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Altman and Tracy must battle stubborn sellers as their high-endlistings go nowhere in a spiraling market. Will Altman walkaway from a client for the first time? Flagg finally convinceshis client that he was in the right, but it might be too late.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness, Rob, Steelo, andCarly Aquilino get some food for their rides with BIKER FUEL,get into automotive hijinks with PRANK MY RIDE, and destroysome flat screens in TV TROUBLE.

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Court Cam 7x31 - #731

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On this brand new episode of Ridiculousness, Rob Dyrdek,Steelo Brim, and Carly Aquilino dare to enter DARK WATERS,test out the age old phrase "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"in STILL GOOD, and get some miles in during FLIGHT DELAYFITNESS.

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Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction 1x4 - Abduction in the Desert

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On an all new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo and CarlyAquilino share a fear of falling into wells with ONE IN THEHOLE, and Rob reveals a new plan for exchanging insurance infoin DENT MY RIDE, before discussing nap policies in NAP BREAKS.

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Watch What Happens Live 21x117 - Kate Hudson, Brad Goreski

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The crew must decide the best way forward with or without helpfrom their nemesis, Evelyn Maddox.

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For My Man 8x8 - Jealousy's Fatal Strike

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On this episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo and specialguest Carly Aquilino try to jump for joy but keep havingTERRIBLE TAKEOFFS, get woken up by some really stinky ALARMFARTS and meet some kids thats are already MASTER MIMICS.

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E! News 24x106 - 071724

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Live ET/Delayed PT from the Ed Sullivan Theater in NewYork.Glen Powell.Charlamagne Tha God.

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1. Howie Mandel (America's Got Talent). 2. Roy Wood Jr.(stand-up comedy dates). 3. Musical Guest The Decemberists.

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Actress Kerry Washington: actor Anthony Ramos: singer Clairo.

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Father Ignatius receives text messages from the deceasedMonsignor Korecki leading David, Kristen, and Ben toinvestigate a company using AI to fake communication with thedead. At DF, Sheryl convinces The Manager to take actionagainst Leland.

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Kellyoke: Nothing Matters/ Matthew Macfadyen/ ArianaGreenblatt/ Whole Lotta Woman Update: White House Visit/Lawrence Chasing Gold: Rhythmic Gymnastics with EvitaGriskenas/ Travis Performs "Raze the Bar"/ WIL: Halal Cart Top.

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Ring of Honor Wrestling 255x29 - Episode 29

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Kris recovers from her surgery, while Kourtney and her kids goon tour with Travis in Australia. Kim takes Khloé to a prisonto see how rehabilitation and therapy can work.

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Judd Apatow joins Kevin for a sidesplitting and eye-openingconversation.

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The BAU tries to get ahead of Jade and Damien who are on akilling spree. Rossi is forced to come to terms with his rockyhistory with Jill Gideon. Together, they must set theirtempers aside and dive into the behavioral psych research thatled to the Gold Star program. When Jade and Damien gain theupper hand, Rossi dives into the profile to figure out wherethey're headed. Tyler and Rebecca work to gain leverage overElias Voit's lawyer.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A call to all patriots: the stolen election will not beallowed to be certified; Bob Singer's woke anti-Supe agendamust be stopped; preparing for war #WhereWeGoOneWeGoVought.

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Donald Glover—a.k.a., Childish Gambino—is a five-timeGrammy Award–winning artist, as well as an EmmyAward–winning actor and director. Earlier this year, here-released his album 3.15.20 under the name Atavista, andsoon he'll be dropping his final studio album under theChildish Gambino name. It's called Bando Stone & The NewWorld, which will be accompanied by a short film and worldtour. But how is he with spicy food? Find out as themulti-hyphenate auteur discusses the legacy of ChildishGambino, the influence of Atlanta's lemon-pepper wings, andmemorable moments on the set of Community.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Pamela worries about Mike being faced with temptation when hehangs out with the Bruhs. Regina surprises Bill and disruptshis plans when she shows up to confront him.

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The Miyagi-Do students struggle to put aside past rivalrieswhile training for the Sekai Taikai. Johnny and Chozen clashover rebranding the dojo.

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Greg and Officer Grills must come to terms with their truefeelings for one another and figure out how to move forward.Tom gets an offer that forces him to consider what his futurecould truly be.

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Kreese faces a dangerous test to prove his worthiness. Danieloffers Johnny a helping hand while the teens contemplate lifebeyond high school.

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Guests include Glen Powell (Twisters) and Anna Sawai (Shogun).José Medeles sits-in with the 8G Band.

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Milkshake! 255x200 - Episode 200

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A shocking discovery turns Daniel's world upside down. Johnnyschemes a way to give Sam and Tory their edge back. Thetournament reveals its location.

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Daniel and Johnny invite a new sensei to evaluate theirstudents. Friends become foes as the competition heats up for aspot in the Sekai Taikai.

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Miyagi-Do's top students square off to be team captains, but adevastating tragedy changes everything. Kreese reveals hisfinal surprise.

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Glen Powell and Daisy Edgar-Jones (actors, "Twisters"):Ladies Get Lit.

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General Hospital 255x140 - Ep. #15510

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Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The adventure continues and the couples are desperate to bethere for the final showdown. However, nobody knows what willhappen next.

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Susannah tracks down her ex-client, officer Louisa, whothough initially hostile eventually opens up about a witnesswho saw her friend being killed by a man matching Jon'sdescription. Louisa admits that she was threatened into silenceand Susannah realises they might both be in imminent danger.Louisa sends Susannah a photo of the witness who she needs tofind. As Susannah hurries away, it's clear that she too couldnow be a target.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Susannah goes to the secure psychiatric hospital where herex-husband Danny is being detained, but is shocked to discoverthat he's no longer there. Suspecting a cover-up by Dr AlistairUnderwood, she escapes to a hotel to try and find a keywitness. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


On a trip to the museum, SpongeBob and Patrick teach Sandy allabout Bikini Bottom's fascinating, yet questionable, history.

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iMPACT Wrestling 21x29 - Episode 29

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Host Elizabeth Banks has returned for the season six premiereas our contestants try to avoid the WHAMMY and bring home amillion bucks.

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As the season begins to change, one participant is forced totake on a massive and risky project. Meanwhile, a pack ofwolves interrupts the tranquility of the Arctic night andspells trouble for one survivalist.

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Homicide detectives rely on social media messages to find thoseresponsible for killing a 17-year-old victim in Mobile, Ala.

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Chef Geoffrey Zakarian and CNN's Kate Bolduan break the news tochefs Zack Roth and Milena Pagán -- they've got to beat BobbyFlay!

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As the team continues its time in jail, some participantsnavigate their new surroundings while another finds it too muchto handle.

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In a blast from the past, Chippy and Donna separatelyreminisce over their long-ago doomed love triangle with LC,which caused the heated friction that still persists.

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Magicians featured in this episode include Farrell Dillon,Anna DeGuzman, Adam Wylie, Joel Meyers, Eric Eaton, ShaunJay, and My Uyen.

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Part two of the two-night BIG BROTHER premiere special event.The remaining eight Houseguests move into the BBAI themed houseand, for the first time ever, have the power to vote in a17th houseguest.

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The Real Housewives Of Orange County 18x2 - Rent andReputations

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Love Island 6x33 - Episode 33

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Eddie Jackson surprises home cook and lifelong "The Kitchen"fan Natalie Dargham with a steak showdown against celebritychef Jeff Mauro. Then, a panel of judges from the streets ofNew York City decide if Natalie will walk away ,000 richer.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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