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New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x57 - NJPW/AEW Forbidden Door 2024

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Live from the Peacock Theatre in Los Angeles,California.USHER will be honored with theprestigious Lifetime Achievement BET Award. 

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Facing an unprecedented two-day extraction, the final eightsurvivalists hunt, fish, and trap potential food. Anemergency overnight in the jungle causes fears and tensions toflare. Malorie's struggles may cause medics to step in and endher challenge

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Tyler Florence leads nine food truck teams on an epic road tripacross America's Gulf Coast, from Houston to Miami. With newsquads and new rewards, Tyler pushes all the teams to survivethis gauntlet on the Gulf and claim the grand prize of,000.

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The Real Housewives of New Jersey 14x9 - Behind Frenemy Lines

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Two sneaker companies become industry titans through a decadeslong battle for global dominance, as they unleash iconicfootwear that will bring sneakers mainstream and make them partof the fabric of American culture.

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As ancient grudges resurface, Rhaenys suggests that Alicentmay see reason while the men around her seek bloodshed. SerCriston proposes a bold scheme. Daemon arrives at Harrenhal toraise an army for the Blacks.

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American Monster 12x3 - I Love My Wife

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Love Island 6x18 - Episode 18

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For his 250th rescue, Jon Taffer heads to Pompano Beach,Florida, to help a bar veteran fix his family issues so thathe can take a step closer to retirement.

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The women confront Rebecca for being a man stealer just as twonew guys arrive on the scene. Kelle tries to move on fromConnor, while Crystal rethinks her connection with Stacy.Barby is a little too honest with Chris.

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Dal and his friends board Janeway's starship to investigate thewormhole created by the Protostar. Tired of his training, Dallongs for some action.

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At DragCon UK 2024, Ts Madison reunites Bestiah, Chuchi,Clover Bish, Maria Edilia, Pink Chadora, Pitita, Visa tospill the tea on their season.

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Gwyn runs into a familiar foe on the planet Solum. Janewayreveals the true stakes of their mission to Dal and hisfriends.

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Traveling through the time rift, Dal and the crew search forChakotay on Solum. With the support of her father, Gwynchallenges Asencia.

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Milkshake! 255x183 - Episode 183

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Although separated by decades, the Infinity and the Voyagercrews band together to save Gwyn's life. A mysterious messengerreaches out to Gwyn.

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Reunited on the Voyager and under strict supervision, the gangmust decode a secret message their mysterious benefactor leftwith Murf.

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Hoping to hijack the Infinity before its scheduleddestruction, Dal and the crew create hologram doubles to coverfor their absence.

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After using a Borg conduit to travel through time faster, Daland his friends find themselves at the mercy of a demandingKazon.

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The crew detours to a colony of non-corporeal entities, whooffer Zero an opportunity to obtain a physical body. Janewaydiscovers Dal's real intentions.

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The Chase Australia 13x100 - Episode 100

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Finally arriving at the coordinates, the Infinity crewdiscovers a hidden planet – and the long-awaited identity oftheir mysterious messenger.

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On the run from their time-erasing pursuers, the Infinity crewand their new ally search for an escape. The Voyager embarks ona rescue mission.

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Thanks to Wesley Crusher's timely intervention, the cadetsfind the Protostar — but the ship's marooned guardian isn'teager for their assistance.

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Chakotay and the cadets devise a bold but perilous plan torelaunch the Protostar. Before the ship can fly, however, itwill first have to sail.

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While harvesting bosonite on a barren world, the crewencounters aggressive, genetically-modified tribbles — andthe Klingon scientist who created them.

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The Protostar's reunion with Voyager has unexpected sideeffects, bouncing the crew between alternate realities —including the Mirror Universe.

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Contestants must cook a dish using all nine ingredients inPoh's Everything Mystery Box. The winner will score themselves,000 to spend at Harvey Norman.

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Just as the Protostar and Voyager crews bring their mission toa close, a former enemy suddenly resurfaces with surprisingnew powers.

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Overwhelmed by Asencia's mysteriously advanced weaponry, theProtostar and Voyager crews take a series of calculated risksthat endanger the cadets.

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As war looms between the Federation and Solum, Gwyn proposesto lead the cadets on an undercover mission to gatherintelligence and rescue Ilthuran.

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Admiral Janeway devises a clever plan to liberate her crew fromAsencia's prison, where they're trapped with an angry captivefrom the Loom.

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A desperate Asencia launches an all-out attack on theFederation that will destroy subspace, while Wesley and thecadets try to correct the timeline.

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The cadets fight Asencia in a battle for control of Solum andthe future — but a sudden invasion by a destructive speciescomplicates their end-game.

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General Hospital 255x128 - Ep. #15500

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In Sunderland, PC Martain Anderson is on the hunt for a vanlinked to drug dealing and organised crime. After spotting iton a roundabout in the city centre, Martain gets behind it.The van parks up, but as Martain approaches the vehicle, thedriver makes a run for it. Martain gives chase: the drivercan't run fast enough, and ends up in line of sight ofMartain's Taser. A quick search of the van reveals why he wasso desperate to get away. It's packed full of drugs!PC BrianCamsell is on patrol around the streets of Newcastle when amisted-up car draws even more attention to itself when one ofpassengers cleans the window with two fingers! Brian spots thecheeky passenger isn't wearing a seatbelt either. Brian pullsover the car to discover three teenagers already in party modeheading to a festival. The driver is mortified that his matehas flicked the Vs to a passing police car… and crestfallento discover the seatbelt offence as well. Luckily for him,Brian's in the mood for some stern words rather than aticket.Finally, in the early hours of the morning inSunderland PC Will Hunter spots a white van whose driver he'ssure is trying not to get noticed by the police. He tracks thevehicle to a housing estate and when he clocks the man behindthe wheel Will recognises a repeat offender he's had previouswith, a known disqualified driver. The driver doesn't takekindly to being stopped. Or being told the van appears to bestolen!

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This episode explores El Djem Amphitheatre, Tunisia, acolossal dynastic monument that bore witness to violent andbloody spectacle.Also explored: Fort Amador in Panama, amilitary base on the frontlines of a battle between the UnitedStates and a drug-running tyrant that had allegedly once been aCIA asset. In the foothills the Italian Alps, a communitybuilt on utopian ideals, in La Serra Ivrea. In the heart ofthe Polish capital of Warsaw stands Mokotów Prison, a grislyfacility that once caged members of a revolutionary movement.

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Liam Charles and Ellie Taylor welcome back the best three teamsfrom each set of heats for a chocolate-fuelled pursuit to reachthe final. For their first challenge, the chefs create twobatches of chocolate bars, after which they must create ahanging showpiece made entirely from chocolate and delicatelysuspended from the ceiling, inspired by a Mythical Beaststheme.

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Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points.

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Week five in paradise and the pressure is rising for theislanders as they compete to remain in the running for the£50,000 prize.

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Summer Baking Championship 2x8 - Big Apple Fireworks

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WWE Monday Night RAW 31x27 - #1623 - TD Garden in Boston, MA

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Qualifying rounds continue in Los Angeles on the world's mostchallenging obstacle course. The competition is bigger thanever with two different qualifying courses and return of theepic 18'-6" Mega Warped Wall. Head-to-head runoff racesdetermine the final spot moving ahead to semifinals for eachround.

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The search for the most famous gold mine in the Old West hasled many to perish in the pursuit of its elusive riches. Legendsuggests the gold, and the land it's hidden on, are somehowcursed--yet treasure hunters still come to the SuperstitionMountains looking for the hidden hoard. But where exactly isthe Lost Dutchman's mine?

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Battle on the Beach 4x5 - The Bunky Bunch

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Tensions flare when two stews pursue the same deckhand: with acharter on the horizon, Aesha is rushed to the hospital,leaving her interior team in disarray; the deck team is stillrecovering from a difficult charter and struggles to maintainorder.

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Love Island 6x19 - Episode 19

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Father-daughter duo Tom and Kasey take on the wall in hopes ofwinning big.

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Race to Survive: New Zealand 1x7 - Kahuranghi Coast

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