebattling monster gators. Daniel Edgar and Zak return to thelegendary hunting grounds of Grande Noir, only to discoversomething even bigger lurking in the waters.
When Alberta's descendant hosts a bachelorette party atWoodstone Mansion, Alberta becomes suspicious of her fiancé.Also, Jay is excited about a positive review on hisrestaurant.
Max and Avery are at a crossroads as Avery faces a difficultpregnancy decision. Meanwhile, after Monroe is bitten by ashark, The Odyssey takes a dangerous detour to rescue asinking boat, where a mysterious new passenger catches Max'seye.
Desperate to find a new benefactor for Emily's outdoor kennelinitiative, Frank and Victoria make a last ditch appeal to anunlikely acquaintance. Also, at the open house for Shred andPatel's flipped home, Shred and Isabelle's relationship istested when they pose as a married couple.
Olympia hires an outside party to select jurors rather thanusing Shae, putting the case at risk.
With a big announcement and the final mission, either theFaithful or Traitors claim the prize pot.
Troy gets an urgent call for help from his friends Leron andPorkchop to solve a chilling mystery. Something is drawingravenous wild hogs to an ancient cemetery, luring them tounearth graves that date back over 200 years. In a search foranswers, the team uncovers eerie legends, strange energy,and unexplained phenomena as they work to protect the sacredground.
Logline: The aftermath of the convenience store shooting bringschaos to Grey Sloan. Ben hits a wall with his new emergencypreparedness plan. Romantic tensions surface for Owen, whileAmelia and Winston disagree over the surgical plan for a youngpatient.
When Elsbeth takes a tour of famous New York crime scenes sheis left with nagging questions about a legendary Mafia slayingin Little Italy, and about the owner of the family restaurantwhere it happened, Pupetta Del Ponte. Also, Judge Crawford'sgrudge against Elsbeth causes a roadblock in the investigation.
Murr and Q are going on a trip down memory lane and watchingextended never-been-seen-before clips from the last few years.
Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews.
Guests include Parker Posey, Alan Cumming and musical guestJulia Michaels & Maren Morris.
Callum warns Sophie about the danger of trying to take down theHuntleys, as she deals with a new complication from her past.