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Faced with the first-ever U-Turn Vote, alliances are formedand threatened as some teams realize they're being played.
After the team conducts a simultaneous drone swarm experimentin order to stimulate phenomena on Skinwalker Ranch, theyencounter more than what they bargained for.
Cops chase two men after a hit and run with a patrol car leavesa trail of wreckage and an unlikely hiding place, a gasstation robbery is not what it appears to be and a man spends anight in lock up after falling off his motorbike.
Steve Harvey welcomes a variety of conflicts and characters tohis courtroom -- from small claims to big disputes andeverything in between -- where he uses his own life experiencesand some good old common sense to settle cases.
Andy and Paul team up with the original investigator ofSkinwalker Ranch to probe an abandoned Taos, New Mexico ranchwhose owner claims is infested with malevolent demons; theirattempts at communication with this phenomenon opens up achilling "conversation."
The most compelling investigations from Season 2 of BeyondSkinwalker Ranch contain shocking evidence, stunningdocumentation, crazy experiments, bizarre phenomena, andnever-before-seen footage.
Live ET/Delayed PT from the Ed Sullivan Theater in NewYork. Senator Elizabeth Warren.Performance by LoudonWainwright III.
1. Lisa Kudrow ("Time Bandits"). 2. Sam Richardson ("SausageParty: Foodtopia"). 3. Musical Guest ROLE MODEL.
Amat senses something's up with Gala and uncovers herconnection to Hank and Kevin. Chaos erupts at the winery.
Rusty is forced to pivot his legal strategy. Tommy receives adisturbing message.
After Paige's viral TED Talk leads to public scrutiny of herpersonal life, Finn finds himself in crisis, and Edwin has tomake a decision about how best to support his family -- theAlexanders turn to another expert with a very unconventionalapproach
Suzie, Sunny, and Mixxy make a discovery. Noriko pressuresSuzie to have a proper funeral for Masa.
Kellyoke: Baby Baby/ Colman Domingo/ Noah Lyles (Olympian)/Best in Class: Therapy Reading Dogs/ UB40 performs "Red RedWine"/ WIL: Cemetery Baby Names.
Following a revelatory family therapy session, Paige takesEdwin's advice and experiments in dating like a cat,while Edwin pursues new employment, and Finn tries to make afriend.
Guests include Michael Cera (Sausage Party: Foodtopia), DaisyEdgar-Jones (Twisters) and musical guest James Bay(Performance: "Up All Night"). José Medeles sits-in with the8G Band.
Paige tries being friends with Mal, but keeps running intothe same obstacle: his new girlfriend. Meanwhile, with collegelooming, Finn volunteers at the halfway-house, where Edwinteaches him how to fight more than his feelings.
When a former flame slides into Paige's DMs, she finds herselfwondering if she can relive what they once had; meanwhile,Edwin investigates if a past crime might be coming back tohaunt him and Finn starts exploring questions about his father.
Edwin savors a big career win catering Esti's open house,Paige's triggers are exposed when Nadine joins their familytherapy session and everyone takes it to the mat in a familysmackdown.
When Paige, Finn, Edwin, and Esti visit Los Angeles,everyone must confront their past and present; Paige and Finnfinally reunite with Finn's father, while Esti and Edwinattend a Korean trans-racial adoption.
While Edwin and the family deck the halls and jingle thebells, Paige must get to the bottom of why she doesn't likeChristmas before she ends up ruining it for everyone -- and inthe process has a major revelation and a healing.
After suffering a devastating family loss, the Alexandersmake major breakthroughs in becoming a family -- only to beconfronted with a new revelation that may turn it all upsidedown.
A surfer suffers a serious fin chop and Will attempts to runfor 48 hours with no sleep.
Woolies tries a fresh tactic, Lynx still stinks and an ad thatcelebrates your bond with a roof. Plus a pitch to get Gen Z towatch TV. Wil is joined by Todd Sampson, Jasmin Bedir, KarenFerry and Russel Howcroft.
The Political View with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.):Shaquille O'Neal (host, "Lucky 13"); Ladies Get Lit.
The temperature continues to rise as the couples jostle to bethe only ones heading into the sunset with the £50,000 prizemoney.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
Kiell Smith-Bynoe welcomes the four semi-finalists into thesewing room as the judges set three challenges inspired bydesign icons.First up, master pattern cutter CristobalBalenciaga is the inspiration for the Pattern Challenge, asthe sewers recreate a version of one of his dresses.In theTransformation Challenge, taking the lead from the iconic JeanPaul Gaultier, the sewers are given a pile of neck ties andtasked with using them to create a brand new garment.Finally,in the Made to Measure, Coco Chanel is in the spotlight as thesewers get the chance to scour her long career to find a styleto make an outfit inspired by her work.Four remaining sewers,three challenges, but one will miss out on a place in thefinal.
Following on from the first season, grieving psychotherapistDr Susannah Newman sets out on a quest to find the truth abouther daughter Christina's tragic death. When a mysterious newclient Jon makes a disturbing confession under hypnosis,Susannah is forced to embark on her own deadly mission to savea life - the way she couldn't do with her own daughter.
Susannah is shocked when DS Richard Groves, her former lover,doesn't seem to take her concerns about Jon's murderousdiscourses seriously, and soon realises that he's hidingsomething. She locks horns with Richard and his wife Natashaand manages to get a lead - the name of a police officer whoreported a girl saying her friend was murdered.
SpongeBob wants to catch an ultra-rare jellyfish and enliststhe help of former jellyfishing champion, Kevin.
The four generations are split into teams as they take on theirfirst field challenge - cooking a healthy and hearty meal forprofessional soccer players. The chefs must work together tocook over 100 portions of food and the pressure intensifies asthe generations collide. Both teams compete head-to-head inhopes of scoring a win and earning the safety from elimination.
On an all new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo andspecial guest Carly Aquilino get rocked while falling on someSLIPPERY STONES, see all the red flags of a DISBARRED COLORGUARD, and smash some cans with some CRAFTY CAN CRUSHERS.
In an all new episode of Ridiculousness, Rob and Steelowelcome Carly Aquilino to witness trees fighting back in TREEBEATINGS, experience the dangers of food flambes in FIRE FOODand visit some truly HORRIBLE HOMES.
Spencer drops into the shop with some tasty new finds, butwill Rick bite? Then, Chum and Rick disappear from the shop tomeet up with a magician selling a zig zag box. Can they conjureup an offer? Meanwhile, Corey finds himself flustered over apricey gold necklace made of ancient coins. And later, Chumtries to script the perfect deal for a collection of Hollywooditems.
The first eight houseguests enter the house and have anopportunity to vote in an additional houseguest.
It's the quarterfinals and the remaining entrepreneurs arefaced with their hardest challenge yet: coming together as asingle, dynamic team to take over the kitchen at GordonRamsay's Savoy Grill, one of the most iconic dining rooms inthe world. With Gordon's reputation on the line, theentrepreneurs complete a full breakfast service for hungrycustomers who expect absolute perfection. The team mustseamlessly communicate with each other or risk elimination.
Things are heating up after the first elimination andinformation about identities trickles out. This week'schallenge splits everyone into two teams as they "fish forclues" out of canoes, with two people going home in a shockingdouble elimination.
Karen's baby shower is full of fun and healing until Gary showsup with a shocking announcement; Damany presents Sabrina witha surprising opportunity.