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In Aspen, Khloé is annoyed when Kim keeps telling her to bepresent during their ski trip. Meanwhile Kourtney temporarilysteps out of her baby bubble to support Travis, and Kris getsemotional sharing news about her health.
The fun continues with another feast of flirting and falloutsin the villa as the islanders do their best to remain in therunning for the £50,000 prize.
NBC and Macy's light up the sky with America's largest and mosticonic firework display at the 48th annual "Macy's 4th of JulyFireworks." The 2024 edition of the Fireworks will feature acustom-made effect that will debut in the Macy's 4th of JulyFireworks. Featuring a silver cascading burst, Featuring asilver cascading burst, this never-before-seen firework willcreate a center kaleidoscope and alternating red and blue as itfills the sky. Additional effects including cross rings,strobing comets, waterfalls, Saturn circles, cracklingpistils and special ghost pyro that alternates colors featuringmultiple hues, will dazzle viewers nationwide. The Macy'sFireworks will culminate in a signature, fan-favorite moment,the Macy's Golden Mile.
Magicians featured in this episode include Ed Alonzo, ChipperLowell, Murray SawChuck, Alexandra Duvivier, Andi Gladwin,Shaun Jay and Christian Mascia
The Duncans try to put the pieces of their fractured familyback together after Uncle Larry's rampage and Junior'srevelation, and Vegas's release from prison comes with a heavyprice.
LC goes to desperate lengths to protect his son Vegas and keepsecrets of the past from boiling over, Mariah shares a secretfear with Nevada, and Orlando has a heart-to-heart withJunior.
Tempers flare when the team suffers the biggest betrayalimaginable. Then, the players push through their differencesto navigate a cave full of puzzles.
This week, the All Stars dance with the devil in a spooky-ookyRusical that leaves the judges shook! Dance music legendKristine W joins the panel for a twisted good time.
A new opportunity to increase the cash prize arises during anexplosive mission. Later, a negotiation pits two opposingteams against each other.
A search-and-rescue mission turns into a race against time onPenang Island. A player receives enticing offers and the wrongchoice could mean game over.
Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points from theaction at the All England Club.
Week five is almost over and the temperature is hotter thanever as the couples brace themselves for another explosive daywith more surprises.
Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points from theaction at the All England Club.
In tonight's word game, the latest victors look to add totheir winnings as they go head-to-head with a mother-daughterpair, followed by exes versus friends with a huge jackpot onthe line.
In the placer miner's paradise of Peixoto, Parker discoversground much richer than anything he's mined in the Yukon andconsiders dropping million to get in on the action.
Tariq is sent on a journey of self-discovery that gives himclarity on what his path moving forward must be. As Monetfights to keep her familty together, Detective Carter and histask force move in on the Tejadas.
Guy Fieri's revisiting fired-up faves packing a punch. First,a pizza joint in Boulder, Colorado, isn't holding back onheat or flavor with their spicy artisanal pies and a RockyMountain spin on the classic Italian sub. Then in Mesa,Arizona, a family-run Latin American comfort food destinationkeeps cranking out their tasty turnovers. Finally, a bombbarbecue place in Memphis, Tennessee, is still plating upsmoked meats with secret spice and a serious bologna sandwich.
For thousands of years, cultures around the world have held abelief in stargates through which beings have traveled to Earthfrom distant points in the universe and even other dimensions.Examining if such portals could truly exist, and if we obtainthe key to unlocking the stargates, if we will find a cosmosteaming with life.
The Hoffmans are succeeding on an Alaskan mine site that ruinedgenerations of miners before them. But when muddy meltwaterinfiltrates their wash plants, Andy must re-engineer theirentire water circulation system to keep their gold fromfloating away.
With over seventy percent of the Earth's surface covered bywater, perhaps instead of looking up for UFOs we should belooking down? Journalist Tony Harris and his team of expertswill present and analyze evidence of unidentified submergedobjects and render a verdict.
Lois and Jimmy confront Kara and make a plan to rescue Clark.Meanwhile, Brainiac delves into Superman's mind to figure outwhat makes him tick...and how to tear him apart!
Michael Symon is ready to relax outdoors in style! He startswith the classic Trout Almondine, a dish he learned during afishing adventure, before preparing mouthwatering FondantPotatoes that are scalloped with a hint of smokiness. For arefreshing balance, Michael mixes the bitter, the nutty, thesweet and the tangy together in a Green Bean and RadicchioSalad, while Liz blends rich stout beer and bubbly champagnein her Black Velvet.
Stussy and Sentomaru discuss how big the threat that closes inon Egghead is as Luffy and the others keep fighting theuncontrollable Seraphim. Meanwhile, in an underground lab,someone approaches Vegapunk, who is being held captive.
After an attack hits close to home, Mike is given an ultimatumthat could change everything.