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Researchers are witnessing an unusual amount of sharkaggression and attacks. A team of experts will analyze the mostintense shark encounters Caught! on camera, unveilingmysterious new behaviors within these dangerous interactions.
Eddie Jackson gets a rise out of home cook Sherria Watt when hechallenges her to a chocolate-themed bake-off against celebritybaker Duff Goldman. They'll serve their sweets up to a panel ofjudges off the streets of New York City, and Sherria justneeds one vote to take home ,000.
Alison Towner and her team investigate a new Great Whitehotspot off the coast of South Africa. Equipped withcutting-edge fin cameras, tracking tags, and underwatersurveillance, researchers unveil unusual behavior in thesemassive apex predators.
John Dickerson – anchor, THE DAILY REPORT with JOHNDICKERSON; CBS News chief political analyst, senior nationalcorrespondent and CBS SUNDAY MORNING contributor.Performance byJessica Pratt.
The remaining players must demonstrate their robbery skills ina seemingly impossible mission before the quiz that reveals thefinalists' names.
The competition is closer than ever, so when Ru announces thatthe Queens must Lip Sync for their badges this week, the AllStars go into Assassin mode to slay the stage! Who will be thelast Queen standing?
Sent to Earth in the body of a cat, God moves in with thedysfunctional Higgins family, then takes game night in awildly different direction.
Ben struggles to navigate major life changes when an encounterwith a bully leads to a mysterious transformation.
Max and Ben start their search for answers. Darren embarks onhis own investigation as secrets from his past begin tosurface.
Greta goes to work with Marv, and Godcat and Devilcat watchthe movie "Armageddon." Travis and Abbie follow Aidan to Heck— not Hell.
In trying to trigger his own abilities, Ben lands Max in atricky spot and gives Carter reason to question Ben's choices.
The last mission becomes the final chance to gather thedecisive clues. The eliminated players return to crown thewinner — and unmask the Mole.
To show Travis they really love him, Abbie and Marv plan alast minute half-birthday rager. Godcat summons the cherubs tosee the wonders of Earth.
Ben sets out to expose Jason while Darren's determinationsparks concern. Phil reveals a thoughtful surprise.
Greta enters a rocket-building competition sponsored bybillionaire Jefflon Bezmusk. Meanwhile, Travis moves out —and the cats get inside Marv's head.
A covert mission takes shape on Max's birthday. Meanwhile, thepressure to please her parents becomes a burden.
Devilcat takes Godcat as her plus-one to a wedding in Hell.Travis goes back in time to undo his biggest regret — butchanging the past has consequences.
Hoping to better understand the past, Ben and Max visit Darrenat home—and connect with a familiar stranger.
Devilcat takes Abbie and the kids on a hellish road trip toHalcyon Springs to meet her long-lost mother. Godcat helps Marvask for a promotion.
An enemy's return brings danger to the town of Boatright. Ben'sbold move threatens to destroy his relationship with Max.
Devilcat and Godcat go to SeaWorld, Marv drags Abbie to a"work thing" aboard a corporate blimp, and Greta helps Travistrack down a troll.
While a rift challenges the family, Carter's past provescritical to understanding Yates' reign of terror.
It's good vs. evil as the cats compete in the God Games forcontrol of Heaven and Hell. Travis' friends turn against him.Marv inherits a mess at work.
Faced with a desperate plea, Ben decides how to use his powersand digs deep to define who he wants to be.
Season finale. The spring dance turns into the ultimateshowdown as Yates seeks revenge and Ben and his allies attemptto end the chaos.
Chaos brings the Higgins family closer together as Godcat andDevilcat face their final challenge: making humans go againsttheir own nature.
Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points from theaction at the All England Club.
Week six is almost over and the twists and turns keep on comingwhile nobody wants to say goodbye with the finishing linemoving ever closer.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
Shark advocate and attack survivor Paul De Gelder visits anultra-remote island of shark-worshiping natives to see if theirsecret ways of swimming with deadly sharks holds the secret tohumans and sharks living together in peace.
In tonight's word game, exes Savannah and Klye are back todefend their title as they go head-to-head with a mother anddaughter duo, while couples battle it out to see who will makeit to the final showdown.
Catherine aims to unite France under King Charles IX, pushingher agenda of a secular state; the Bourbons present anambitious trade deal with Protestant England; as tensions riseon the Privy Council, the Guise's plan to reignite religiousconflict.
Crashed UFOs. Recovered alien entities. Secret programs. Fordecades, incredible claims have been made about anextraterrestrial presence on Earth–and the government hasgone to great lengths to discredit them. Are we nearing the daywhen whistleblowers will finally be taken seriously–and theiraccounts proven true?
This trip, Guy Fieri's headed back to some stellar spots forrockin' recipes! First up, it's real deal Venezuelan inNorwalk, Conn., plating over-the-top arepas and the-bomb babyback ribs with a sweet-and-spicy twist. Then in Mesa, Ariz.,Hawaiian cuisine is holding it down in the desert withisland-inspired chicken wings and amped-up shrimp, while inDallas, an outrageous Afghan joint is still going strong withkiller kebabs and next-level lamb.
The POstables are back identifying the intended recipients of atrio of dead letters which have a surprising, personal impacton all of them.
Significant marine pollution and algal bloom outbreaks arecreating eerie dead zones in North America's most biodiverseestuary. Dr. Tiara Moore, along with Dr. Craig O'Connell,explores whether Bull Sharks can persist in the Indian RiverLagoon, a vital nursery, despite the oxygen-depleted waters.Her mission could unlock the secrets to shark survival inchanging oceans.
This week features a one-on-one interview with KevinMcCarthy, 55th Speaker of the House and former Republicancongressman who represented California's 20th district. Thisweek's panel discussion includes Bakari Sellers, former SouthCarolina state representative, podcast host, and authorof "The Moment: Thoughts on the Race Reckoning That Wasn't andHow We All Can Move Forward Now"; and Ben Shapiro, The DailyWire co-founder, editor emeritus, and host of the syndicatedradio show and daily podcast "The Ben Shapiro Show."
Are volcanoes a secret hiding spot for aliens? Are undergroundalien bases nestled in valleys and mountains? And why docertain areas report a higher concentration of UFO sightingsthan others? Tony Harris and his panel of experts investigateUFO hotspots around the globe and pass a verdict.
A South Pacific paradise has become a shark attack hot spotwith Bull, Tiger, and Great White sharks moving closer andcloser to the resort beaches, fatally attacking seven peoplein the last five years. Dr. Riley Elliot, Paul De Gelder, andKori Burkhardt conduct experiments to identify the speciesresponsible and find out why they are attacking.