With the world still reeling, a dangerous stranger arrives -testing Mark to his limits and beyond.
Mercer and Simpson close in on the sticky, chewy, nuttycenter of the Dar crime ring. Raj rides a scooter. Mir channelshis inner tech bro. Lucky pulls a fast one. Ahmad finally getsto pull down the pull-down gate outside the ABC Deli.
After New Orleans detectives find a woman's burned body in hercar's trunk, they discover that her desperate 911 call wentunheeded. But her determined mother won't be silenced, as sheturns to prosecutors to bring her beloved daughter's killers tojustice.
The Landry crew clashes in a battle to catch the biggest gator.Troy and Pickle race to the King of the Swamps secret hotspot,Bayou Monstreaux. Don and Calum try to prove their worth as thenewcomers in Coulon Creek. Jacob and Little Willie hunt at therenowned G.A. Cut, as they aim to secure the win. Bruce uses atimeless hunting strategy to fill his boat quickly ahead of astorm.
When an up-and-coming politician is found dead, Shaw and Rileyuntangle the victim's personal life to identify a suspect;Baxter recuses himself to help Price make the case.
Things get nasty after 5 players hang from a Vancouver highrise to avoid elimination.
Mandy finds out Meemaw runs an illegal sportsbook and decidesshe wants in on the action. Meanwhile, Georgie struggles tokeep Mandy's new job a secret.
Amid a power outage, Max, Tristan, Avery and Brooke struggleto treat shark-inflicted wounds. As romantic tensions flarebetween Max and Brooke and new sparks fly between two formerflames, the team must perform an emergency operation.
A complicated case of sex and drug use divides the squad:Carisi must convince a jury to focus on the law and not thedefendant's accusations.
Troy answers an urgent call from his longtime friend and fellowswamper, Daniel Edgar, who has discovered a mysterious threatto the alligator population. Together, the duo investigates,uncovering clues that point to a suspicious culprit disruptingthe delicate balance of the bayou. With the help of sharkhunter Bill Stelly and seasoned fisherman Tony Hebert, they goon a mission to save their homeland's most famous predator.
Meredith and Nick return to Grey Sloan to treat a livertransplant patient. Meanwhile, Bailey hosts an intern retreatat her home, and Winston and Ben aid an unexpected crashvictim.
Murr, Q and Sal will be sitting alongside a stranger toparticipate in a documentary-style interview. Then, they'll betrying to upcharge guests again as hotel concierge. The loserwill be working up a sweat as Peloton's biggest nightmare.
The search for missing undocumented children sheds light onsecrets from decades ago as M&A uncovers clues in theirdisappearances; Zeke grapples with expressing his feelings tosomeone close to him; Sir receives unwavering support from avisitor.
Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews.
On a cold day, Daddy Pig suggests they build a den until MummyPig has finished work. After a hard day's work, the cushionden is a perfect place to watch TV together!
Mrs Devine and Sullivan':s wedding approaches, but canFather Brown stop a would-be killer from ruining their big day?
When Lizard's potion turns the villains into dinosaurs, theSpidey team and White Tiger help capture them.
Mervin and the team pull together to pin down the prime suspectin his mother's murder. But old wounds are reopened asMervin is forced to confront his past.
Rob Brydon, Lee Mack and David Mitchell return for an episodeof previously unseen material from the hit comedy panel show. Astellar cast of celebrity guests reveal amazing stories aboutthemselves. But are they telling the truth, or are they makingit all up? Among the guests on Lee and David's teams are RichieAnderson, Kadeena Cox, Ivo Graham, Harry Hill, Josh Jones,Cush Jumbo, Harriet Kemsley, Matt Morsia (Legend fromGladiators), Judi Love, Eddie Marsan, Chris McCausland,Shazia Mirza, Sir Grayson Perry, Kojey Radical, ChrisRamsey, Rosie Ramsey, Jill Scott and Stacey Solomon.
After Bobbie praises Steve':s progress with his OCD, hedecides he's finally ready to quit therapy. Gabby embarkson a side hustle enlisting ambassadors to sell bracelets for athird party.
Bode and Jake respond to a lighthouse rescue operation thatturns into a mission to prevent a ship from crashing during anintense storm. Eve investigates the origins of a flu outbreakat Three Rock.
Magicians Harry Gorillagician, Nicholas Ribs, MichaelDardant, and Shawn Preston try to fool the veteran duo withtheir illusions.
Parker investigates a forgotten section of Dominion Creek,Rick expands his ambitions at Vegas Valley, and Kevin loses anexcavator just as his pay pile runs out.
Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker present thequadruple-BAFTA-nominated and multi-award-winning The Last Leg.Offering their unmatched satirical insight into the world'sbiggest and funniest current events, the boys are joined byweekly guests from the comedy, entertainment and politicsuniverses to help dissect the biggest news stories of the week.As ever, the hashtag #isitok paves the way for the gang toround up, examine and explain these stories - alwaysincorporating acerbic wit, enlightening discussions and uniquesketches. Joining the boys this time are comedians MunyaChawawa and Eshaan Akbar, and actor Rose Ayling-Ellis.