On the first day of Mir and Bushra':s pyari pyari shaadi,the Peruvians want their money-and it's threateningMir's ability to be a fab dullah. Raj is acting superweird, the boys might tiff (no tiffin), and a mystery finallyunravels.
After Bobbie praises Steve's progress with his OCD, he decideshe's finally ready to quit therapy; Gabby embarks on a sidehustle enlisting ambassadors to sell bracelets for a thirdparty.
Founders present their most innovative ideas, featuring aone-of-a-kind icebreaker game, a practical hat storagesolution, a no-mess chicken feeder and a construction-themedpark for families.
The magicians featured in the episode include Clark Payne,Zabrecky, Laser Kiwi, and Peter Samelson.
Parker investigates a forgotten section of Dominion Creek,Rick expands his ambitions at Vegas Valley, and Kevin loses anexcavator just as his pay pile runs out.
Magicians featured in this episode include Trino, Ed Alonzo,Eric Jones, Joel Meyers, Jeki Yoo, Joshua Jay, My Uyên,Nathaniel Segal, Dan Sperry, and Farrell Dillon.
Ancient Aliens is counting down ten mysterious mountains thatare notorious for otherworldly phenomena. From a summit inSri Lanka that is said to be a portal to other worlds, avolcano in Washington that was at the center of a famous UFOsighting, and a mesa in New Mexico believed to contain analien base, could these strange peaks provide evidence ofextraterrestrial contact?
Bode and Jake respond to a lighthouse rescue operation thatturns into a mission to prevent a ship from crashing during anintense storm. Meanwhile, Eve investigates the origins of aflu outbreak at Three Rock.
Gramma needs help with a winter tradition but worries herfamily won't come through.
Feeling overshadowed by Jade, Gloria starts a suggestion boxat the cafe to dial Jade back.
As Kate becomes embroiled with the Saluccis, Billie and Evieseek solace elsewhere. Turner ups the ante on Violet, whomakes an unexpected discovery during the club's re-opening.
Philly PD Sergeant Angelo F. Testicola fights to protect hisvery important crime scene despite interference from Mercer,Simpson, Raj, Mir, Lucky, Ahmad, Seema, Bushra,Chickie, Chickie's date, and Corey-the only white guyat the wedding.
When the killer strikes again, Detective Leach is drawn into atoxic maze of deceit and dysfunction and must rediscover hisdeepest copper's instincts if he is to find the truth.
Luke, Lionel, Carrie, and Ryan continue auditions in NewYork, Los Angeles, and Nashville, where impressivecompetitors showcase their talents in fierce competition.
As graduation approaches, Elizabeth and Nathan plan for ahappy summer together. Lucas and Edie race Rosemary and Bill tofind the gold. The town plans a sweet surprise for Minnie.
Leaphorn and Chee find themselves on a manhunt after making ashocking discovery. Special Agent Washington questions Leaphornabout a person of interest. Manuelito puts her job on the linewhen she searches for answers at a local ranch.
Ted and Erica take on Samantha to save Lester':s movie,but the battle may hurt his murder trial. Rick enlistsStuart's help when a difficult actor is arrested. In thepast, the danger of going against a mob boss sends Ted to anold friend.
Things get wild when Chloe convinces Saxon, Lochlan, andChelsea to keep the yacht party going, while Laurie, Jaclyn,and Kate head to a club with Valentin and his friends.Elsewhere, Piper attempts to explain her post-grad plans to askeptical Victoria and a checked-out Tim, Belinda shares hersuspicions about a hotel guest, and Rick visits an old friendin Bangkok.
Alice hopes to fix her relationship with Doug and confides inBrett. Catherine's affair exposes cracks in herpicture-perfect facade. The Garden Club's championshipplans are stolen and Birdie retaliates. The identity of Quichebecomes clearer.